个人简介 主要从事天然气水合物安全、高效开采涉及的储层力学特性、渗流特性以及储层稳定性评价等方面研究。目前承担国家自然科学基金重大项目(子课题)、面上项目、青年项目等,累计发表第一/通讯作者SCI论文37篇(包括自然指数Nature Index期刊论文2篇,ESI热点论文1篇,ESI高被引论文2篇),授权国家发明专利17项,发表学术专著1部。先后获辽宁省优秀博士学位论文奖、教育部自然科学奖一等奖、海洋工程科学技术奖一等奖、以及日内瓦国际发明展特别嘉许金奖等,入选日本学术振兴会外国人特别研究员(JSPS Fellow)、大连理工大学“星海骨干”和“星海优青”等人才支持计划。专利 一种海底天然气水合物岩心声波式平面应变仪装置 一种气驱分离海水‑水合物浆的淡水制备装置 一种测定天然气水合物沉积物体变的三轴试验装置 一种用于测定天然气水合物沉积物动力特性的动加载系统 一种原位燃烧法天然气水合物开采方法与装置 一种半连续活塞式水合物饼生成装置 著作成果 天然气水合物储层力学特性及本构模型研究 科研项目 CH4-CO2置换过程中水合物储层力学特性及本构模型研究, 自选课题, 2016/06/13-2017/12/07, 完成 天然气水合物开采过程中沉积层变形机理研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2015/08/18, 完成 天然气水合物开采过程中沉积层渗流与变形耦合机理研究, 国务院其他部门, 2014/09/11-2017/12/06, 完成 天然气水合物开采过程对海底沉积层力学特性影响研究, 省、市、自治区科技项目, 2014/07/11-2016/12/01, 完成 多孔介质中天然气水合物微尺度相变控制机理, 省、市、自治区科技项目, 2018/08/10, 进行 可燃冰安全开采与储运总体方案和关键装备需求分析研究, 企事业单位委托科技项目, 2018/09/19-2019/05/30, 进行 科研奖励 中国海洋工程咨询协会科学技术奖 海洋工程科学技术奖 教育部自然科学一等奖 其他奖励 20202018-2019年度优秀班主任 2019大连理工大学能源与动力学院优秀共产党员 20192018年度考核优秀 20202019年度大连理工大学星海优青 2017大连理工大学星海骨干 2016大连理工大学能源与动力学院优秀共产党员研究领域
研究方向[1] 天然气水合物安全、高效开采技术研究"研究领域 天然气水合物安全、高效开采"近期论文
[1]Liu, Weiguo,Wu, Zhaoran,Li, Jiajie,Zheng, Jianan,Li, Yanghui.The seepage characteristics of methane hydrate-bearing clayey sediments under various pressure gradients[J],ENERGY,2020,191 [2]Luo, Tingting,Li, Yanghui,Madhusudhan, B. N.,Zhao, Jiafei,Song, Yongchen.Comparative analysis of the consolidation and shear behaviors of CH4 and CO2 hydrate-bearing silty sediments[J],JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2020,75 [3]Song, Yongchen,Luo, Tingting,Madhusudhan, B. N.,Sun, Xiang,Liu, Yu,Kong, Xianjing,Li, Yanghui.Strength behaviors of CH4 hydrate-bearing silty sediments during thermal decomposition[J],JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2019,72 [4]Sun, Xiang,Li, Yanghui,Liu, Yu,Song, Yongchen.The effects of compressibility of natural gas hydrate-bearing sediments on gas production using depressurization[J],ENERGY,2019,185:837-846 [5]Sun, Xiang,Luo, Tingting,Wang, Lei,Wang, Haijun,Song, Yongchen,Li, Yanghui.Numerical simulation of gas recovery from a low-permeability hydrate reservoir by depressurization[J],APPLIED ENERGY,2019,250:7-18 [6]Liu, Zaixing,Liu, Weiguo,Lang, Chen,Li, Yanghui.Effect of surfactant HLB value on Methane hydrate formation in non-ionic surfactant oil water emulsions systems[A],2019,158:5275-5280 [7]Li, Yanghui,Wu, Zhaoran,Liu, Weiguo,Luo, Tingting,Song, Yongchen.Effect of reformation of gas hydrate on the gas phase permeability of montmorillonite[A],2019,158:5269-5274 [8]Wei, Rupeng,Yang, Lei,Zhao, Jiafei,Wang, Ji,Wang, Youle,Ling, Zheng,Li, Yanghui,Yang, Mingjun,Song, Yongchen.Evolution of effective thermal conductivity during hydrate formation and decomposition in natural sediments[A],2019,158:5825-5831 [9]Luo, Tingting,Li, Yanghui,Liu, Weiguo,Song, Yongchen.Experimental studies on gas production rate of in-situ hydratebearing clay in thermal recovery and depressurization methods[A],2019,158:5251-5256 [10]Wang, Lei,Liu, Weiguo,Li, Yanghui,Wu, Peng,Shen, Shi.Mechanical Behaviors of Methane Hydrate-Bearing