1. Xin Li, Jiajia He, Weizhe Fu, Pingping Cao, Siyi Zhang, Tao Jiang* Effect of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Rv3717 on cell division and cell adhesion. Microbial Pathogenesis, 117:184-190, 2018.2.Tieying Sun, Biaojie Qin, Mingchuan Gao, Yuling Yin, Changyuan Wang, Shizhu Zang, Xinli Li , Yi Xin and Tao Jiang* Effects of epigallocatechin gallate on the cell wall structure of Mycobacterial smegmatis mc2155.Natural Product Research, 29(22):2122-2124, 2015.3. Tao Jiang, Lina Cai, Xiaojiao Zhao, Lianqi He, Yufang Ma, Shizhu Zang,Cuili Zhang, Xinli Li, Yi Xin.Functional Identification of MSMEG_6402 Protein from Mycobacterium smegmatis in Decaprenylphosphoryl-D-Arabinose Biosynthesis. Microbial Pathogenesis.76:44-50, 2014.4. Tao Jiang, Lianqi He, Yaoyao Zhan, Shizhu Zang, Yufang Ma, Xiaojiao Zhao,Cuili Zhang, Yi Xin*. The effect of MSMEG_6402 gene disruption on the cell wall structure of Mycobacterium smegmatis. Microbial Pathogenesis.51:156-160. 2011.5. Tao Jiang, Yaoyao Zhan, Mingzhong Sun, Shuqing Liu, Shizhu Zang, Yufang Ma, Yi Xin* The novel responses of Ethambutol against mycobacterium smegmatis mc2155 revealed by proteomics analysis. Current Microbiology. 62(2):341-345. 2011. 相关热点
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