个人简介Personal Profile崔苗,主持装备预研基金、国家自然科学基金及军工横向课题等项目,发表期刊论文60余篇,其中SCI或EI检索近50篇。培养的研究生曾获国家奖学金、大连理工大学硕士生学术之星、大连市优秀毕业生、大连理工大学优秀毕业生、大连理工大学优秀学生干部等荣誉称号。毕业学生就业单位包括:大连理工大学、中国物理研究院和航天一院等。 欢迎航空宇航科学与技术、力学及动力工程及工程热物理相关专业学生报考!踏实、勤奋即可!教育经历2003.9 2009.1 东北大学 热能工程 博士1999.9 2003.7 东北大学 热能与动力工程 学士1996.9 1999.7 岫岩高中工作经历2016.7 至今 大连理工大学航空航天学院 副教授、博导2013.12 2016.7 大连理工大学航空航天学院 副教授、硕导专利 求解复杂结构多维瞬态非线性热传导反问题的方法 一种随温度变化的热导率辨识的修正LM方法 复杂结构多维瞬态非线性热传导反问题的简易快速求解方法 科研项目 航空发动机燃烧室内热流密度的反演新方法, 省、市、自治区科技项目, 2017/04/18, 进行 航空发动机燃烧室内传热边界条件的反向辨识研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2016/11/10, 进行 2016年大连科技之星项目(2015年称号)-高温热防护系统材料随温度变化的热物性参数的辨识, 省、市、自治区科技项目, 2016/10/11, 进行 面向高超声速飞行器热防护系统的复杂结构多维瞬态非线性热传导问题多宗量反演, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2015/08/18, 进行 高超声速飞行器热防护系统蜂窝结构的等效导热系数反演方法研究, 主管部门科技项目, 2012/12/18-2016/05/31, 完成 高超声速飞行器热防护系统蜂窝结构的等效热/力学参数反演新方法研究, 国家自然科学基金项目, 2012/09/25, 完成授课信息 计算传热学 /2019-2020 /春学期 /2.0学分 /2040440041 计算传热学 /2019-2020 /春学期 /32课时 /2.0学分 /2040440041 工程热力学 /2019-2020 /秋学期 /32课时 /2.0学分 /1210040570 工程热力学 /2019-2020 /秋学期 /32课时 /2.0学分 /1040440110 工程热力学 /2019-2020 /秋学期 /32课时 /2.0学分 /1210040570 工程热力学 /2019-2020 /秋学期 /32课时 /2.0学分 /1040440110 科研奖励 高等学校科学研究优秀成果奖(科学技术) 其他奖励 2015年大连理工大学优秀班主任 (2016年) 2015年大连理工大学教学质量优良奖 (2016年) 2015年大连市青年科技之星 (2015年) 2013年大连理工大学教学质量优良奖 (2014年) 2013年大连理工大学优秀班主任 (2014年) 运载工程与力学学部青年教师讲课竞赛二等奖 (2012年)研究领域
7. 材料/结构热/力学边界条件反向辨识6. 新型材料随温度变化热物性参数辨识5.边界单元法及其工程应用4.飞行器热防护系统优化设计3.热-力耦合多尺度算法分析2.航天热防护1.航空发动机""近期论文
[1]梅杰,张博文,张春云,彭海峰,崔苗.幂强化弹塑性材料平面应变反问题[J],工程力学,2020,37(1):248-256 [2]Gao, Xiao-Wei,Liu, Hua-Yu,Lv, Jun,Cui, Miao.A novel element differential method for solid mechanical problems using isoparametric triangular and tetrahedral elements[J],COMPUTERS & MATHEMATICS WITH APPLICATIONS,2019,78(11):3563-3585 [3]Zhang, Bowen,Mei, Jie,Zhang, Chunyun,Cui, Miao,Gao, Xiao-wei,Zhang, Yuwen.A general method for predicting the bank thickness of a smelting furnace with phase change[J],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2019,162 [4]Gao, Xiao-Wei,Ding, Jin-Xing,Cui, Miao,Yang, Kai.Global-element-based free element method for solving non-linear and inhomogeneous heat conduction problems[J],ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS,2019,109:117-128 [5]Lv, Jun,Shao, Minjie,Cui, Miao,Gao, Xiaowei.An efficient collocation approach for piezoelectric problems based on the element differential method[J],COMPOSITE STRUCTURES,2019,230 [6]Xu, Bing-Bing,Gao, Xiao-Wei,Jiang, Wei-Wu,Cui, Miao,Lv, Jun.Galerkin free element method and its application in Fracture Mechanics[J],ENGINEERING FRACTURE MECHANICS,2019,218 [7]Cui, Miao,Peng, Hai-Feng,Xu, Bing-Bing,Gao, Xiao-Wei,Zhang, Yuwen.A new radial integration polygonal boundary element method for solving heat conduction problems[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2018,123:251-260 [8]Cui, Miao,Mei, Jie,Zhang, Bo-Wen,Xu, Bing-Bing,Zhou, Ling,Zhang, Yuwen.Inverse identification of boundary conditions in a scramjet combustor with a regenerative cooling system[J],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2018,134:555-563 [9]Gao, Xiao-Wei,Li, Zong-Yang,Yang, Kai,Lv, Jun,Peng, Hai-Feng,Cui, Miao,Ruan, Bo,Zhu, Qiang-Hua.Element differential method