本人主要从事计算力学中的不确定性分析,工程结构仿生优化设计,基于图像的数值建模与分析,生物植入体的优化设计及增材制造,航天航天生物力学,工程结构分析等方面的研究,欢迎具有力学、机械、生物医学工程等专业背景的优秀学子报考硕士或博士研究生,有意向者请邮件详细咨询!教育经历Education Background2007.12010.7卡迪夫大学生物力学博士2005.92007.6华中科技大学力学硕士2001.92005.6华中科技大学力学学士工作经历Work Experience2015.12至今大连理工大学副教授2013.112015.11英国谢菲尔德大学博士后2010.122013.10德国汉堡理工大学博士后专利 一种设有环向联通槽的H形浅腔动静压混合水润滑径向轴承 一种水凝胶拉伸试样的制备与夹持测试方法 科研项目 “个性化生物植入体设计与智能制造”中英双边研讨会, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2018/06/04, 完成 基于增材制造及可变形组件法的骨支架微结构仿生优化设计及性能研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2017/08/17, 进行 骨骼及骨重建的时空四维数值模型建立与研究, 2019/03/25-2017/12/29, 进行 其他奖励 钱令希力学奖励基金青年教师奖 (2017年) 2016-2017学年优秀班主任 (2017年)研究领域
[1]吕永涛.个性化生物植入体设计与智能制造[J],国际学术动态,2019,03:14-16 [2]吕永涛,刘越,吴承伟.Investigating the longitudinal effect of ovariectomy on bone properties using a novel spatiotemporal approach[J],Annals of Biomedical Engineering,2018,45(5):747-761 [3]吕永涛,吴承伟.Influence of vitamin D status and mechanical loading on the morphometric and mechanical properties of the mouse tibia[J],Journal of Medical and Biological Engineering,2018,39(4):523-531 [4]吕永涛,赵文英,杨晨,吴承伟.基于增材制造的骨支架微结构仿生设计及性能研究[A],2018,Vol.33 [5]吕永涛,刘越,吴承伟.脊椎段老龄化对椎骨皮质骨力学行为的影响分析[J],生物医学工程学杂志,2017,34(03):371-376 [6]吕永涛.基于高精度CT图像的脊柱断裂力预测模型的开发与验证研究[A],中国力学大会,2017 [7]吕永涛.Numerical Investigation on the Biomechanical Performance of Laparoscopic-Assisted Plate Used for Fixing Pelvic Anterior Ring Fracture[A],2017 [8]吕永涛.Longitudinal effects of parathyroid hormoe treatment on morphological, densitometric and mechanical properties of mouse tibia[J],Journal of the Mechaincal Behavior of Biomedical Material,2017,75:244-251 [9]何宜谦,吕永涛.Numerical Investigation on the Biomechanical Stability of Laparoscopic-assisted Plate used for Fixing Pelvic Anterior Ring Fracture[J],Journal of Healthcare Engineering,2017,1(9261037):1-7 [10]吕永涛.The influence of wheelchair propulsion speed on the kinematics of upper extremity[A],2017 上海国际运动生物力学与临床转化会议,2017,89-89 [11]吕永涛.Towards the improved prediction power for the prediction of vertebral failure loads[A],The 8th WACBE World Congress on Bioengineering,2017 [12]吕永涛.Development of computational models for investigating bone adaptations in preclinical studies[A],2016 International Conference on Computational Biology and Biological Engineering,2016 [13]吕永涛.Self-repair behaviour of bone material: how bone regulates itself to keep its strength[A],the 5th Internaitonal Conference of Bionic Engineering,2016 [14]吕永涛.How bone remodeling is mechanics regulated - Lessons from the analysis of longitudinal in vivo microCT data of mouse tibia[A],The 12th World Congress on Computational Mechanics and the 6th Aisa-Pacific Congress on Computational Mechanics,2016 相关热点
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