2023-03-13 13:42
  • 郑彦坤
  • 郑彦坤 - 讲师-安庆师范大学-个人资料




主持 1 项国家一等博后基金资助项目(2014M550311), 参与过多项国家自然科学基金资助项目(30670125 , 31270228,31271641, 31471438)及国家重点基础研究发展计 划(973 计划)项目 (2012CB114306);发表了二十多篇文章(包 括十多篇 SCI 文章);参加过多次学术会议,如:中国植物生理与植物分子生物学学会第十一次会员代表大会暨全国学术年会(贵州),第五届长江三角洲地区植物学学术研讨会(南京,做了分场报告),江苏省植物生理学会第九届会员代表大 会暨 2014年学术年会(南通,做了分场报告),江苏省植物生 理 2011年学术年会(苏州,做了分场报告,并获得优秀论文报告奖);参与了王忠教授的专著《水稻的开花与结实:水稻生殖器官发育图谱》的校正,了解并学习了一些专著撰写流程与 经验。 善长动植物组织的徒手切片、冰冻切片、石蜡切片以及树脂切片等技术;掌握了体视显微镜、普通光镜、荧光显微镜、 扫描电镜、透射电镜与激光共聚焦显微镜等观察技术。 教育与工作经历 2003-9至 2007-7,青岛农业大学生物科学学士。 2007-9至 2012-6,扬州大学硕博连读,在此期间,遵循“脚踏实地做事”的原则,帮助导师管理实验室,指导研究生实验, 参与国家级精品课程建设,给教研室师生们留下了良好印象。 2012-6至 2013-10,在中国科学院上海生命科学研究院植物生理生态研究所,以博士后身份工作,并进修了分子生物学技术;在上海徕卡显微系统贸易有限公司学习了一些激光共聚焦扫 描显微镜技术。 2013-10至 2015-6,在扬州大学农学院以博士后身份工作,并承担了部分教学和协助指导研究生等工作,取得了一些好成绩 ,得到师生们的认可与好评。 2015/6-至今,在安庆师范大学生命科学学院,主要从事教学与 科研工作,并担任细胞与分子生物学教研室主任。


(1) Yankun Zheng, Zhong Wang. Current opinions on endosperm transfer cells in maize. Plant cell reports, 2010, 29(9): 935-942. (2) Yankun Zheng, Zhong Wang. Contrast observation and investigation of wheat endosp-erm transfer cells and nucellar projection transfer cells. Plant cell reports, 2011, 30(7): 1281-1288. (3) Yankun Zheng, Zhong Wang,Yunjie Gu.Development and function of caryopsis trans-port tissues in maize, sorghum and wheat. Plant cell reports, 2014, 33(7): 10231031. (4) Yankun Zheng, Zhong Wang. Protein accumulation in aleurone cells, sub-aleurone cel-ls and the center starch endosperm of cereals. Plant cell reports, 2014, 33(10): 1607-1615. (5) Yankun Zheng, Zhong Wang. Differentiation mechanism and function of the cereal al-eurone cells and hormone effects on them. Plant cell reports, 2014, 33(11): 1779-1787. (6) Yankun Zheng, Zhong Wang. The cereal starch endosperm development and its relati-onship with other endosperm tissues and embryo. Protoplasma, 2015, 252(1): 33-40. (7) Yankun Zheng, Fei Xiong, Zhong Wang, Yunjie Gu. Observation and investigation of three endosperm transport tissues in sorghum caryopses. Protoplasma, 2015, 252(2): 705-714. (8) Yankun Zheng, Zhong Wang, Jianchang Yang, Yunjie Gu. Observation and comparison of structure changes in wheat caryopsis maternal tissues and endosperm. Brazilian Journal of Botany, 2015, 38(2): 417-427. (9) Yankun Zheng, Jianchang Yang, Zhong Wang, Yunje Gu. Structure characteristics and function of maize endosperm transfer cells. Brazilian Journal of Botany, 2015, 38(3): 669-678. (10) Yankun Zheng, Jianchang Yang, Zhong Wang. Structure characteristics and function of wheat endosperm transport tissues. Brazilian Journal of Botany, 2015, 38(3): 679687. (11) Yankun Zheng, Zhong Wang. Structural character of sorghum endosperm transfer ce -lls and their relationship with embryo and endosperm. International Journal of Plant Biology, 2010, 1(2). (12) Yankun Zheng, Zhong Wang, De’er Zeng. Developmental characteristics of starch granule occurrence center in sorghum central starchy endosperm. Ind J Plant Physiol, 2017, 22(1): 34-39. (13) Yankun Zheng, Xiong Fei, Xurun Yu. Observation and investigation of starch granul -es within wheat pericarp and endosperm. Agric Res, 2017, 6 (3): 320-325. (14) Xurun Yu, Heng Yu, Shanshan Shao, Jing Zhang, Liang Zhou, Yankun Zheng, Fei

