2023-05-09 17:01
  • 邹丽
  • 邹丽 - 博士 教授 博导-大连理工大学-船舶工程学院-个人资料




Personal Profile
邹丽,女,1981年生,辽宁盘锦人。2009年1月获得大连理工大学船舶与海洋结构物设计制造工学博士学位并于同年留校任教,2011年-2012年赴英国帝国理工学院学术访问,2015年获国家自然科学基金优秀青年科学基金,2017年获得教育部自然科学奖一等奖(非线性水波和水下爆炸高效计算方法与应用,排1),2018年获得第十五届中国青年科技奖。主持完成国家自然科学基金青年基金1项,面上项目1项,现主持国家自然科学基金优秀青年基金1项,海洋科学与技术国家实验室开放基金1项,工信部高技术船舶专项子专题1项,共参与主持973项目、国家自然科学基金创新群体等项目26项。已发表学术论文127篇,第一作者\\通讯作者64篇,SCI收录论文67篇,EI收录论文27篇,其中4篇发表在国际著名非线性科学杂志 Physics Letters A,影响因子为2.009,流体力学顶级期刊Physics of Fluids 1篇,计算流体力学顶级期刊Journal of Computational Physics 1篇,SCI收录的文章他引总次数161次,单篇他引最高次数为37次;出版英文专著1部、中文专著4部和英文专著1章节,教材1部;获得专利9项,计算机软件著作权5项。
2003.9 2008.12 大连理工大学 船舶与海洋结构物设计制造 博士
1999.9 2003.7 辽宁师范大学 数学与应用数学 学士
1996.9 1999.7 辽宁省盘锦市大洼县第一高级中学 无
2015.12 至今 大连理工大学船舶工程学院 教授
2013.10 2015.12 大连理工大学船舶工程学院 副教授
2009.1 2013.10 大连理工大学航空航天学院 讲师、副教授
Analytical Techniques and Solitary Water Waves
射流推进式海底管道后开沟机的设计参数、主体结构、流场及受力分析技术服务, 企事业单位委托科技项目, 2018/01/18-2018/05/01, 完成
高端深水半潜式支持平台环境及载荷分析研究, 企事业单位委托科技项目, 2017/11/01-2018/12/31, 进行
海上浮式转子垂直轴风机系统耦合动力响应计算方法研究, 其他课题, 2017/03/29, 进行
浮式保障平台工程(二期) 专题一 岛礁环境与海床地质结构等基础统计数据的实地测量分析, 2016/01/01, 进行
三体船波浪中运动性能预报及软件验证, 其他课题, 2015/05/05-2015/11/30, 进行
三体船静水中水动力性能预报及软件验证研究, 其他课题, 2015/05/01-2015/11/10, 进行
海洋工程环境学 /2019-2020 /春学期 /32课时 /2.0学分 /1040240060
海洋工程环境学 /2019-2020 /春学期 /32课时 /2.0学分 /1040240060
海洋工程环境学 /2018-2019 /秋学期 /32课时 /2.0学分 /1040240060
海洋工程环境学 /2017-2018 /秋学期 /32课时 /2.0学分 /1040240060
第十二届“挑战杯”辽宁省大学生课外学术科技作品竞赛特等奖 优秀指导教师
大连市杰出青年科技人才 (2019年)
第十一届辽宁省青年科技奖 (2017年)
教育部自然科学奖(非线性水波和水下爆炸高效计算方法与应用) (2017年)
大连市科学著作奖《水下爆炸结构毁伤的数值计算》 (2017年)
教育部自然科学奖(孤立水波解析解及其南海应用研究) (2016年)
大连市科技之星 (2016年)




[2]Sun, Tiezhi,Wang, Zihao,Zou, Li,Wang, Hao.Numerical investigation of positive effects of ventilated cavitation around a NACA66 hydrofoil[J],OCEAN ENGINEERING,2020,197
[4]Gao Yun,Yang Bin,Zou Li,Zong Zhi,Zhang Zhuang-zhuang.Vortex-Induced Vibrations of A Long Flexible Cylinder in Linear and Exponential Shear Flows[J],CHINA OCEAN ENGINEERING,2019,33(1):44-56
[5]Sun, Tiezhi,Wei, Yingjie,Zou, Li,Jiang, Yichen,Xu, Chang,Zong, Zhi.Numerical investigation on the unsteady cavitation shedding dynamics over a hydrofoil in thermo-sensitive fluid[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF MULTIPHASE FLOW,2019,111:82-100
[6]邹丽,王振.Semi-Numerical, Semi-Analytical Approximations of the Rayleigh Equation for Gas-Filled Hyper-Spherical Bubble[J],International Journal of Computational Methods,2019,16(1)
[8]邹丽,董进,姜胜超,于宗冰,于游,裴玉国.基于MIKE21 BW模型的近岛礁波浪模拟研究[A],第二十九届全国水动力学研讨会文集,2018
[12]Dong, Min-Jie,Tian, Shou-Fu,Yan, Xue-Wei,Zou, Li,Zhang, Tian-Tian.Bright-dark solitary waves, complexitons, Guassian solitons, and traveling wave solitons of the second-order non-linear Schrodinger equation with spatial and temporal dispersion[J],JOURNAL OF ELECTROMAGNETIC WAVES AND APPLICATIONS,2018,32(4):504-515
[13]Zhang, Xiaolong,Zou, Li,Liang, Songxin,Liu, Cheng.A novel analytic approximation method with a convergence acceleration parameter for solving nonlinear problems[J],COMMUNICATIONS IN NONLINEAR SCIENCE AND NUMERICAL SIMULATION,2018,56:354-364
[14]Zou, L.,Zhu, G. X.,Chen, Z.,Pei, Y. G.,Zong, Z..Numerical Investigation on the Water Entry of Convex Objects Using a Multiphase Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Model[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL METHODS,2018,15(2)
