2023-03-13 13:12
  • 张静
  • 张静 - 助理教授-澳门科技大学-个人资料




学历 2017 博士学位 / 语言学 / 英国诺丁汉大学英语学院 (英国、中国、马来西亚校区)2007 硕士学位 / 教育学 (TESOL) / 英国巴斯大学教育学院 2006 学士学位 / 英语 / 中国上海外国语大学外国语学院 教学经历2016 – 今 助理教授 / 国际学院, 澳门科技大学 2007 – 2016 讲师 / 外国语学院, 温州大学


系统功能语言学,社会语言学,多模态话语分析, TESOL,国际高等教育研究,身份认同

项目:  胡范铸 & 张静 et al. (2019) 语言与国家认同关系研究 . 中国教育部重大攻关项目. Reference: 19JZD028. Zhang, J. & Sun J. R. (2019) Exploring Mainland Chinese Freshmen Experience and Academic Success in a Macao University: A Developmental Perspective on Sociopsychological and Discursive Transition. Macau University of Science and Technology. Reference: FRG-18-005-01.  Zhang, L. X. & Zhang, J. (2017) An Action Research of Maker Education on Business English Students’ Production-based Language Proficiency in a Chinese University. Zhejiang Education Bureau, China. Reference Y201636070, Completed.  Zhang, J. & Zhang, L. X. (2016) A Contrastive Study of Humanities and Science Students’ Learning Efficiency and Attitude in an Independent Higher Education Institution in China. Wenzhou Science and Technology Bureau, China. Reference: R20110116, Completed.  Zhang, L. X. & Zhang, J. (2016) Critical Discourse Analysis of the Corpora of Western Online Comments on the BBC Documentary of Chinese-style Education. Hangzhou Science and Technology Bureau, China. Reference Z16JC057, Completed.


部分发表: Zhang, L. Z. & Zhang, J. (in press). The positive image of internationalization of Chinese higher education: A diachronic study of Australian media discourse in the past elven years. 高教探索 .  Zhang, J. (2020). Exploring a Social-Linguistic Construction of Chinese Students’ Disciplinary Identities in the Mediated Process of Group Membership Affiliation in a UK-based University in China. Zhejiang University Press.  Zhang, J. (2018). Developing proximity of possible disciplinary selves in narratives: An alternative approach to explore the representation of individual in context. Discourse Studies, 20(4), 544-562. doi: 10.1177/1461445618754430 Zhang, J. (2008). Practical Writing. In: Guo, F.G. (Ed.) 300 High School’s English Writing (305-368). Shanghai: Shanghai Jiaotong University Press. Guo, F.G., Zhang, J. et al (2013). Advanced English Writing for High School Students. Shanghai: Shanghai Jiaotong University Press. ISBN 978-7-313-09390-5  Guo, F.G., Zhang, J. et al (2014). Advanced English Writing for Junior School Students (Guangdong version). Shanghai: Shanghai Jiaotong University Press. ISBN 978-7-313-11270-5 会议主旨报告  Zhang, J. (2019). Individual Disciplinary Identity Construction and National Identity Sharing in Transnational Context. East China Normal University, Shanghai, China.  Zhang, J. (2018). Teaching Academic Writing in a Transitional Global and Local Context: A Socio-cultural Approach. The CLE Conference for Teaching in English: Old. New. and Creative Methodology, Southern University of Science and Technology, Shenzhen, China.  Zhang, J. (2018). Developing Proximity of Possible Disciplinary Selves Narratives: An Alternative Approach to Explore the Representation of Individual in Context. The 3rd Language Studies Forum for Scholars: Planning Language Education for Internationlisation Chinese Education, China University of Geosciences, Wuhan, China. Zhang, J. (2018). Social Semiotic Representation of Macau’s Identity in China’s Greater Bay Area. The 4th International Conference of Semiosis Research Center, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Seoul, Korea. 部分会议  Zhang, J. (2019). Developing Chinese Students’ Identities through Sociocultural Participation in a Transnational University. English Teaching & Learning 2019 Conference, National Taiwan Normal University, Taipei, Taiwan. Zhang, J. (2017). Developing Proximity of Possible Disciplinary Selves in a Transnational University. Paper presented at CAES International Conference 2, University of Hong Kong.  Zhang, J. (2015). Across Affiliation to Individuation through Technicalities. 42nd International Systemic Functional Congress, Germany.