Sediments Using Montmorillonite Clay[A],2019,158:5281-5286 [11]Li, Yanghui,Wu, Peng,Liu, Weiguo,Sun, Xiang,Cui, Zhi,Song, Yongchen.A microfocus x-ray computed tomography based gas hydrate triaxial testing apparatus[J],REVIEW OF SCIENTIFIC INSTRUMENTS,2019,90(5):055106 [12]李洋辉,刘卫国.Mechanical properties of methane hydrate interbedded with clayey sediments[J],Journal of Energy and Natural Resources,2018,7(1):24-31 [13]刘卫国,李洋辉,杨明军,赵佳飞,宋永臣.DSC studies of methane hydrate formation and dissociation in water-in-mineral oil emulsions[A],2018 [14]李洋辉,刘卫国,宋永臣.Effect of reformation of gas hydrate on the gas phase permeability of montmorillonite[A],The 10th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE 2018),2018 [15]李洋辉,刘卫国,宋永臣.Experimental studies on gas production rate of in-situ hydrate-bearing clay in thermal recovery and depressurization methods[A],2018 [16]刘卫国,李洋辉.Mechanical Behaviors of Methane Hydrate-Bearing Sediments Using Montmorillonite Clay[A],2018 [17]刘卫国,李洋辉.Effect of surfactant HLB value on methane hydrate formation in non-ionic surfactant–oil water emulsions systems[A],2018 [18]Luo, Tingting,Li, Yanghui,Liu, Weiguo,Sun, Xiang,Shen, Shi.Experimental Study on the Mechanical Properties of CH4 and CO2 Hydrate Remodeling Cores in Qilian Mountain[J],ENERGIES,2017,10(12) [19]孙翔,郭晓霞,邵龙潭,李洋辉.基于热力学方法的甲烷水合物沉积物本构模型[J],大连理工大学学报,2017,57(2):111-118 [20]刘卫国,李洋辉,刘瑜.Experimental study on the permeability of gas hydrates-bearing Glass Sands[A],2017 [21]李洋辉,刘卫国,宋永臣.Creep behaviors of frozen clayey sediments containing methane hydrate[A],Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Gas Hydrates (ICGH 2017),2017 [22]刘瑜,李洋辉,刘卫国,宋永臣.Experimental study on the creep properties of CO2 hydrate-bearing sediments[A],2017 [23]Luo, Tingting,Song, Yongchen,Zhu, Yiming,Liu, Weiguo,Liu, Yu,Li, Yanghui,Wu, Zhaoran.Triaxial experiments on the mechanical properties of hydrate-bearing marine sediments of South China Sea[J],MARINE AND PETROLEUM GEOLOGY,2016,77:507-514 [24]Song, Yongchen,Zhu, Yiming,Liu, Weiguo,Li, Yanghui,Lu, Yan,Shen, Zhitao.The effects of methane hydrate dissociation at different temperatures on the stability of porous sediments[J],JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2016,147:77-86 [25]Liu, Weiguo,Wu, Zhaoran,Li, Yanghui,Song, Yongchen,Ling, Zheng,Zhao, Jiafei,Lv, Qin.Experimental study on the gas phase permeability of methane hydrate-bearing clayey sediments[J],JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2016,36:378-384 [26]李洋辉,宋永臣,刘卫国,凌铮.天然气水合物沉积物体变实验本科教学探索[J],实验室研究与探索,2016,35(10):182-184,195 [27]Luo, Tingting,Liu, Weiguo,Li, Yanghui,Song, Yongchen,Wu, Qi,Wu, Zhaoran.Mechanical properties of Stratified hydrate-bearing sediments[A],8th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE),2016,105:200-205 [28]Wang, Zeng,Liu, Weiguo,Li, Yanghui,Song, Yongchen,Yang, Mingjun,Wang, Lei.Influence of Porous Media on Methane Hydrate Formation from Ice Powders[A],8th International Conference on Applied Energy (ICAE),2016,105:224-229 [29]Sun, X.,Guo, X.,Shao, L.,Li, Y..Drucker-Prager