and its application in thermal-mechanical problems[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL FOR NUMERICAL METHODS IN ENGINEERING,2018,113(1):82-108 [10]Cui, Miao,Xu, Bing-Bing,Feng, Wei-Zhe,Zhang, Yuwen,Gao, Xiao-Wei,Peng, Hai-Feng.A radial integration boundary element method for solving transient heat conduction problems with heat sources and variable thermal conductivity[J],NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER PART B-FUNDAMENTALS,2018,73(1):1-18 [11]Gao, Xiao-Wei,Liu, Hua-Yu,Xu, Bing-Bing,Cui, Miao,Lv, Jun.Element differential method with the simplest quadrilateral and hexahedron quadratic elements for solving heat conduction problems[J],NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER PART B-FUNDAMENTALS,2018,73(4):206-224 [12]Gao, Xiao-Wei,Huang, Shi-Zhang,Cui, Miao,Ruan, Bo,Zhu, Qiang-Hua,Yang, Kai,Lv, Jun,Peng, Hai-Feng.Element differential method for solving general heat conduction problems[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2017,115:882-894 [13]Cui, Miao,Zhou, Ling,Mei, Jie,Zhang, Bowen.Estimation of slab surface radiative emissivities by solving an inverse coupled conduction, convection, and radiation problem[J],NUMERICAL HEAT TRANSFER PART A-APPLICATIONS,2017,72(10):765-779 [14]Cui, Miao,Zhao, Yi,Xu, Bing-bing,Wang, Shengdong,Gao, Xiao-wei.Inverse analysis for simultaneously estimating multi-parameters of temperature-dependent thermal conductivities of an Inconel in a reusable metallic thermal protection system[J],APPLIED THERMAL ENGINEERING,2017,125:480-488 [15]Cui, Miao,Zhao, Yi,Xu, Bingbing,Gao, Xiao-wei.A new approach for determining damping factors in Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for solving an inverse heat conduction problem[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2017,107:747-754 [16]高效伟,崔苗,杨恺,吕军,阮波,彭海峰,朱强华.一种新的有限单元法--单元微分法[A],中国力学大会2017(北京),2017 [17]崔苗,高效伟.Sensitivity matrix analysis in a Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for solving inverse heat conduction problems[A],1st Asian Conference on Thermal Sciences,2017 [18]Feng, Wei-Zhe,Yang, Kai,Cui, Miao,Gao, Xiao-Wei.Analytically-integrated radial integration BEM for solving three-dimensional transient heat conduction problems[J],INTERNATIONAL COMMUNICATIONS IN HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2016,79:21-30 [19]高效伟,曾文浩,崔苗.等参管单元及其在热传导问题边界元法中的应用[J],计算力学学报,2016,33(3):328-334 [20]Cui, Miao,Yang, Kai,Xu, Xiao-liang,Wang, Sheng-dong,Gao, Xiao-wei.A modified Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm for simultaneous estimation of multi-parameters of boundary heat flux by solving transient nonlinear inverse heat conduction problems[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2016,97:908-916 [21]Gao, Xiao-Wei,Yuan, Zhi-Chao,Peng, Hai-Feng,Cui, Miao,Yang, Kai.Isoparametric closure elements in boundary element method[J],COMPUTERS & STRUCTURES,2016,168:1-15 [22]朱强华,崔苗,高效伟.