2023-05-09 14:54
  • 付申成
  • 付申成 - 副教授-东北师范大学-物理学院-个人资料




[1] 可擦除光存储材料设计制备与存储性质研究,吉林省科技厅,2010年吉林省科技进步奖,一等奖,2010.12,第五位
[2] 基于“现象性问题”的物理教学模式探索,吉林省教学成果一等奖,2018.04,第六位
[3] 低维氧化物半导体异质结界面电场-光场调控与功能化,吉林省科学技术奖自然科学奖一等奖,2018.10,第六位




[3] Shencheng Fu, Y. Liu, L. Dong et al. Photo-dynamics of polarization holographic recording in spirooxazine-doped polymer films, Materials Letters 59 (2005)1449-1452.
[4] Shencheng Fu, W. Hu, M. Xie et al. A new kinetic description of the complex optical behavior in photochromic polymer films, Physica B: Condensed Matter 400 (2007) 198-202.
[5] Shencheng Fu, W. Hu, M. Xie et al, Erasure mechanisms of polarization holographic gratings in spirooxazine-doped polymer films, Journal of Applied Polymer Science 111 (2009) 2157 – 2162.
[6] Shencheng Fu, X. Zhang, R. Han et al. Photoinduced anisotropy and polarization holographic gratings formed in Ag/TiO2 nanocomposite films, Applied Optics, 51, 3357-3363, 2012.
[7] SHI Feng, FU Shencheng*, LI Ye et al. Monte-Carlo Simulations on the Noise Characteristics of the Ion Barrier Film of Microchannel Plate, Chinese Journal of Electronics, 21, 756-758, 2012.
[8] Shencheng Fu*、X. Wang、W. Hu et al,Formation mechanisms of multiple holographic gratings in spirooxazine doped polymer films, Optik, 124, 139-143, 2013.
[9] Shencheng Fu, S. Sun, X. Zhang et al. Polarization dependent and rewritable holographic gratings in Ag/TiO2 nanocomposite films, Optics Communications, 318, 1-6, 2014.
[10] M. Zheng, X. Xie, Shencheng Fu* et al. Bi-photonic holographic grating recordings for different polarization configurations in spirooxazine-doped polymers, Applied Optics, 2014,53(25), 5815-5823.
[11] Xin Xie , MeilingZheng, Shencheng Fu* Xiuli Wang , Ye Li, Yichun Liu , Two-wavelength exposure enhancement in holographic data storage of spirooxazine-doped polymers, Optics Communications 338 (2015) 269–276.
[12] Shencheng Fu, Qiang Han, Shuang Lu, Xintong Zhang, Xiuli Wang, Yichun Liu, Polarization-controlled Bicolor Recording Enhances Holographic Memory in Ag/TiO2 Nanocomposite Films. The Journal of Physical Chemistry C 119 (2015) 18559–18566.
[13] Shencheng Fu, Shiyu Sun, Xintong Zhang, Cen Zhang, Xiaoning Zhao, Yichun Liu, Environment-dependent photochromism of silver nanoparticles interfaced with metal-oxide films. Applied Surface Science 357 (2015) 2048–2054.
[14] Shencheng Fu, Xintong Zhang*, Qiang Han, Shuangyan Liu, Xiuxiu Han, Yichun Liu*, Blu-ray-sensitive localized surface plasmon resonance for high-density optical memory, Scientific Reports,2016, 6(1):36701
[15] Liu, Shuangyan, Fu, Sshencheng, Han, Xxiuxiu,Wang, Xinnong; Ji, Ruiya ; Zhang, Xintong**; Liu, Yichun***, Nonvolatile plasmonic holographic memory based on photo-driven ion migration,APPL OPTICS,2017年,卷: 56 期: 24 页: 6942-6948
[16] Han, Xiuxiu; Fu, Shencheng*; Zhang, Xintong**; Lu, Shuang ; Liu, Shuangyan;Wang, Xinnong ; Ji, Ruiya ; Wang, Xiuli ; Liu, Yichun***; Li, Jinhuan, Selective photo-oxidation induced bi-periodic plasmonic structures for high-density data storage,APPL OPTICS,2017年,卷: 56 期: 28 页: 7892-7897
[17]Wang, Xinnong;Fu, Shencheng*;Zhang, Xintong**;Han, Xiuxiu;Liu, Shuangyan;Kang, Lihong;Zhang, Yang;Liu, Yichun***,Visible laser-assisted reduction of plasmonic Ag nanoparticles with narrow-band optical absorption for colored holographic reconstruction,Optics Express,2017年,卷: 25 期: 25 页: 31253-31262
[18]Ruiya Ji, Shencheng Fu*, Xintong Zhang**, Xiuxiu Han, Shuangyan Liu, Xiuli Wang & Yichun Liu***,Fluorescent Holographic Fringes with a Surface Relief Structure Based on Merocyanine Aggregation Driven by Blue-violet Laser, Scientific Reports,2018,8,3818
[19]Shuangyan Liu, Shencheng Fu*, Xintong Zhang**, Xinnong Wang, Lihong Kang, Xiuxiu Han, Xi Chen, Jiarui Wu, Yichun Liu***. UV-resistant holographic data storage in noble-metal/semiconductor nanocomposite films with electron-acceptors. Optical Materials Express, 2018; 8 (5): 1143, (OSA专题新闻报道)
[20]Lihong Kang, Shencheng Fu*, Xintong Zhang**, Xinnong Wang, Jiarui Wu, Shuangyan Liu, Ruiya Ji, Xiuxiu Han, Yichun Liu, and Jinhuan Li, Nanoporous-template-modulated azopolymers for enhancing reversible photo-transformation,OSA Continuum Vol. 1, Issue 2, pp. 477-487 (2018)
[21]Jiarui Wu, Shencheng Fu*, Xintong Zhang**, Xinnong Wang, Lihong Kang, Meiying Li, and Yichun Liu***,Graphene-Oxide/TiO2 nanocomposite films with electron-donors for multicolor holography,Optics Express Vol. 27, Issue 2, pp. 1740-1749 (2019)
[22] Xinnong Wang, Shencheng Fu*, Xintong Zhang**, Xin Li, Lihong Kang, Jiarui Wu, Wei Zhang, and Yichun Liu***,Bi-photonic reduction of anisotropic Ag nanoparticles for color-tunable hologram reconstruction,Optics Express 27, 11991-11999 (2019)

