2005年本科毕业于山东农业大学水文水资源专业,2005至2010年就读于河海大学水文学与水资源专业并获得博士学位,2010年7月至今在安徽理工大学任教,主要从事水文水资源的教学和科研工作。教育经历博士学位 2005.09-2010.06 河海大学 学士学位 2001.09-2005.06 山东农业大学 工作经历2010.07-今,安徽理工大学获得荣誉2016年 校青年讲课比赛二等奖研究领域
1. Lihong Liu, Longcang Shu, Xunhong Chen, Thomas Oromo. The Hydrologic function and behaviors of the Houzhai underground river basin, Guizhou Province, southwestern China. Hydrogeology Journal. 2010, 18 (2):509-518. (SCI检索号000274456600019)2. Lihong Liu, Longcang Shu, Xunhong Chen. Rainfall-driven theoretical hydrograph modeling in karstic water system, southwestern China. Water Resources Management. 2010, 24:2689-2701. (SCI检索号000280948700016)3. Lihong Liu, Xunhong Chen, Guangquan Xu, Longcang Shu. Use of hydrologic time-series data for identification of hydrodynamic function and behavior in a karstic water system in China. Hydrogeology Journal. 2011, 19 (8): 1577-1585. (SCI检索号000297197600009)3. Liu, Lihong, Xu, Guangquan. Hydrochemical and statistical study of water quality in karstic water system (southwest China). ISWREP 2011 - Proceedings of 2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection, 2011, Volume2, 906-909. (EI检索号20113014187206)4. Liu, Lihong, Chen, Xunhong. Hydrodynamic and hydrochemical study of water in a karst aquifer - A case study in Houzhai karstic water system, Guizhou Province, China. ISWREP 2011 - Proceedings of 2011 International Symposium on Water Resource and Environmental Protection, 2011, Volume1, 24-27. (EI检索号20113014187010).5. 刘丽红, 束龙仓, 鲁程鹏. 基于管道流模型的岩溶含水系统降雨泉流量响应规律———以贵州后寨典型小流域为例. 吉林大学学报(地球科学版), 2010, 40(5):1083-1089. (EI检索号20104613383635).5. 刘丽红, 束龙仓, 王茂枚等. 主成份分析法识别岩溶多重介质含水系统水化学和水动力特征——以贵州后寨岩溶典型小流域为例. 工程勘察, 2009, 37(6):43-46.6. 束龙仓,刘丽红等. 贵州后寨典型岩溶小流域水动力特征分析. 河海大学学报(自然科学版)2008, 36(4):433-437.7. Longcang Shu, Guiming Dong, Lihong Liu. Variation and prediction of the Pingshan sinkhole in Guizhou, Southwestern China. 11 th Multidisciplinary Conference on Sinkholes & Engineering &Environmental Impacts of Karst. 2008, Florida, USA. (EI检索)8. Dan Yin, Longcang Shu, Lihong Liu. Research on reflow conditions of Jinci karstic spring, north Chian. Proceeding of Symposium JS.2 at the Joint IAHS&IAH Convention, Hyderabad, India, September 2009. IAHS Publ. 329, 2009. (EI检索)9. 刘丽红,许光泉,赵宏海等. 基于地下水流数值模拟的反求参数方法研究. 人民黄河,2012(34)9,66-69.10. 刘丽红,李娴,鲁程鹏. 岩溶含水系统水动力特征研究进展. 水电能源科学, 2012(30)7,21-24.11. 刘丽红,刘启蒙,李娴. 贵州后寨流域岩溶地下水资源评价及干旱特征分析. 水文,2013(33)3,34-37. 相关热点