2023-05-09 14:42
  • 李金龙
  • 李金龙 - 教授 博士生导师-东北农业大学-动物医学学院-个人资料





l 教育部新世纪优秀人才(2013)
l 黑龙江省普通高等学校新世纪优秀人才(2012)
l 教育部霍英东基金会高校青年教师奖二等奖获得者(2012)
l 首批东农学者计划“学术骨干”(2015)

l 2015/09-至今,东北农业大学,教授,博士生导师(破格遴选)
l 2016/08-至今,黑龙江省青年联合会第十二届委员会委员
l 2014/03-2015/04,美国威斯康星大学麦迪逊分校,访问学者
l 2007/09-2010/06,华南农业大学,临床兽医学,博士
l 2001/09-2004/06,东北农业大学,临床兽医学,硕士
l 1996/09-2001/06,东北农业大学,动物医学,学士




[1] ZhuSY, Li XN, Sun XC, Lin J, Li W, Zhang C, Li JL*. A biochemical characterization ofthe selenoproteome in Gallus gallus via bioinformatics analysis:structure-function relationships and interactions of binding molecules. Metallomics.2017, DOI: 10.1039/C6MT00254D. (5-Year IF 3.563; 中科院大类二区)
[2] Du ZH,Qin L, Lin J, Sun YC, Xia J, Zhang C, Li XN, Li JL*. Activating nuclear xenobioticreceptors and triggering ER stress and hepatic cytochromes P450 systems inquails (Coturnix C. coturnix) during atrazine exposure. Environ Toxicol.2017, DOI: 10.1002/tox.22404. (5-Year IF 3.197; 中科院大类三区)
[3] LiXN, Lin J, Xia J, Qin L, Zhu SY, Li JL*. Lycopene mitigates atrazine-induced cardiacinflammation via blocking NF-κB pathway and NO production. J Funct Foods.2017, 29:208-216. (5-Year IF 4.269; 中科院大类一区)
[4] JiangXQ, Cao CY, Li ZY, Li W, Zhang C, Lin J, Li XN, Li JL*. Delineating hierarchy ofselenotranscriptome expression and their response to selenium status in chickencentral nervous system. J Inorg Biochem. 2017, 169: 13–22. (5-YearIF 3.227; 中科院大类三区)
[5] LinJ, Li HX, Qin L, Du ZH, Xia J, Li JL*. A novel mechanism underlies atrazine toxicity in quails (CoturnixC. coturnix): triggering ionic disorder via disruption of ATPases. Oncotarget.2016, 7(51):83880-83892. (5-Year IF 5.415; 中科院大类一区)
[6] XiaJ, Qin L, Du ZH, Lin J, Li XN, Li JL*. Performance of a novel atrazine-induced neurotoxicity incerbellum of quails (Coturnix C. coturnix): activating PXR/CAR pathwayresponses and disrupting cytochrome P450 homeostasis. Chemosphere. 2016,171: 259-264. (5-Year IF 4.068; 中科院大类二区)
[7] ZhangC, Li XN, Xiang LR, Qin L, Lin J, Li JL*. Atrazine triggers hepatic oxidative stress andapoptosis in quails (Coturnix C. coturnix) via blocking Nrf2-mediateddefense response. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2016, 137:49-56. (5-Year IF 3.246; 中科院大类三区)
[8] Lin J,Li HX, Xia J, Li XN, Jiang XQ, Zhu SY, Ge J, Li JL*. The chemopreventivepotential of lycopene against atrazine-induced cardiotoxicity: modulation ofionic homeostasis. Scientific Reports. 2016, 6:24855. (5-Year IF 5.525; 中科院大类二区)
[9] LinJ, Zhao HS, Xiang LR, Xia J, Wang LL, Li XN, Li JL*, Zhang Y. Lycopeneprotects against atrazine-induced hepatic ionic homeostasis disturbance bymodulating ion transporting ATPases. J Nutr Biochem. 2016, 27(1):249-56. (5-YearIF 4.508; 中科院大类二区)
[10]LiJL,Sunde RA. Selenoprotein Enzyme Activity and Transcript Level as Biomarkers forSelenium Status and Selenium Requirements of Chickens (Gallus gallus). PlosONE. 2016, 11(4):e0152392. (5-Year IF 3.535; 中科院大类三区)
[11]QinL, Du ZH, Zhu SY, Li XN, Li N, Guo JA, Li JL*, Zhang Y. Atrazinetriggers developmental abnormality of ovary and oviduct in quails (CoturnixCoturnix coturnix) via disruption of hypothalamo-pituitary-ovarian axis. EnvironPollut. 2015, 207:299-307. (5-Year IF 5.008; 中科院大类二区)
[12]ShaoCC, Li N, Zhang ZW, Su J, Han YH, Li S, Li JL*, Xu SW. Cadmiumsupplement triggers endoplasmic reticulum stress response and cytotoxicity inprimary chicken hepatocytes.Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2014, 106:109-14.(5-Year IF 3.246; 中科院大类三区)
[13]LiJL, Jiang CY, Li S, Xu SW.Cadmium induced hepatotoxicity in chickens (Gallus domesticus) andameliorative effect by selenium. Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. 2013, 96:103-9. (5-Year IF 3.246; 中科院大类三区)
[14]Li JL, Li HX, Gao XJ, Zhang JL, Li S, XuSW, Tang ZX.Priority in selenium homeostasis involves regulation of SepSecS transcriptionin chicken brain. PLoS ONE. 2012, 7(4): e35761. (5-Year IF 3.702; 中科院大类三区)
[15]Li JL, Li HX, Li S, Gao XJ, Xu SW, TangZX. Effectsof Selenoprotein W Gene Expression by Selenium Involves Regulation of mRNAStability in Chicken Embryos Neurons. BioMetals. 2012, 25(2):459-68.(5-Year IF 3.068; 中科院大类三区)
[16]Li JL, Li HX, Li S, Jiang ZH, Xu SW, TangZX. Selenoprotein W Gene Expression in the Gastrointestinal Tract of Chicken isAffected by Dietary Selenium. BioMetals. 2011, 24(2):291-299. (5-Year IF3.068; 中科院大类三区)
[17]Li JL, Gao R, Li S, Wang JT, Tang ZX, XuSW. Testicular toxicity induced by dietary cadmium in cocks and ameliorativeeffect by selenium. BioMetals.2010, 23(4):695-705. (5-Year IF 3.068; 中科院大类三区)
l 中国畜牧兽医学会动物毒物学分会常务理事/副秘书长
l 中国畜牧兽医学会兽医内科与临床诊疗学分会理事
l 中国畜牧兽学会东北地区兽医内科学分会副理事长
l American Society for Nutrition(ASN)会员
l 黑龙江省青年联合会第十二届委员会委员
l 黑龙江省畜牧科技推广网专家组兽医与兽药组长
l Nature出版集团旗下子刊Scientific Reports编委
l 受邀为Toxicology, Vaccine, Chemosphere, Chem Biol Interact, J InorgBiochem, Ecotoxicol Environ Saf等16个国际学术期刊特约审稿人