[15]Guo, Ding,Tian, Shou-Fu,Zou, Li,Zhang, Tian-Tian.Bright soliton solutions, power series solutions and travelling wave solutions of a (3+1)-dimensional modified Korteweg-de Vries-Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation[J],MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B,2018,32(6)
[16]Qin, Yupeng,Wang, Zhen,Zou, Li,He, Mingfeng.Parametric analytical solution for the N-dimensional Rayleigh equation[J],APPLIED MATHEMATICS LETTERS,2018,76:8-13
[17]Dong, Min-Jie,Tian, Shou-Fu,Yan, Xue-Wei,Zou, Li.Solitary waves, homoclinic breather waves and rogue waves of the (3+1)-dimensional Hirota bilinear equation[J],COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS,2018,75(3):957-964
[18]Zhu, G. X.,Zou, L.,Chen, Z.,Wang, A. M.,Liu, M. B..An improved SPH model for multiphase flows with large density ratios[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN FLUIDS,2018,86(2):167-184
[19]Gao, Yun,Zong, Zhi,Zou, Li,Jiang, Zongyu.Effect of surface roughness on vortex-induced vibration response of a circular cylinder[J],SHIPS AND OFFSHORE STRUCTURES,2018,13(1):28-42
[20]Guo, Ding,Tian, Shou-Fu,Zou, Li,Zhang, Tian-Tian.Stability analysis solutions, optical solitons, Gaussian solutions and traveling wave solutions of the nonlinear Schrodinger governing equation[J],OPTIK,2018,158(158):391-398
[21]Yan, Xue-Wei,Tian, Shou-Fu,Dong, Min-Jie,Zou, Li.Optical soliton solutions, periodic wave solutions and complexitons of the cubic Schrodinger equation with a bounded potential[J],SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES,2018,113(113):510-518
[27]张桂勇,邹丽,姜胜超,宗智.A New TVD Scheme for Gradient Smoothing Method Using Unstructured Grids[J],International Journal of Computational Methods,2018,15(6)
[28]邹丽.Backlund transformation, rogue wave solutions and interaction phenomena for a (3+1) -dimensional B-type Kadomtsev–Petviashvili–Boussinesq equation[J],Nonlinear Dynamics,2018,2(92):709-720
[29]邹丽.Lie point symmetries, conservation laws, and analytical solutions of a generalized time-fractional Sawada–Kotera equation[J],Waves in Random and Complex Media,2018,1-14
[30]邹丽.The solitary waves, quasi-periodic waves and integrability of a generalized fifth-order Korteweg-de Vries equation[J],Waves in Random and Complex Media,2018,1-17
[34]王振,邹丽,吴常红.The study of Nonlinear internal Wave in two layer fluids due to a point votex[A],Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Hydrodynamics,2018,592-598
[35]Gao, Yun,Zong, Zhi,Zou, Li,Takagi, Shu,Jiang, Zongyu.Numerical simulation of vortex-induced vibration of a circular cylinder with different surface roughnesses[J],MARINE STRUCTURES,2018,57:165-179
[39]Peng, Wei-Qi,Tian, Shou-Fu,Zou, Li,Zhang, Tian-Tian.Stability analysis solutions and optical solitons in extended nonlinear Schrodinger equation with higher-order odd and even terms[J],SUPERLATTICES AND MICROSTRUCTURES,2018,113(113):726-736
[40]Yan, Xue-Wei,Tian, Shou-Fu,Dong, Min-Jie,Zou, Li.Characteristics of solitary waves, quasiperiodic solutions, homoclinic breather solutions and rogue waves in the generalized variable-coefficient forced Kadomtsev-Petviashvili equation[J],MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B,2017,31(36)
[41]Zou, Li,Tian, Shou-Fu,Feng, Lian-Li.Nonlocal symmetries, solitary waves and cnoidal periodic waves of the (2+1)-dimensional breaking soliton equation[J],MODERN PHYSICS LETTERS B,2017,31(36)
