2023-03-13 13:11
  • 张博坚
  • 张博坚 - 副教授-澳门科技大学-个人资料




学历2005 – 2010 国立中山大学 / 人力资源管理 / 博士2003 – 2005 国立中山大学 / 人力资源管理 / 硕士 1996 – 1998 私立长庚大学 / 机械工程 / 硕士 1992 – 1996 私立大同大学 / 机械工程 / 学士 教学经验 2015 – 现职 澳门科技大学 / 商学院 / 副教授 2011 – 2015 澳门科技大学 / 商学院 / 助理教授2014 – 2015 澳门地区在职进修人员短期培训课程授课讲师《SPSS 软件应用》2013 – 2015 澳门公务人员短期培训课程授课讲师 (行政公职局) 《SPSS 软件应用》、《调研与分析方法》 2010 – 2011 国立中山大学 / 人力资源管理研究所 / 博士后研究员 2008 – 2009 美国伊利诺香槟分校 / 劳资关系研究所 / 访问学者 (全额奖学金)


组织理论与设计、研究方法、 企业调查研究、国际组织行为

科研项目2012 - 2013 澳门星级酒店企业形象与组织人才吸引力之研究---以薪酬福利制度为调节变项2013 - 2014 护理人员情绪劳动、幽默感与工作倦怠关系之研究 2014 - 2015 澳门博彩业高绩效人力资源管理系统对于员工态度和行为关系影响之研究---以社会交 换理论观点为基础做探讨 (审批中)


