2023-05-09 16:46
  • 宋长春
  • 宋长春 - 教授 博导 硕导-大连理工大学-水利工程学院-个人资料





Work Experience
Education Background
多年冻土区湿地碳、氮循环的生物驱动机理研究,国家自然基金委重点项目,2015/01/01- 2020/12/31,进行
中高纬度湿地系统对气候变化的响应研究,科技部国家重点研发计划(十三五),2016/01/01- 2021/07/01,进行
吉林省自然科学奖 一等奖
吉林省科学技术进步奖 三等奖




[1]Yuedong Guo,Changchun Song,Wenwen Tan,et al.Export of dissolved nitrogen in catchments underlain by permafrost in northeast China[J],Science of The Total Environment,2019
[2]Chao Gong,Song, Changchun,Zhang, Dan,et al.Litter manipulation strongly affects CO2 emissions and temperature sensitivity in a temperate freshw[J],Ecological Indicators,2019
[3]Liping Shan,Changchun Song,Xin-Hou Zhang,et al.Plant defence allocation patterns following an increasing water level gradient in a freshwater wetla[J],Ecological Indicators,2019
[4]Yanyu Song,Changchun Song,Jiusheng Ren,et al.Short-Term Response of the Soil Microbial Abundances and Enzyme Activities to Experimental Warming i[J],Sustainability,2019
[5]Yanyu Song,Changchun Song,Fuxi Shi,et al.Linking plant community composition with the soil C pool, N availability and enzyme activity in bore[J],Applied Soil Ecology,2019
[6]Jiusheng Ren,Changchun Song,Anxin Hou,et al.Shifts in soil bacterial and archaeal communities during freeze-thaw cycles in a seasonal frozen mar[J],Science of The Total Environment,2018
[7]Yuedong Guo,Changchun Song,Wenwen Tan,et al.Hydrological processes and permafrost regulate magnitude, source and chemical characteristics of dis[J],Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,2018
[8]Li Sun,Changchun Song,Peter M. Lafleur et al..Wetland-atmosphere methane exchange in Northeast China: a comparison of permafrost peatland and fres[J],Agricultural and Forest Meteorology,2018
[9]Cui Qian,Song Changchun,Wang Xianwei et al..Effects of warming on N2O fluxes in a boreal peatland of prmafrost region, Northeast China[J],Science of the Total Environment,2018
[10]Yanyu Song,Changchun Song,Jiusheng Ren et al..Influence of nitrogen additions on litter decomposition, nutrient dynamics, and enzymatic activity o[J],Science of the Total Environment,2018
[11]Liping Shan,Changchun Song,Xinhou Zhang,Jiusheng Ren.Effects of long-term nitrogen and phosphorus addition on plant defence compounds in a freshwater wet[J],Ecological Indicators,2018
[12]Yanyu Song,Changchun Song,Henan Meng et al..Nitrogen additions affect litter quality and soil biochemical properties in a peatland of Northeast [J],Ecological Engineering,2017,100
[13]Chao Gong, Changchun Song, Xinhou Zhang et al..Short-term response of CO2 emissions to various leaf litters: a case study from freshwater marshes o[J],Wetlands Ecology And Management,2017
[14]Jiaoyue Wang, Changchun Song, Aixin Hou,Fengming Xi.Methane emission potential from freshwater marsh soils of Northeast China: response to simulated fre[J],Wetlands,2017
[15]Xinhou Zhang,Rong Mao,Changchun Song,Yanyu Song et al..Nitrogen addition in a freshwater marsh alters the quality of senesced leaves, promoting decay rates[J],Plant soil,2017
[16]Xueyang Yu,Changchun Song,Li Sun et al..Growing season methane emissions from a permafrost peatland of northeast China: Observations using o[J],Atmospheric Environment,2017
[17]Qian Cui,Changchun Song,Xianwei Wang et al..Rapid N2O fluxes at high level of nitrate nitrogen addition during freeze-thaw events in boreal peat[J],Atmospheric Environment,2016
[18]Yuedong Guo,Changchun Song,Lili Wang,et al.Concentrations, sources, and export of dissolved CH4 and CO2 in rivers of the permafrost wetlands, n[J],Ecological Engineering,2016