[42]Zou, Li,Tian, Shou-Fu,Wang, Xiu-Bin,Zhang, Tian-Tian.Lie symmetry analysis and different types of solutions to a generalized bidirectional sixth-order Sawada-Kotera equation[J],CHINESE JOURNAL OF PHYSICS,2017,55(6):2236-2248
[43]Sun, Tie-zhi,Zong, Zhi,Zou, Li,Wei, Ying-jie,Jiang, Yi-chen.Numerical investigation of unsteady sheet/cloud cavitation over a hydrofoil in thermo-sensitive fluid[J],Journal of Hydrodynamics,2017,29(6):987-999
[45]Ma, Junchi,Liang, Songxin,Zhang, Xiaolong,Zou, Li.Convergence and error estimates for the series solutions of higher-order differential equations[J],JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL ANALYSIS AND APPLICATIONS,2017,23(4):647-659
[46]Wang, Zhen,Qin, YuPeng,Zou, Li.Analytical solutions of the Rayleigh-Plesset equation for N-dimensional spherical bubbles[J],SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY,2017,60(10)
[47]Wang, Zhen,Zou, Li,Qin, Yupeng.Piecewise homotopy analysis method and convergence analysis for formally well-posed initial value problems[J],NUMERICAL ALGORITHMS,2017,76(2):393-411
[48]Zhang, Xiaolong,Liang, Songxin,Zou, Li.Uniqueness and error estimates for solutions to higher-order boundary value problems[J],JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL AND APPLIED MATHEMATICS,2017,321:44-59
[51]Wang, Zhen,Wu, Changhong,Zou, Li,Wang, Qianxi,Ding, Qi.Nonlinear internal wave at the interface of two-layer liquid due to a moving hydrofoil[J],PHYSICS OF FLUIDS,2017,29(7)
[53]Jiang, Sheng-chao,Zou, Li,Sun, Tie-zhi,Liu, Chang-feng.EFFECT OF FREE SURFACE NONLINEAR AND FLUID VISCOSITY ON FLUID RESONANCE IN THE NARROW GAP[A],36th ASME International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering,2017,7A-2017
[55]Gao, Yun,Liu, Li-Ming,Fu, Shi-Xiao,Zong, Zhi,Zou, Li.柔性立管涡激振动响应轨迹特性研究[J],船舶力学,2017,21(5):563-575
[56]Jiang, Shengchao,Tang, Peng,Zou, Li,Liu, Zhen.Numerical simulation of fluid resonance in a moonpool by twin rectangular hulls with various configurations and heaving amplitudes[J],JOURNAL OF OCEAN UNIVERSITY OF CHINA,2017,16(3):422-436
[57]Wang, Zhen,Qin, Yupeng,Zou, Li.Quasi-periodic solutions and asymptotic properties for the nonlocal Boussinesq equation[J],CHINESE PHYSICS B,2017,26(5)
[59]Wang, Zhen,Zou, Li,Liang, Hui,Zong, Zhi.Nonlinear steady two-layer interfacial flow about a submerged point vortex[J],JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS,2017,103(1):39-53
[61]Zou, Li,Liang, Songxin,Li, Yawei,Jeffrey, David J..Analytic Approximations to Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems Modeling Beam-Type Nano-Electromechanical Systems[J],ZEITSCHRIFT FUR NATURFORSCHUNG SECTION A-A JOURNAL OF PHYSICAL SCIENCES,2017,72(3):201-206
[66]王爱民,邹丽,宗智,孙泽,李晶.基于WAVE WATCH-Ⅲ的海底突变波浪演化[J],解放军理工大学学报(自然科学版),2016,17(6):546-551
[67]Zou, L.,Yu, Z.B.,Pei, Y.G.,Wang, Z..New explicit analytical solutions of rogue wave based on the HAM[A],4th International Technical Conference on Hydraulic Engineering, CHE 2016 held in conjunction with 5th International Workshop on Environment and Safety Engineering, WESE 2016 and 2nd International Structural and Civil Engineering Workshop, SCEW 2016,2016,31-36
[69]Wang, Zhen,Zou, Li,Zong, Zhi.Three dimensional sloshing of stratified liquid in a cylindrical tank[J],OCEAN ENGINEERING,2016,119:58-66