elasto-plastic constitutive model for methane hydrate-bearing sediment[J],Transactions of Tianjin University,2016,22(5):441-450 [30]Li, Yanghui,Liu, Weiguo,Song, Yongchen,Yang, Mingjun,Zhao, Jiafei.Creep behaviors of methane hydrate coexisting with ice[J],JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2016,33:347-354 [31]Liu, Weiguo,Luo, Tingting,Li, Yanghui,Song, Yongchen,Zhu, Yiming,Liu, Yu,Zhao, Jiafei,Wu, Zhaoran,Xu, Xiaohu.Experimental study on the mechanical properties of sediments containing CH4 and CO2 hydrate mixtures[J],JOURNAL OF NATURAL GAS SCIENCE AND ENGINEERING,2016,32:20-27 [32]Song, Yongchen,Dong, Hongsheng,Yang, Lei,Yang, Mingjun,Li, Yanghui,Ling, Zheng,Zhao, Jiafei.Hydrate-based heavy metal separation from aqueous solution[J],SCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2016,6:21389 [33]Li, Yanghui,Liu, Weiguo,Zhu, Yiming,Chen, Yunfei,Song, Yongchen,Li, Qingping.Mechanical behaviors of permafrost-associated methane hydrate-bearing sediments under different mining methods[J],APPLIED ENERGY,2016,162:1627-1632 [34]刘卫国,李洋辉,宋永臣,杨明军.Influence of porous media on methane hydrate formation from ice powders[A],2016 [35]Wang, Jiaqi,Zhao, Jiafei,Zhang, Yi,Wang, Dayong,Li, Yanghui,Song, Yongchen.Analysis of the effect of particle size on permeability in hydrate-bearing porous media using pore network models combined with CT[J],FUEL,2016,163:34-40 [36]赵佳飞,张毅,王大勇,李洋辉,宋永臣.Analysis of the effect of particle size on 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Wanli,Song, Yongchen,Zhang, Yi,Liu, Weiguo,Jiang, Lanlan,Li, Yanghui,Zhao, Yuechao.Adsorption isotherms and kinetic characteristics of methane on block anthracite over a wide pressure range[J],JOURNAL OF ENERGY CHEMISTRY,2015,24(2):245-256 [47]Zhu, Yiming,Liu, Weiguo,Li, Yanghui,Luo, Tingting,Song, Yongchen.Mechanical Properties of Two Types of Methane Hydrate-bearing Sediments and Ice-marine Soil Mixtures[A],4th International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection(ICEEP),2015,911-915 [48]Liu, Weiguo,Xu, Xiaohu,Li, Yanghui,Song, Yongchen,Luo, Tingting.Preliminary Experimental Research on Elevating Gas Hydrate Saturation Formed from Ice Powders[A],4th International Conference on Energy and Environmental Protection(ICEEP),2015,916-920 [49]Zhao, Jiafei,Yang, Lei,Xue, Kaihua,Lam, Weihaur,Li, Yanghui,Song, Yongchen.In situ observation of gas hydrates growth hosted in porous media[J],CHEMICAL PHYSICS LETTERS,2014,612:124-128 [50]Yang, Mingjun,Song, Yongchen,Jiang, Lanlan,Liu, 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Weiguo,Li, Yanghui,Yu, Feng,Nie, Xiongfei,Song, Yongchen.EFFECTS OF POROSITY ON THE CREEP BEHAVIOR OF HYDRATE-BEARING SEDIMENTS[A],31st ASME International Conference on Ocean, Offshore and ArcticEngineering,2012,6:703-708 [66]Li Yang-hui,Song Yong-chen,Yu Feng,Liu Wei-guo,Zhao Jia-fei.Experimental Study on Mechanical Properties of Gas Hydrate-Bearing Sediments Using Kaolin Clay[J],CHINA OCEAN ENGINEERING,2011,25(1):113-122 相关热点
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