2023-05-09 15:50
  • 于涛
  • 于涛 - 副教授-东华理工大学-核科学与工程学院-个人资料





1. 国家自然科学基金地区基金项目,21561001,铀、钍在改性红壤上的非线性、多参数吸附模型研究,2016.01-2017.12,20万元,已结题,主持
2. 江西省自然科学基金面上项目,20161BAB203100,固相萃取-激光荧光法对天然水体中铀的形态分析研究,2016.01-2018.12,5万元,已结题,主持
3. 江西省教育厅科技项目,GJJ13454,放射性核素在红壤实性成分上的吸附动力学和热力学研究,2013.01-2015.10,2万元,已结题,主持
4. 江西省教育厅科技项目,GJJ 09525,鄱阳湖水体中微量有机污染物分析,2009.01-2011.05,1万元,已结题,主持
5. 核资源与环境重点实验室开放基金项目,1410600326,Eu(III)在植物纤维上的吸附行为研究,2015.1-2017.6,3万元,已结题,主持
6. 放射性地质与勘探技术国防重点学科实验室开放基金项目,RGET1812,改性纳米Fe3O4、植物纤维吸附剂的制备及其在磁场辅助条件下的吸附特性研究,2018.01-2019.11,3万元,在研,主持
7. 核技术应用教育部工程研究中心开放基金项目,HJSJYB2017-6,改性类水滑石的制备及其对铀的吸附性能研究,2018.01-2019.12,2万元,在研,主持
8. 江西省质谱科学与仪器重点实验室开放基金项目,JXMS201715,鄱阳湖水体中重金属及有机污染物分布特征的质谱分析,2018.01-2019.12,1.5万元,在研,主持
9. 江西省教育工委党建研究项目,JXGXDJKT.GH-2015117,高校二级学院党委“三位一体”教育管理模式研究,2016.01-2017.10,0.8万元,已结题,主持
10. 江西省教育工委党建研究项目,18DJYB002,新时代高校校外体验式党课标准化建设研究,2019.01-2019.12,0.8万元,在研,主持

1. 2019年5月,所指导的项目“高校思想政治教育现状调查分析与‘双向教育’工作平台的研究设计——以江西高校为例”获挑战杯江西赛区社科类“一等奖”
2. 2018年,获东华理工大学教学成果“二等奖”





1. Yu Tao, Wu Wang-Suo, Liu Zhi-Rong, Zhang Si-Wei, Nie Zheng-Wei, Kinetic and thermodynamic study of Eu(III) sorption on natural red earth in South China. Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering, 30 (2013) 440-447
2. Yu Tao, Wu Wang Suo*, Fan Qiao Hui, Sorption of Am(III) on Na-bentonite: Effect of pH, ionic strength, temperature and humic acid , Chinese Chemical Letters, 23 (2012) 1189-1192
3. Tao Yu, Zheting Xu, Jianhua Ye, Adsorption kinetics of Eu(III) and Am(III) onto bentonite: Analysis and application of the liquid embrane tidal diffusion model. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 319 (2019) 749-757
4. Tao Yu, Shimin Liang, Tao Pan, Hong Li, Sorption Kinetic Studies of U(VI) on Inorganic and Organic Modified Red Earth: Comparison of Linear and Non-linear Methods. Journal of Radioanalytical and Nuclear Chemistry, 314 (2017) 297-305
5. T. Yu, Q. H. Fan, W. S. Wu*, S. P. Liu, D. Q. Pan, Sorption of Am(III) on attapulgite/iron oxide magnetic composites: effect of pH, ionic strength and humic acid. Radiochimica Acta, 100 (2012) 753-758
6. Tao Yu, Shimin Liang, Hong Li, Study on the sorption of Eu(III) onto natural red earth and its solid components by linear and non-linear methods, Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society, 38 (2017) 155-165
7. Tao Yu, Shimin Liang, Xiaoqi Shang, Kinetic and thermodynamic study of Am(III) sorption on Na-bentonite Comparison of linear and non-linear methods. Indian Journal of Chemical Technology, 24 (2017) 123-133
8. Yu T., Wu W. S.*, Liu Z. R., Zhang S. W., Sorption of Eu (III) on Ca-bentonite: Effect of pH, Ionic Strength and Humic Acid , Research Journal of Chemistry and Environment, 16 (2012) 4-10
9. Hong Li, Bihong He, Ping Li, Qiaohui Fan*, Hanyu Wu, Jianjun Liang, Chunli Liu, Tao Yu*, Adorption Behaviors of Eu(III) on Granite: Batch, Electron Probe Micro-analysis and Modelling Studies. Environmental Earth Sciences, 78 (2019) 249 https://doi.org/10.1007/s12665-019-8170-y
10. T. Yu, ZH. T. Xu, T. Pan, Study on the adsorption properties of Th(IV) on natural and surface-modified red soil. Russian Journal of Inorganic Chemistry, 64 (2019) 914-923
11. Tao Yu, Jun Yang, Zeyang Wang, Adsorption behavior of Eu(III) on natural bamboo fiber: Effect of pH, humic acid, contact time and temperature. Nuclear Science and Techniques, Accept
12. 潘涛, 于涛*, 梁诗敏, 李红, 侯瑞瑶, 铀在FeCl3 改性红壤上的吸附行为. 化工进展, 36 (2017) 4679-4685 (EI)

