AreasofTeachingExpertise IntroductiontoManagement IntroductiontoTourism HumanResourceManagement BusinessStatistics Updated:January,202ACADEMICQUALIFICATIONPh.D.HumanresourceManagementandOrganizationalBehavior/ NationalTaiwanUniversityofScienceandTechnologyBachelor MajorinSocialWork,MinorinBusinessAdministration/SoochowUniversity PROFESSIONALQUALIFICATION 2018-presentAssociateProfessor/FacultyofHospitalityandTourism/Macau UniversityofScienceandTechnology2 012-2018 AssistantProfessor/FacultyofHospitalityandTourism研究领域
Work-familyissue Leadership"RESEARCHGRANTS/PROJECTS 2019–2020 OutsourcingSelf-regulation:AWithin-individualExaminationofEgoDepletion andLeadershipBehavior.MacauUniversityofScienceandTechnologyGrant.2016–2017 Doworkaholichotelmanagersprovidefamilysupportivesupervision?Areasoned actionperspective.MacauUniversityofScienceandTechnologyGrant.2013-2014 Aninvestigationofcrossovereffectfromsupervisors’work-familyconflictto subordinates’work-familyconflictamonghospitalityemployeesinMacau:An"近期论文
1. Yeh, Y )。 Y. Ma T N. Pan, S Y Chuang P,&Jhuang, Y H. (In press)。 Assessing potential efects of daily cross domain usage of information and communicationJournal of Social Psychology (SSCD)2. Pan, S. Y.& Yeh, Y J. (2019)。 The crossover effect of work-family conflict among3. Pan, S. Y. Lin, K. 1. (2018)。 Who suffers when supervisors are unhappy? The role of leader-member exchange and abusive supervision. Journal of Business Ethics, 151, 799-811 4. Pan, S.Y. (2018) Do workaholic hotel supervisors provide family-supportive supervision? Aentity perspect intematioml jomo o tagt liy Mnagement 6B, 59-67. Gsc5. Lin, K J, lies, R. Pluut, H, & Pan, S. Y (2017)。You are a helpful co-worker, but do yourt your spouse? A resource-based work-family model of helping and supportrovision. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 138, 45-58(SSCI Finalist for The Rosabeth Moss Kanter Award for Excellence in Work-Family Research)6. Pan, S. Y. Lin, K. ]。(2015)。 Behavioral mechanism and boundary conditions of transformational process. Journal of Managerial Psychology, 30,970-985(SsC)7. Pan, S. Y. Yeh, Y. 。 (2012) Impact of value congruence on work family conflict: The mediating effect of work-related stpport. Journal of Social pN w.& Pu, 5. Y. co:2) A still imep uon of maksim Ihis Lemon transformational leadership and task performance: The mediating roles of perceived person-job fit and person-organization fit Joumal of Business and Pychology, 27, 43-56 9. u. K M- Pan, S. Y\AcademyofManagement MemberofAsiaAcademyofManagement InternationalAssociationforChineseManagementResearchBiennialMeeting 相关热点