[19]Yingchen Li,Cuicui Hou,Changchun Song,Yuedong Guo.Seasonal changes in the contribution of root respiration to total soil respiration in a freshwater m[J],Environmental Earth Sciences,2016
[20]Lili Wang,Changchun Song,Yuedong Guo.The spatiotemporal distribution of dissolved carbon in the main stems and their tributaries along th[J],Environmental Science and Pollution,2016
[21]Mao Rong, Song CC,Zeng DH,et al.Responses of plant nutrient resorption to phosphorus addition in freshwater marsh of Northeast China[J],Scientific Reprots,2015
[22]Fuxi Shi,Changchun Song,Xinhou Zhang.Plant zonation patterns reflected by the differences in plant growth, biomass partitioning and root [J],Ecological Engineering,2015
[23]Y.D. Guo,C.C. Song,Z.M. Wan,et al.Dynamics of dissolved organic carbon release from a permafrost wetland catchment in northeast china[J],Journal of Hydrology,2015,531
[24]Xiaoyan Zhu,Changchun Song,Christopher Martin Swarzenski,et al.Ecosystem-atmosphere exchange of CO2 in a temperate herbaceous peatland in the Sanjiang Plain of nor[J],Ecological Engineering,2015
[25]Yuedong Guo,Changchun Song, Zhongmei Wan,et al.Effects of long-term land use change on dissolved carbon characteristics in the permafrost streams o[J],Environmental Science: Processes & Impacts,2014
[26]Jiaoyue Wang,Changchun Song,Jing Zhang,de al.Temperature sensitivity of soil carbon mineralization and nitrous oxide emission in different ecosys[J],Catena,2014
[27]Jiaoyue Wang,Changchun Song,Aixin Hou,de al.Effects of freezing–thawing cycle on peatland active organic carbon fractions and enzyme activities [J],Environ Earth Sci,2014
[28]XinhouZhang,Changchun Song,Rong Mao,et al.CO2 evolution from standing litter of the emergent macrophyte Deyeuxia angustifolia in the Sanjiang [J],Ecological Engineering,2014
[29]Yanyu Song,Changchun Song,Baoxian Tao,de al.Short-term responses of soil enzyme activities and carbon mineralization to added nitrogen and litte[J],European Journal of Soil Biology,2014
[30]Jiaoyue Wang,Changchun Song,Aixin Hou,et al.CO2 emissions from soils of different depths of a permafrostpeatland, Northeast China: response to s[J],Journal of Plant Nutrition and Soil Science,2014
[31]Yanyu Song,Changchun Song, Yingchen Li,et al.Short-term Effect of Nitrogen Addition on Litter and Soil Properties in Calamagrostis angustifolia F[J],Wetlands,2013
[32]L.L.Wang,C.C.Song,G.S.Yang.Dissolved organic carbon characteristics in surface ponds from contrasting wetland ecosystems: a cas[J],Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,2013
[33]Rong Mao,Chang-Chun Song,Xin-Hou Zhang,et al.Response of leaf, sheath and stem nutrient resorption to 7 years of N addition in freshwater wetland[J],Plant and Soil,2013
[34]Jiaoyue Wang,Changchun Song,Aixin Hou,et al.Dissolved organic carbon characteristics in surface ponds from contrasting wetland ecosystems: a cas[J],Hydrology and Earth System Sciences,2013
[35]Xianwei Wang,Changchun Song,Xiaoxin Sun,et al.Soil carbon and nitrogen across wetland types in discontinuous permafrost zone of the Xiao Xingan Mo[J],Catena,2012
[36]Xiaoxin Sun,Changchun Song,Yuedong Guo,et al.Effect of plants on methane emissions from a temperate marsh in different seasons[J],Atmospheric Environment,2012
[37]Yanyu Song, Changchun Song, Guisheng Yang,et al.Changes in labile organic carbon fractions and soil enzyme activities after marshland reclamation an[J],Environmental Management,2012
[38]Changchun Song, Guisheng Yang, Deyan Liu,et al.Phosphorus availability as a primary constraint on methane emission from a freshwater wetland[J],Atmospheric Environment,2012
[39]Yanyu Song,Changchun Song,Rong Mao,et al.Effect of increased nitrogen availability on soil enzyme performance in wetlands of northeast China[J],Fresenius Environmental Bulletin,2012
