1989.09-1993.07 吉林师范大学数学系 获学士学位1993.05-1995.07 吉林师范大学数学系 教师1995.08-1998.04 吉林工业大学理学院 获硕士学位1998.04-2006.12 烟台大学数学与信息科学学院 教师2001.03-2004.02 上海大学应用数学和力学研究所 获博士学位2004.10-2006.07 同济大学航空航天与力学学院 博士后2007.5-2010.05 大连理工大学工程力学系 博士后(第二站)2006.12-至今 大连民族学院理学院 教师研究领域
(1) Zhang Wenzheng, Yuan, Xuegang,Zhang Hong -wu,Ren Jiusheng.Deformation analysis of an incompressible composite cylindrical tube subjected to end axial loads. Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 57(1):113-121, 2014. (SCI:278HJ; EI: 20140217185467)(2)Lv Na, Yuan Xuegang, Wang Jinzhi. Symmetry reductions of (2+1)-dimensional CDGKS equation and its reduced Lax pairs. Journal of Applied Mathematics, Volume 2014, 1-7,doi10.1155/2014/527916.(SCI: AR3ST)(3) Zhao Wei, Yuan Xuegang, Zhang Hongwu. Exact solutions of finite deformation for everted compressible hyperelastic cylindrical tubes. Computers, Materials & Continua,2014, 43(2): 75-86.(EI: 20150900570394)(4) Zhang Wenzheng, Yuan Xuegang, Zhang Hong-wu. Finite deformation of a class of rectangular rubber rings subjected to end axial loads. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica,2012, 25 (2): 144-151. (SCI: 966VW; EI: 20121915001561)(5) Zhang Wenzheng, Yuan Xuegang, Zhang Hongwu. Finite deformation of a class of rectangular rubber rings subjected to end axial loads. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica,2012, 25 (2): 144-151. (SCI: 966VW; EI: 20121915001561)(6) Zhang Wenzheng, Yuan Xuegang, Zhang Hong-wu. Nonlinear periodic oscillation of a cylindrical microvoid centered at ansotropic incompressible Ogden cylinder. Journal of applied Mathematics, 2012, 1-9,doi10.1155/2012/ 872161. (SCI: 065UU)(7)赵巍, 袁学刚, 张洪武, 任九生. 翻转后的不可压缩neo-Hookean圆柱管的有限变形.固体力学学报,2012, 33(4): 404-407. (EI: 20124715691528)(8) Yuan Xuegang, Zhang Hongwu, Zhang Wenzheng, Zhao Wei.Dynamic cavitations in incompressible hyperelastic pre-strained circular sheets. Science China: Physics, Mechanics and Astronomy, 2011, 54(2):303-309, (SCI: 722RP; EI: 20112013984109)(9) Yuan Xuegang, Zhang Wenzheng, Zhang Hongwu, Zhu, Zhengyou. Stability analysis of radial inflation of incompressible composite rubber tubes. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 2011,32 (3): 301-308. (SCI: 738JD; EI: 20111613918352)(10) Niu Datian,Yuan Xuegang, Deng, Hongmei. Radially Symmetric deformation of spherical shell composed of composite compressible hyperelastic materials. Advanced Materials Science andTechnology, 2011, 181-182: 540-544. (EI: 20110713657639)(11) Yuan Xuegang, Zhang Wenzheng, Zhang Hongwu. Finite deformation of a class of ubber cylindrical tubes subjected to axial loads.Advanced Materials Science and Technology, 2011, 181-182: 959-964. (EI:20110713657714)(12) Yuan Xuegang, Niu Datian, Cong Shuqiang, Liu Xiaowei.Radial oscillation of incompressible rectangular vulcanized rubber sealing rings. Applied Mechanics and Materials 2011, 87: 26-29. (EI:20113814354440)(13) 袁学刚、魏凤伦. 一类可压缩超弹性圆柱体轴线上的空穴现象. 固体力学学报,2011,32(专辑): 115-120.(14) Yuan Xuegang, Zhang Hongwu, Ren Jiusheng, Zhu Zhengyou. Some qualitative properties of incompressible hyperelastic spherical membranes under dynamic loads. Applied Mathematics and Mechanics (English Edition), 2010, 31 (7): 903-910.(SCI: 622RF; EI: 20103013097571)(15) Yuan Xuegang, Zhang Hongwu. Effects of constitutive parameters on radial inflation and oscillation of pre-stressed nonlinear elastic tubes. 2010 International Conference on Mec hanical and Aerospace Engineering (CMAE 2010). V5: 233-237. (EI:20104313317229)(16) Niu Datian, Yuan Xuegang, Cheng Changjun. Dynamic characteristics in incompressible hyperelastic cylindrical membranes. Acta Mechanica Solida Sinica, 2010, 23 (5): 420-427. (SCI: 760ZI; EI:20104513363573) 相关热点
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