带斜孔肋大宽高比矩形通道的强化传热特性[J],航空动力学报,2016,31(4):780-787 [23]崔苗,高效伟,杨恺.High order projection plane method for evaluation of super singular curved boundary integrals in BEM[J],Mathematical Problems in Engineering,2016,1(1):9523405-9523405 [24]Cui, Miao,Feng, Wei-zhe,Gao, Xiao-wei,Yang, Kai.High Order Projection Plane Method for Evaluation of Supersingular Curved Boundary Integrals in BEM[J],MATHEMATICAL PROBLEMS IN ENGINEERING,2016,2016 [25]Liu, Jian,Peng, Hai-Feng,Gao, Xiao-Wei,Cui, Miao.A traction-recovery method for evaluating boundary stresses on thermal elasticity problems of FGMs[J],ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS,2015,61:226-231 [26]Cui, Miao,Duan, Wei-wei,Gao, Xiao-wei.A new inverse analysis method based on a relaxation factor optimization technique for solving transient nonlinear inverse heat conduction problems[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF HEAT AND MASS TRANSFER,2015,90:491-498 [27]崔苗,高效伟.多边形边界单元法[A],2015中国力学大会,2015,308-308 [28]崔苗,端维伟,高效伟.基于复变量求导法的共轭梯度法及其在热传导反问题边界条件辨识中的应用[J],化工学报,2015,66(Z1):106-110 [29]Cui, Miao,Li, Nan,Liu, Yunfei,Gao, Xiaowei.Robust Inverse Approach for Two-Dimensional Transient Nonlinear Heat Conduction Problems[J],JOURNAL OF THERMOPHYSICS AND HEAT TRANSFER,2015,29(2):253-262 [30]崔苗,高效伟.A conjugate gradient method based on the complex-variable-differentiation method and its application for the identification of boundary conditions[A],第6届计算方法国际学术会议(ICCM2015),2015 [31]崔苗,高效伟.一种Levenberg-Marquardt算法及其在热传导反问题中的应用[A],2015年工程热物理年会传热传质分会,2015 [32]Gao, Xiao-Wei,Feng, Wei-Zhe,Yang, Kai,Cui, Miao.Projection plane method for evaluation of arbitrary high order singular boundary integrals[J],ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS,2015,50:265-274 [33]Yang, Kai,Peng, Hai-Feng,Cui, Miao,Gao, Xiao-Wei.New analytical expressions in radial integration BEM for solving heat conduction problems with variable coefficients[J],ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS,2015,50:224-230 [34]崔苗.基于复变量求导法的最小二乘法及其在热传导反问题中的应用[A],2015工程热物理青年学者论坛,2015 [35]朱强华,崔苗,高效伟.肋开孔高度对大宽高比矩形通道流动传热的影响[J],推进技术,2014,35(12):1630-1638 [36]Cui, Miao,Zhu, Qianghua,Gao, Xiaowei.A Modified Conjugate Gradient Method for Transient Nonlinear Inverse Heat Conduction Problems: A Case Study for Identifying Temperature-Dependent Thermal Conductivities[J],JOURNAL OF HEAT TRANSFER-TRANSACTIONS OF THE ASME,2014,136(9) [37]Gao X.W.,Hu J.X.,Liu J.,Cui M..Sebsm-based residual iterative method for solving large systems of linear equations and its applications in computational mechanics[A],Joint 11th World Congress on Computational Mechanics, WCCM 2014, the 5th European Conference on Computational Mechanics, ECCM 2014 and the 6th European Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ECFD 2014,2014,6583-6593 [38]Gao, Xiaowei,Feng, Weizhe,Zhao, Jinjun,Cui, Miao.A direct method for evaluating arbitrary high-order singular curved boundary integrals[J],WIT Transactions on Modelling and Simulation,2013,56:335-351 [39]高效伟,崔苗,杨恺.