曾勇 教授、博士生导师 东南大学信息科学与工程学院 移动通信国家重点实验室联系地址: 江苏省南京市江宁区秣周东路9号,无线谷 曾勇,国家第15批青年高层次人才计划入选者,2019科睿唯安“全球高被引科学家”,江苏省双创人才,2019年加入东南大学信息科学与工程学院移动通信国家重点实验室。分别于2014年和2009年获得新加坡南洋理工大学电子电气工程学院博士和学士(一等荣誉)学位。2013年至2018年,在新加坡国立大学从事博士后研究,之后加入澳大利亚悉尼大学担任讲师,2019年回国工作。研究方向为未来移动通信关键理论和技术。迄今共发表IEEE国际期刊和会议论文92篇,其中IEEE SCI期刊论文59篇,第一作者IEEE SCI期刊论文21篇。研究成果被Google Scholar引用近7000次,有6篇论文入选为ESI热点论文,14篇入选为ESI高被引论文。获得了澳大利亚研究理事会(ARC)重要人才奖励Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA),IEEE通信学会亚太杰出青年学者奖以表彰其在无人机通信研究方面的贡献,以及IEEE通信学会海因里希•赫兹最佳通信快报奖。担任IEEE Communications Letters和IEEE Access的编委,IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications、IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine、China Communications、Science of China Information Sciences的客座编委,IEEE国际通信会议(ICC 2018-2020)专题研讨会共同主席,IEEE全球通信大会(Globecom 2018,2019)及ICC 2019无人机通信Tutorial的主讲人。 最新消息:2020.03随时欢迎优秀博士及硕士研究生加入课题组。研究领域为B5G/6G移动通信、智能通信、无人机通信、空地一体化无线系统、超大规模MIMO通信等。有意向的同学可将简历发至yong_zeng@seu.edu.cn2020.03招聘博士后研究人员,国家级平台,待遇优厚,感兴趣的博士或准博士可将简历发至yong_zeng@seu.edu.cn2020.02We are very pleased to launch the IEEE ComSoc Aerial Communications Emerging Technology Initiative (ETI), and I will serve as Special Issues and Publications Officer2019.12I gave a tutorial together with Professor Rui Zhang on UAV communications at IEEE Globecom 20192019.11有幸入选2019科睿唯安“全球高被引科学家”2019.9开始担任SCI期刊IEEE Communications Letters编委2019.6加入东南大学移动通信国家重点实验室 教育经历2009-2013新加坡南洋理工大学,博士学位2005-2009新加坡南洋理工大学,工程学士学位(一等荣誉) 工作经历2019-今教授,东南大学,移动通信国家重点实验室2018-2019讲师,澳大利亚悉尼大学2017-2018高级博士后研究员,新加坡国立大学2013-2017博士后研究员,新加坡国立大学 教学经历2018 第二学期悉尼大学, ELEC3506, Data Communications and the Internet2013第二学期南洋理工大学, RE1004 (Renaissance Engineering Programme): Engineering Science I2013第二学期南洋理工大学, E3012L: Amplitude/Frequency Modulation2013第一学期南洋理工大学, EE3001: Engineering Electromagnetics2013第一学期南洋理工大学, E3012L: Amplitude/Frequency Modulation2013第一学期南洋理工大学, EE3071: Wave Propagation2012第二学期南洋理工大学, E3012L: Amplitude/Frequency Modulation2012第一学期南洋理工大学, EE3001: Engineering Electromagnetics 荣誉与奖励国家青年高层次人才计划入选者2019科睿唯安“全球高被引科学家”江苏省双创人才2019澳大利亚研究理事会 (ARC) Discovery Early Career Researcher Award (DECRA)2018 IEEE通信学会亚太杰出青年学者2017 IEEE海因里希•赫兹最佳论文奖 2017 IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications最佳审稿人2017 IEEE Transactions on Communications模范审稿人2017 IEEE Wireless Communications Letters模范审稿人2015 IEEE Wireless Communications Letters模范审稿人2015 International Conference on Information, Communications and Signal Processing最佳论文奖2009-2013南洋理工大学学生研究计划奖学金(Research Student Scholarship)2009南洋理工大学摩托罗拉基金会金奖(Motorola Foundation Gold Medal)2009南洋理工大学摩托罗拉图书奖(Motorola Book Prize)2007/2008学年南洋理工大学校长研究学者(NTU President Research Scholar)2006/2007学年南洋理工大学校长研究学者(NTU President Research Scholar) 书章节X. Xu, Y. Zeng, and Y. L. Guan, “Random Linear Network Coding with Source Precoding for Multi-Session Networks\研究领域