[70]Pang, J. H.,Zong, Z.,Zou, L.,Wang, Z..Numerical simulation of the flow around two side-by-side circular cylinders by IVCBC vortex method[J],OCEAN ENGINEERING,2016,119:86-100
[73]梁松新,邹丽.Convergence and error estimates for the series solutions of higher-order differential equations[J],Journal of Computational Analysis and Applications,2016
[74]王振,邹丽,宗智.Nonlinear steady two layer interfacial flow about a submerged point vortex[J],Journal of Engineering Mathematics,2016,0(0):1-15
[75]宗智,邹丽,王振.A novel vortex scheme with instantaneous vorticity conserved boundary conditions (IVCBC)[J],J European Journal of Fluid / Mechisim B,2016,59(0):219-228
[76]王振,邹丽,宗智.Three simensional sloshing of stratified liquid in a cylindrical tank[J],Ocean Engineering,2016,119(0):58-66
[78]邹丽,梁松新.Analytic Approximations to Nonlinear Boundary Value Problems Modeling Beam-Type Nano-Electromechanical Systems[J],Zeitschrift für Naturforschung A,2016
[80]Zhao Yong,Zong Zhi,Zou Li.Ship hull optimization based on wave resistance using wavelet method[J],JOURNAL OF HYDRODYNAMICS,2015,27(2):216-222
[81]Zhao Y.,Gao Y.,Jiang Z.,Wang T.,Zou L..Numerical investigation on drag reduction effect by mass injection from porous boundary wall[J],Transactions of Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,2015,32(2):250-254
[83]Chen, Z.,Zong, Z.,Liu, M. B.,Zou, L.,Li, H. T.,Shu, C..An SPH model for multiphase flows with complex interfaces and large density differences[J],JOURNAL OF COMPUTATIONAL PHYSICS,2015,283:169-188
[86]王振,邹丽.The influence of the parameter h and a new modified method of Homotopy[A],ICCM2015,2015
[88]Liang, Hui,Wang, Xijun,Zou, Li,Zong, Zhi.Numerical study of two-dimensional heaving airfoils in ground effect[J],JOURNAL OF FLUIDS AND STRUCTURES,2014,48:188-202
[89]Chen, Zhen,Zou, Li,Zong, Zhi.A NUMERICAL INVESTIGATION INTO THE IMPACT PRESSURES OF DIFFERENT BASE FORMS USING SPH METHOD[A],33rd ASME International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and Arctic Engineering,2014,2
[90]Wang, Zhen,Zou, Li,Zong, Zhi,Qin, Hongde.A Family of Novel Exact Solutions to (2+1)-Dimensional KdV Equation[J],ABSTRACT AND APPLIED ANALYSIS,2014
[92]Liang, H.,Zong, Z.,Zou, L.,Zhou, L.,Sun, L..Vortex shedding from a two-dimensional cylinder beneath a rigid wall and a free surface according to the discrete vortex method[J],EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF MECHANICS B-FLUIDS,2014,43:110-119
[93]Liang, H.,Zong, Z.,Sun, L.,Zou, L.,Zhou, L.,Zhao, Y. J.,Ren, Z. R..Generalized Weissinger's L-method for prediction of curved wings operating above a free surface in subsonic flow[J],JOURNAL OF ENGINEERING MATHEMATICS,2013,83(1):109-129
[96]Liang, Hui,Zong, Zhi,Zou, Li.Nonlinear lifting theory for unsteady WIG in proximity to incident water waves. Part 1: Two-dimension[J],APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH,2013,43:99-111
[97]Liang, Hui,Zong, Zhi,Zou, Li.Nonlinear lifting theory for unsteady WIG in proximity to incident water waves. Part 2: Three-dimension[J],APPLIED OCEAN RESEARCH,2013,43:88-98
[100]Liang, H.,Sun, L.,Zong, Z.,Zhou, L.,Zou, L..Analytical modelling for a three-dimensional hydrofoil with winglets operating beneath a free surface[J],APPLIED MATHEMATICAL MODELLING,2013,37(5):2679-2701

