2023-04-28 17:02
  • 李景辉
  • 李景辉 - 博士-安徽工业大学-个人资料








[1] Jinghui Li, Fuguo Li, Mirza Zahid Hussain,Chengpeng Wang, Lei Wang. Micro-Structural Evolution Subjected to CombinedTension-Torsion Deformation for Pure Copper. Materials Science andEngineering A, 2014, 610: 181-187. (SCI: JCR 2区)[2]Jinghui Li, Fuguo Li, Chen Zhao, Han Chen, Xinkai Ma, Jiang Li.Experimental Study on Pure Copper Subjected to Different Severe PlasticDeformation Modes. Materials Science and Engineering A, 2016, 656:142-150. (SCI: JCR 2区)[3]Jinghui Li, Fuguo Li, Xinkai Ma, Qianru Wang, Junzhe Dong, Zhanwei Yuan.A Strain-Dependent Ductile Damage Model and Its Application in the Derivationof Fracture Toughness by Micro-Indentation. Materials & Design,2015, 67: 623-630. (SCI: JCR 2区)[4]Jinghui Li, Fuguo Li, Junzhe Dong, Zhanwei Yuan, Shuo Zhang.Micromechanical Behavior of Single-Crystal Superalloy with Different CrystalOrientations by Microindentation. Journal of Nanomaterials, 2015, 2:1-15. (SCI: JCR 3区)[5]Jinghui Li, Fuguo Li, Pan Li, Zhanchao Ma, Chengpeng Wang, Lei Wang.Micro-Structural Evolution in Metals Subjected to Simple Shear by a ParticularSevere Plastic Deformation Method. Journal of Materials Engineering andPerformance, 2015, 24: 2944-2956. (SCI: JCR 4区)[6]Jinghui Li, Fuguo Li, Xinkai Ma, Han Chen, Zhanchao Ma, Jiang Li.Microhardness Distribution and Microstructural Evolution in Pure AluminumSubjected to Severe Plastic Deformation: Elliptical Cross-Sectioned SpiralEqual-Channel Extrusion (ECSEE). Journal of Materials Engineering andPerformance, 2015, 24: 4543-4550. (SCI: JCR 4区)[7]Fuguo Li, Jinghui Li, Bo Chen, Chengpeng Wang, Lei Wang. Size Effects atDwell Stage of Micro-Indentation for Pure Aluminum. Rare Metal Materials andEngineering, 2014, 43: 2931-2936. (SCI: JCR 4区)[8]Jinghui Li, Fuguo Li, Ruiting Wang, Zhanwei Yuan, Jiang Li, Pan Li. Effectsof Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Properties of an ECAPedAl-Zn-Mg-Cu alloy. Advanced Engineering Materials. (Accepted, adem.201701155R1, JCR 3区).[9] Han Chen, Fuguo Li, JinghuiLi, et al. Hardening and softening analysis of puretitanium based on the dislocation density during torsion deformation. MaterialsScience and Engineering A, 2016, 671: 17-31. (SCI: JCR 2区).[10] Han Chen, Fuguo Li, JinghuiLi, et al. Experimental study on pure titanium duringthe positive-torsion and positive-negative-torsion. Materials Science andEngineering A, 2016, 674: 552-68. (SCI: JCR 2区).[11] Xinkai Ma, Fuguo Li, JinghuiLi, et al. Analysis of forming limits based on a newductile damage criterion in St14 steel sheets. Materials and Design. 2015, 68:134-145(SCI: JCR2区).