[40]Jiaoyue Wang,Changchun Song,Xianwei Wang,et al.Changes in labile soil organic carbon fractions in wetland ecosystems along a latitudinal gradient i[J],Catena,2012
[41]Yuqing Miao,Changchun Song,Xianwei Wang,et al.Greenhouse gas emissions from different wetlands during the snow-covered season in Northeast China[J],Atmospheric Environment,2012
[42]Changchun Song,Deyan Liu,Yanyu Song,et al.Effects of exogenous phosphorus addition on soil respiration in Calamagrostis Angustifolia freshwate[J],Atmospheric Environment,2011
[43]Xiaoxin Sun,Changcheng Mu,Changchun Song.Seasonal and spatial variations of methane emissions from montane wetlands in Northeast China[J],Atmospheric Environment,2011
[44]Changchun Song,Deyan Liu,et al.Effect of nitrogen addition on decomposition of Calamagrostis angustifolia litters from freshwater m[J],Ecological Engineering,2011
[45]Li Wang, Changchun Song,Jinming Hu,et al.Response of regeneration diversity of Carex Lasiocarpa community to different water levels in Sanjia[J],Chinese Geographical Science,2010
[46]Lili Wang,Changchun Song,Yanyu Song,et al.Effects of reclamation of natural wetlands to a rice paddy on dissolved carbon dynamics in the Sanji[J],Ecological Engineering,2010
[47]Jingyu Huang,Changchun Song.Effects of land use on soil water soluble organic C and microbial biomass C concentrations in the Sa[J],Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica Section B - Soil and Plant Science,2009
[48]Liu Deyan,Song Changchun.Effects of inorganic nitrogen and phosphorus enrichment on the emission of N2O from a freshwater mar[J],Environment Earth Sciences,2009
[49]Song, Changchun,Zhang, Jinbo.Effects of soil moisture, temperature, and nitrogen fertilization on soil respiration and nitrous ox[J],Acta Agriculturae Scandinavica, Section B-Soil and Plant Sci,2009
[50]Jinbo Zhang,Song Changchun,Wang Shenmin.Short-term dynamics of carbon and nitrogen after tillage in a freshwater marsh of northeast China[J],Soil and Tillage Research,2008
[51]Li Sun,Changchun Song.Evapotranspiration from a freshwater marsh in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China[J],Journal of Hydrology,2008
[52]Zhang Jinbo,Song Changchun,Wang Shenmin.Dynamics of soil organic carbon and its fractions after abandonment of cultivated wetlands in northe[J],Soil and Tillage Research,2007
[53]Lihua Zhang,Changchun Song, Xunhua Zheng,et al.Effects of nitrogen on the ecosystem respiration, CH4 and N2O emissions to the atmosphere from the f[J],Environmental Geology,2007
[54]Lihua Zhang,Changchun Song,Dexuan Wang,et al.The variation of methane emission from freshwater marshes and response to the exogenous N in Sanjian[J],Atmospheric Environment,2007
[55]Wenyan Yang,Changchun Song,Jinbo Zhang.Dynamics of methane emissions from a freshwater marsh of northeast China[J],Science of the Total Environment,2006
[56]Jinbo Zhang,Changchun Song,Yang Wenyan.Tillage effects on soil carbon fractions in the Sanjiang Plain, Northeast China[J],Soil and Tillage Research,2006
[57]Jinbo Zhang,Changchun Song,Wenyan Yang.Effects of cultivation on soil microbiological properties in a freshwater marsh soil in Northeast Ch[J],Soil and Tillage Research,2006
[58]Lihua Zhang,Changchun Song,Dexuan Wang,et al.Effects of exogenous nitrogen on freshwater marsh plant growth and N2O fluxes in Sanjiang Plain, Nor[J],Atmospheric Environment,2006
[59]Xiaoyan Zhu,Changchun Song,Yuedong Guo,et al.Methane emissions from temperate herbaceous peatland in the Sanjiang Plain of northeast China[J],Atmospheric Environment,2014,92