一种超强奇异面积分计算方法[A],2013中国力学大会,2013,249-249 [40]Yu XiaoChun,Bai YuGuang,Cui Miao,Gao XiaoWei.Inverse analysis of thermal conductivities in transient non-homogeneous and non-linear heat conductions using BEM based on complex variable differentiation method[J],SCIENCE CHINA-PHYSICS MECHANICS & ASTRONOMY,2013,56(5):966-973 [41]Peng, Hai-Feng,Cui, Miao,Gao, Xiao-Wei.A boundary element method without internal cells for solving viscous flow problems[J],ENGINEERING ANALYSIS WITH BOUNDARY ELEMENTS,2013,37(2):293-300 [42]高效伟,崔苗.An Iterative Method for Solving Linear Systems of Equations Based on Simultaneous Elimination and Back-Substitution Method (SEBSM)[A],International Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Sciences,2013 [43]崔苗,高效伟.Inverse Analysis for Nonlinear Transient Heat conduction Problems[A],International Symposium on Fundamental and Applied Sciences,2013 [44]Cui Miao,Yang Kai,Liu Yun-fei,Gao Xiao-wei.Inverse Estimation of Transient Heat Flux to Slab Surface[J],JOURNAL OF IRON AND STEEL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL,2012,19(11):13-18 [45]Cui, Miao,Gao, Xiaowei,Zhang, Jinbo.A new approach for the estimation of temperature-dependent thermal properties by solving transient inverse heat conduction problems[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES,2012,58:113-119 [46]崔苗,高效伟,刘云飞.基于瞬态热传导反问题反演材料随温度变化的导热系数[J],中国电机工程学报,2012,32(14):82-87 [47]高效伟,胡金秀,崔苗.基于行消元回代法的多域边界元分析方法[J],力学学报,2012,44(2):361-368 [48]Cui, M.,Gao, X.,Chen, H..Reconstruction of the total heat exchange factor using the inverse heat conduction problem[J],Advanced Materials Research,2011,308-310:890-893 [49]Yi Zhi,Zhang Weijun,Cui Miao,Li Guojun,Chen Haigeng.A modified dynamical Ternary Model[A],International Conference on Chemical, Mechanical and Materials Engineering (CMME 2011),2011,79:172-+ [50]Cui, Miao,Gao, Xiaowei,Chen, Haigeng.Inverse radiation analysis in an absorbing, emitting and non-gray participating medium[J],INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF THERMAL SCIENCES,2011,50(6):898-905 [51]Cui, Miao,Gao, Xiaowei,Chen, Haigeng.A new inverse approach for the equivalent gray radiative property of a non-gray medium using a modified zonal method and the complex-variable-differentiation method[J],JOURNAL OF QUANTITATIVE SPECTROSCOPY & RADIATIVE TRANSFER,2011,112(8):1336-1342 [52]崔苗,高效伟,史国栋.蜂窝夹心结构等效导热系数反演的边界单元法[J],计算力学学报,2011,z1:126-130 [53]Cui M.,Gao X.-W.,Shi G.-D..Using boundary element method to inverse effective conductivities for honeycomb sandwich[J],Jisuan Lixue Xuebao/Chinese Journal of Computational Mechanics,2011,28(z1):126-130 [54]Zhang, Ch.,Cui, M.,Wang, J.,Gao, X. W.,Sladek, J.,Sladek, V..3D crack analysis in functionally graded materials[J],ESIS Workshop on Computational Methods of Fracture Mechanics,2011,78(3,SI):585-604 [55]高效伟,王静,崔苗.辐射-导热耦合换热边界元算法[J],中国科学. 物理学, 力学, 天文学,2011,41(3):302-308 [56]崔苗.A modified dynamical ternary model[J],Applied mechanics and materials,2011,79(1):172-176 [57]崔苗,高效伟.3D crack analysis of functionally graded materials[J],Engineering Fracture Mechanics,2011,78(3):585-604 [58]高效伟,崔苗.Developments of MDBEM in Solving heat transfer and Mechanical problems of Complex Structures[A],International Conference on Computational & Experimental Engineering and Sciences,2011 [59]Cui Miao,Chen Hai-geng,Gao Xiao-wei.Mathematical Models Developed by Zone Method Considering Non-Gray Radiation Properties of Gas in Combustion Chamber[J],JOURNAL OF IRON AND STEEL RESEARCH INTERNATIONAL,2010,17(11):13-18 [60]崔苗,高效伟,史国栋.蜂窝夹心结构等效导热系数反演的边界单元法[A],中国计算力学大会'2010(CCCM2010)暨第八届南方计算力学学术会议(SCCM8),2010,7 相关热点
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