论文/著作列表:已提交: [SJ5] Y. Zeng, X. Xu, S. Jin, and R. Zhang, “Simultaneous navigation and radio mapping for cellular-connected UAV with deep reinforcement learning,” submitted to IEEE Trans. Wireless Commun., available on arXiv https://arxiv.org/abs/2003.07574 [SC1] H. Lu, Y. Zeng, S. Jin, and R. Zhang \会员:IEEE, IEEE Communications Society编委: IEEE Communications Letters, 2019-IEEE Access, 2017-2020Special Issues and Publications Officer:IEEE ComSoc Aerial Communications Emerging Technology Initiative (ETI)客座编委: IEEE JSAC Special Issue on \"UAV Communications in 5G and Beyond Networks\" Science of China Information Sciences Special Focus on “Wireless Communications with Unmanned Aerial Vehicles” (首席客座编委) IEEE Wireless Communications Magazine Special Issue on “Integrating UAVs into 5G and Beyond” (首席客座编委)China Communications Special Issue on “Network-Connected UAV Communications” (首席客座编委)IEEE Access Special Section on “Energy Efficient Wireless Communications with Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer”学术会议/研讨会共同主席:ICC 20203rd Workshop on \"Integrating UAVs into 5G and Beyond\"ICC 2019 2nd Workshop on \"Integrating UAVs into 5G and Beyond\"ICC 2018 Workshop on “Integrating UAVs into 5G”The 16th IEEE International Conference on Communication Systems (IEEE ICCS) Publicity Co-chairs2018 IEEE/CIC International Conference on Communications in China (ICCC) Workshop on \"Integrated Aerial and Terrestrial Communication Systems\"The 23rd Asia‐Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC), Workshop on \"Wireless Communications with Energy Harvesting and Wireless Power Transfer\"技术程序委员会委员:IEEE/CIC ICCC'19 (Wireless Communications Symposium)ICC'19-SPC (Signal Processing for Communications Symposium)ICC'19-WC (Wireless Communications Symposium) IEEE Global Communications Conference: 9th International Workshop on Wireless Networking and Control for Unmanned Autonomous Vehicles VTC2018-Fall (Signal Transmission and Reception) VTC2018-Fall (Wireless Networks: Protocols, Security and Services) ICC'18-SPC (Signal Processing for Communications Symposium) ICC'18-CQRM (Communication QoS, Reliability and Modeling) VTC2018-Spring (Signal Transmission and Reception) IEEE Globecom'17 workshop on Full-duplex Communications for Future Wireless Networks (FDCFWN) IEEE Globecom’17 (Communication QoS, Reliability and Modeling) VTC2017-Spring (Transmission Technologies and Communication Theory) VTC2017-Spring (Cooperative Communications, Distributed MIMO and Relaying) ICC'17-GCSN (Green Communications Systems and Networks Symposium) ICC'17 WCS (Wireless Communications Symposium) ICC'16-SPC (Signal Processing for Communications Symposium) ICC’16-GCSN (Green Communications Systems and Networks) IEEE Globecom'15 workshop on 5G Heterogeneous and Small Cell Networks (HetSNets) IEEE Globecom’15 (Signal Processing for Communications Symposium) ICC’15-SPC (Signal Processing for Communications Symposium)JSAC-HCN (Recent Advances in Heterogeneous Cellular Networks)APWCS’13 (Asia Pacific Wireless Communications Symposium) 相关热点
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