1、X. P. Zhou*, A. Kasuya, et al., Photoluminescence of CdSe and CdSe/CdO.nH2O Core-shell Nanoparticles Prepared in Aqueous Solution, Optical Materials, 29 (8): 1048-1054 (2007).
2、X. P. Zhou*, S. Y. Ni, X. Q. Wang, F. Wu, Adsorption of Sodium Oleate on Nano-sized Fe3O4 Particles Prepared by Co-precipitation, Current Nanoscience, 3 (3): 259-263 (2007).
3、X. P. Zhou*, S. S. Li, X. L. Chen, Q. Zhu,Z. Q. Wang, Formation of Nanocrystalline Matrix of Sodium Rare Earth Fluoride Up-Conversion Phosphors, J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 8(3): 1392-1397 (2008).
4、X. P. Zhou*, X.Q. Wang, A. Kasuya,Luminescence Stability of the Silica Encapsulated CdSe Quantum Dots, Current Nanoscience, 4(1): 88-91 (2008).
5、X. P. Zhou*, J. Zhang, Z. Q. Wang, X. Q. Wang, Effect of Trimethylamine on the Formation of Anatase Titania Nanoparticles by Gel-sol Method, Colloid Journal, 70 (1): 26-32 (2008).
6、X. P. Zhou*, S. Y. Ni, X. Zhang, X. Q. Wang, G. L. Dai, J. Zhang, Y. Zhou, Controlling Shape and Size of TiO2 Nanoparticles with Sodium Acetate, Current Nanoscience, 4 (4): 397-401 (2008).
7、X. P. Zhou*, Z. L. Chen, P. Huang, J. Zhang, X. Q. Wang, A. Kasuya, Preparation and Stability of Strongly luminescent CdSe/Cd(OH)2/SiO2 Nano-composite Particles in Aqueous Solution, Colloid Journal,70 (6): 734-739 (2008).
8、X. P. Zhou*, Z. Q. Wang, S. S. Li, S. N. Shan, X. Q. Wang, Formation and Luminescence of Sodium Rare Earth Fluoride Nanocrystals in the Presence of Chelators, J. Nanoscience and Nanotechnology, 10(3), 2193-2202 (2010).
9、F. X. Liu, X. P. Zhou *, P. Huang, Z. L. Chen, Y. Zhou, Preparation of Purpurin-18 Loaded Magnetic Nanocarriers in Cottonseed Oil for Photodynamic Therapy, Materials Letters, 62: 2844–2847 (2008).
10、X. Zhang, X. P. Zhou*, S. Y. Ni, G. L. Dai , Y. S. Wang, Preparation and Optical Properties of CdTe/CdO·nH2O Core/shell Nano-composites in Aqueous Solution, Chinese Journal of Chemical Physics, 20 (6): 779-783 (2007).
11、F. X. Liu, X. P. Zhou*, S. Y. Ni, Z. L. Chen, P. Huang, Y. S. Wang, Preparation and Properties of Photosensitizer Loaded Magnetic Nanocomposites, Current Nanoscience, 5 (3), 293-296 (2009).
12、Y. Gao, P. He, J. Lian, L. M. Wang, D. Qian, J. Zhao, W. Wang, M. J. Schulz, J. Zhang, D.L. Shi, X. P. Zhou*, Improving the Mechanical Properties of Polycarbonate Nano-composites with Plasma Modified Carbon Nanofibers, J. Macromolecular Science, Part B: Physics, 45 (4): 671-679 (2006).
13、Y. Gao, P. He, J. Lian, M. J. Schulz, J. Zhao, W. Wang, X.Q.Wang, J. Zhang, D. L. Shi, X. P. Zhou*, Effects of Surface Modification, CNF Concentration, and Dispersion Time on the Mechanical Properties of CNF-Polycarbonate Composites, J. Applied Polymer Science, 103: 3792-3797 (2007).
14、Z. L. Chen*, Y. Sun, P. Huang, X. X. Yang, X. P. Zhou*, Studies on Preparation of Photosensitizer Loaded Magnetic Silica Nanoparticles and Their Antitumor Effects for Targeting Photodynamic Therapy, Nanoscale Res. Lett., 4: 400-408 ( 2009) .
15、J. Li, X. P. Zhou*, S. Y. Ni, X. Q. Wang,One_Pot Synthesis Of Strongly Luminesencing CdTe Quantum Dots And Their Conjugation With Mouse Antibody To Alpha_Fetoprotein,Colloid Journal,72 (5), 701-706 (2010).
标签: 东华大学 化学化工与生物工程学院