2016年7月至今 东北师范大学 讲师 硕士生导师2013年9月至2016年6月 西南大学心理学部 应用心理学专业 博士2010年9月至2013年6月 西南大学心理学部 基础心理学专业 硕士2006年9月至2010年7月 哈尔滨师范大学教育科学学院 心理系 学士我的研究主要综合运用行为学、ERP(事件相关电位)和fMRI(功能核磁共振)技术探索自我认知加工、威胁信息影响自我加工优势以及自尊和文化缓冲威胁信息的认知神经机制。主持项目1.国家自然科学基金青年项目,“社会威胁对自我面孔加工优势的影响及其认知神经机制”,2018/01-2020/12,27万元2.中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助,“社会威胁面孔对自我加工优势的影响:外显加工和内隐加工的双视角”,2017/01-2018/12,6万元近期论文
1. Guan, L., Zhao, Y., Wang, Y., Chen, Y., & Yang, J. (2017). Self-esteem Modulates the P3 Component in Response to the Self-face Processing after Priming with Emotional Faces. Frontiers in Psychology, 8:1399. (SSCI)2. Guan, L., Chen, Y., Xu, X., Qiao, L., Wei, J., Han, S., Yang, J., & Liu, Y. (2015). Self-esteem buffers the mortality salience effect on the implicit self-face processing. Personality and Individual Differences, 85, 77-85. (SSCI)3. Guan, L., Qi, M., Li, H., Hitchman, G., Yang, J., & Liu, Y. (2015). Priming with threatening faces modulates the self-face advantage by enhancing the other-face processing rather than suppressing the self-face processing. Brain Research: 1608, 97-107. (SCI)4. Guan, L., Qi, M., Zhang, Q., & Yang, J. (2014). The neural basis of self-face recognition after self-concept threat and comparison with important others. Social Neuroscience, 9(4), 424-435. (SCI)5. Yang, J., Guan, L., & Qi, M. (2014). Gender differences in neural mechanisms underlying moral judgment of disgust: a functional MRI study. Journal of Behavioral and Brain Science, 4, 214-222. (共同第一作者)6. 关丽丽, 张庆林, 齐铭铭, 侯燕, 杨娟. (2012). 自我概念威胁以及与重要他人的比较共同削弱自我面孔优势效应. 心理学报, 44(6), 789-796.7. 关丽丽, 齐铭铭, 侯艳, 杨娟. (2011). 自我面孔识别的脑机制. 心理科学进展, 19(9), 1313-1318.非第一作者论文8. Zhang, H., Guan, L., Qi, M., & Yang, J. (2013). Self-esteem modulates the time course of self-positivity bias in explicit self-evaluation. PLoS One, 8(12), e81169.9. Yang, J., Guan, L., Dedovic, K., Qi, M., & Zhang, Q. (2012). The neural correlates of implicit self-relevant processing in low self-esteem: An ERP study. Brain Research, 1471:75-80. 10. 齐铭铭, 关丽丽, 侯燕, 杨娟 (2012). 估算任务诱发心理应激反应有效性的行为学检验. 中国心理卫生杂志, 26(9), 696-702.11. 齐铭铭, 关丽丽, 张庆林, 杨娟. (2014). 心理性应激的时间加工进程:来自ERP的证据. 心理与行为研究, 12(2),174-181.12. Yang, Q., Zhao, Y., Guan, L., & Huang, X. (2017). Implicit Attitudes toward the Self Over Time in Chinese Undergraduates. Frontiers in Psychology, 8:1914. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.0191413. Qi M, Gao H, Guan L, Liu G, & Yang J. (2016). Subjective Stress, Salivary Cortisol, and Electrophysiological Responses to Psychological Stress. Frontiers in Phychology. 7:229. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2016.0022914. Yang, J., Dedovic, K., Guan, L., Chen, Y., & Qi, M. (2014). Self-esteem modulates dorsal medial prefrontal cortical response to self-positivity bias in implicit self-relevant processing. Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience, DOI: 10.1093/scan/nst18115. Yang, J., Qi, M., Guan, L., & Zhang, Q. (2014). Self-esteem modulates the latency of P2 component in implicit self-relevant processing. Biological Psychology. 97,22-26.16. Yang, J., Qi, M., Guan, L., Hou, Y., & Zhang, Q. (2012). The time course of psychological stress as revealed by event-related potentials. Neuroscience letters. 530(1), 1-6.17. 车先伟, 齐铭铭, 关丽丽, 张庆林, 杨娟. (2014). 大学生心理性应激水平与创造性能力的关系研究. 西南大学学报 (自然科学版), 36(4), 152-155.18. 杨娟, 齐铭铭, 关丽丽, 沈伊默. (2013). 中国文化下自尊与心理性应激的关系:社会认可需求的中介效应. 西南大学学报 (自然科学版), 35(8), 172-176.19. 齐铭铭, 张庆林, 关丽丽, 杨娟 (2011). 急性心理性应激诱发的神经内分泌反应及其影响因素.心理科学进展, 19(9), 1347-1354.20. Wu, X., Chen, Y., Chen, B., Guan, L., & Zhao Y. (2017). The Relationship between Regional Gray Matter Volume of Social Exclusion Regions and Personal Self-Esteem Is Moderated by Collective Self-Esteem. Frontiers in Phychology, 8:1989. doi: 10.3389/fpsyg.2017.0198921. Chen, Y., Zhao, Y., Song, H., Guan, L., Wu, X. (2016). The neural basis of intergroup threat effect on social attention. Scientific. Reports. 7, 41062.22. 侯燕,杨娟,张庆林,关丽丽,齐铭铭. (2012). 心理性应激对词语感受性的影响. 西南师范大学学报 (自然科学版), 37(12), 132-139.23. 陈禹, 任国防, 李海江, 杨瑜, 关丽丽, 胡新雨, 杨娟. (2014). 自尊与心理性应激反应的关系:社会认可需求的中介作用. 心理发展与教育, 30(4), 435-441.24. Yang, J., Yang,Y., Li, H., Hou,Y., Qi, M., Guan, L., Che, X., Chen, Y., Chen, W., & Jens C. Pruessner. (2014). Correlation between self-esteem and stress response in Chinese college students: The mediating role of the need for social approval. Personality and Individual Differences. 70, 212-217. 相关热点