2023-05-09 14:31
  • 于朝生
  • 于朝生 - 副教授-东北林业大学-化学化工与资源利用学院-个人资料




于朝生, 1966年5月生,博士,副教授,化学化工与资源利用学院教师,有机化学教研室主任。­化学一级学科中有机化学(二级学科)科学硕士导师、化学工程专业硕士导师,主讲有机化学、医药中间体制备原理与工艺及化学反应工程等课程。


1. 青岛哈工资源环境技术有限公司委托开发项目, \


1. 功能有机材料,2. 污染物资源化再生利用研究,3. 保温材料生产中相关技术的研究,4.导电高分子材料,5.大孔树脂的合成及吸附和解吸性能的研究"1) 纳米石墨导电复合材料及纳米石墨导电胶粘剂,2) 强极性大孔树脂的合成及应用研究。"


[1] Chaosheng Yu, Bin Li. Preparation and characterization of carboxymethyl polyvinyl alcohol-graphite nanosheet composites[J]. Polymer Composites 2008,29(9):998-1005(SCI收录)
[2] Chaosheng Yu, Bin Li. Morphology and Properties of Conducting Polyvinyl Alcohol Hydrosulfate/Graphite Nanosheet Composites[J]. Journal of Composite Materials. 2008,42: 1491-1504(SCI收录)
[3] Chaosheng Yu, Bin Li.Morphology and electrical conductivity of Polystyrene sulphonic acid-graphite nanosheet composites[J].Polymers & Polymer Composites. 2008,16(4):241-248(SCI收录)
[4] Wei Lin, Xiang-rong Xi, Chao-sheng Yu*. Research of silver plating nano-graphite filled conductive adhesive[J]. Synthetic Metals 2009 159(7-8): 619-624(SCI收录)
[5] Xiang-rong Xi, Chao-sheng Yu*, Wei Lin. Investigation of nano-graphite/polyurethane conductive adhesives: Preparation and characterization[J]. Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology, 2009. 23 (2009) 1939–1951
[6]林韡,于朝生*.石墨/环氧树脂导电胶的研究[J].中国胶粘剂, 2008,17(6): 4-9
[7]林韡,于朝生*.还原石墨导电胶的研究[J].中国胶粘剂, 2008,17(11): 20-26
[8]于朝生*,林韡,郑晓峰,等.自制氨基磺酸催化合成2-苯基苯并咪唑[J].化学工业与工程, 2008,25(5): 419-423
[9]于朝生*,林韡,潘成军,等.反式肉桂腈的快速合成[J].日用化学工业, 2007,37(6): 413-416
[10]奚香荣,于朝生*,林韡,齐新.还原纳米石墨/聚氨酯导电胶粘剂的制备与性能研究[J].中国胶粘剂, 2009,18(6):46-51
[11]梅若鸣,于朝生*,李子宁,黎富平,操晓红. 氨基磺酸催化合成2,6-二苄叉基环己酮[J].化学工业与工程, 2009,26(6),506-510
[12] Xi, X., zhenming Ye, Chaosheng Yu*, et al., Preparation and Characterization of Electroconductive Adhesives of NanoG/Polyurethane-Epoxy IPNs. The Journal of Adhesion. 2010,86(8): 791-804.
[15] Xin Qi, Yanqing Li, Denghu Chang, Jianhui Zhang, Jianchao Liu & Chaosheng Yu*, Preparation and Characterization of Strong Polar Macro Porous Resin, International Journal of Chemistry 2011, 3(2),210-217
[16] Shuo Dou, , Jiayu Qi, Xuefei Guo, & Chaosheng Yu*. Preparation and adhesive performance of electrical conductive epoxy-acrylate resin containing silver-plated graphene, Journal of Adhesion Science and Technology 2014, 28(16), 1556-1567(SCI收录)
[17] Chaosheng Yu,Haipeng Liu,Yanqing Li,and Yuangang Zu. Preparation and characterization of degradable cellulose-based macroporous resin, Polym Int2012;61: 994–1001. (SCI收录)
[18] Chaosheng Yu Haipeng Liu Jie Gong Shiyu Xu Yuangang Zu. Degradation study of carbamide cellulose-based macroporous resin. Cellulose (2013) 20:265–275(SCI收录)
[19]徐祖伟,于朝生*,窦烁. X-5大孔树脂对黄芪异黄酮的吸附特性.化工进展,2013.01-65-67
[20]徐祖伟,于朝生*,窦烁. AB-8大孔树脂对柴胡总黄酮的吸附行为研究.化学工程2013,02,33-37
[21] Yang, X., You, X., Zhang, B.,Guo, C., Yu, C*.。Preparation of magnetic imprinted graphene oxide composite for catalytic degradation of Congo red under dark ambient conditions,Water Science and Technology,2017,76(7), pp. 1676-1686,(SCI收录)
[22] 张斌; 罗子扬; 王风鑫; 于朝生*; 许苗军,模拟太阳光Fenton法催化降解氯化苄的研究,化学与粘合,2018,40(1),34-37
[23] 王凤鑫; 高景岐;, 于朝生*. 橡塑电捕焦油增塑环氧树脂性能的研究, 化学与粘合 2019,41(4),259-264,
[24] 王凤鑫,高景岐,于朝生*,基于橡塑发泡材料生产过程中挥发气体冷凝料调制酚醛胶粘剂的研究,中国胶黏剂,2019,28(1),29-30