1. Y. Tian, D. Lu, & P. C. Chang. 2015. The role of identity salience in the mechanisms of tourism destination image affecting on word-of-mouth: The explanation based on the cognitive-affective dual perspective. Business Research (forthcoming). 2. P. C. Chang, D. Lu, J. C. Chien, & T. M. Lin. 2014. Job and organizational attributes, applicant personality traits, and organizational attractiveness: An example in Macau’s gambling industry. Economic Management Journal, 36(Z1):35-39. 3. J. J. Lawler, P. C. Chang, W. Hong, J. Bae, P. C. Wu, & S. J. Chen. 2013. Going abroad: A multi-country study of HR policies, national IR systems, and union activity in foreign subsidiaries of American multinationals. Industrial and Labor Relations Review, 66(5):1149-1171. 4. S. H. Lin, L. C. Huang, P. F. Cheng, C. C. Chang, P. C. Chang, & C. S. Lin. 2013. The role of person and organizational variables in the three component model of occupational commitment. Canadian Journal of Administrative Sciences, 30(2):115-126. 5. P. C. Chang. 2013. A study of emotional labor’s emotional labor loading and job satisfaction: emotional intelligence as a moderator. Management Innovation and Business Innovation, 16:385-390. 6. P. C. Chang, J. C. Chien, & T. M. Lin. 2012. Perceptions of organizational politics and employees' turnover intention : The cross-level moderation effect of group interaction. Journal of Macau University of Science and Technology, 6(2):67-81. 7. P. C. Chang. 2012. Organizational political climate and employees' turnover intention : The cross-level mediation effect of psychological contract breach. Journal of Macau University of Science and Technology, 6(1):46-60. 8. P. C. Chang & S. J. Chen. 2011. Crossing the level of employee’s performance: HPWS, affective commitment, human capital, and employee job performance in professional service organizations. International Journal of Human Resource Management, 22(4): 883-901. 9. I. C. Huang, C. M. Ho, J. F. Uen, L. S. Lin, & P. C. Chang. 2008. When volunteers don’t help that much: The mediated moderation effect of volunteerism between high commitment human resource practices, organizational climate and strategic performance of temporary organizations. International Journal of Strategic Management, 8: 67-79. 10. C. M. Ho & P. C. Chang. 2004. The content analysis of Journal of Human Resource Management and determinants of acceptance of an article. Journal of Human Resource Management, 4(4): 1-28。 会议论文: 1.P.C. Chang & T. Wu. 2015. Do high-performance work systems really satisfy employees? Comparing two counteracting mediating mechanisms. 2015 Global Entrepreneurship and Innovation in Management Conference, July 30-31, 2015, Taiwan. 2.A. Y-P. Lee, I. H. Chen, & P.C. Chang. 2014. Sense of calling in the workplace: The moderating effect of organizational supportive climate. Paper presented at the 2014 Management Theory and Practice Conference, April 4-5, 2014, Japan. 3.P.C. Chang. 2013. A study of emotional labor’s emotional labor loading and job satisfaction: emotional intelligence as a moderator. Paper presented at the 2013 ICMIBI Conference, April 21-22, 2013, Singapore. 4.J. J. Lawler, P. C. Chang, W. Hong, J. Bae, P. C. Wu, & S. J. Chen. 2012. Going abroad: A multi-country study of HR policies, national IR systems, and union activity in foreign subsidiaries of American multinationals. Paper presented at the 2012 IACMR Conference, June 20-24, 2012, Hong Kong, China. 5.I. H. Chen, Y. P. Lee, H. C. Chen, & P. C. Chang. 2012. Where Does the Sense of Calling Come From? The examination of Individual and organizational Factors for Sources of Calling. Paper presented at the 2012 IACMR Conference, June 20-24, 2012, Hong Kong, China. 6.P. C. Chang & S. J. Chen. 2011. Transformational leadership and organizational identification: The moderating effect of leadership and organization. Paper presented at the 7th Cross-Straits Conference on Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Development.7.P. C. Chang & S. J. Chen. 2011. Business strategy, HRM systems, and firm performance: A comparative study of Taiwan and China. Paper presented at the 2011 AIB Conference, June 24-28, 2011, Nagoya, Japan. 8. P. C. Chang, L. S. Lin, C. M. Ho, & T. M. Lin. 2010. A multi-level exploration of group interaction, employees’ perceptions of organizational politics, and turnover intention. Paper presented at the Asia Academy of Management conference. December 12-14, Macau. 9. B. C. Jan, P. C. Chang, & S. J. Chen. 2010. The effect of transformational leadership, job satisfaction and organizational commitment: An example of the banking industry. Paper presented at the 6th Cross-Straits Conference on Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Development. 10. P. C. Chang, P. C. Huang, & S. J. Chen. 2009. HRM practices, affective commitment, and job performance: A study of hair salon. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting. August 7-11, Chicago, USA. 11. P. C. Chang, L. S. Lin, C. M. Ho, & T. M. Lin. 2009. Comtextualizing perceived organizational politics: A multi-level exploration. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting. August 7-11, Chicago, USA. 12. J. S. Guo, P. C. Chang, S. J. Chen, & P. C. Huang. 2009. Factors affecting family business succession: An empirical study of Taiwan’s family businesses. Paper presented at the 5th Cross-Straits Conference on Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Development, Shandong. 13. L. S. Lin, P. C. Chang, I. C. Huang, C. M. Ho, & J. F. Uen. 2009. Managing temporary organizations: Human resource practices and strategic performance. Paper presented at the 5th Cross-Straits Conference on Organizational Behavior and Human Resource Development, Shandong. 14. I. C. Huang, C. M. Ho, J. F. Uen, L. S. Lin, & P. C. Chang. 2008. Contingent but Committed: HR Practices, Climate and Temporary Organizations Performance. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Meeting. August 8-13, Anaheim, California, USA. 15. I. C. Huang, C. M. Ho, J. F. Uen, L. S. Lin, & P. C. Chang. 2008. When volunteers don’t help that much: The moderated mediation effect of volunteerism between high commitment human resource practices, organizational climate and strategic performance of temporary organizations. Paper presented at the IABE-2008 Stockholm Summer Conference as well as for publication in International Journal of Strategic Management. 16. L. S. Lin, P. C. Chang, J. F. Uen, C. M. Ho, & I. C. Huang. 2008. Temporally Competent: High Commitment Human Resource Practices, Human Capital and Strategic Performance of Temporary Organizations. Paper presented at the BAI-2008 International Conference on Business and Information at JW Marriott Hotel Seoul, South Korea, July 07-09, 2008. 17. P. C. Chang, P. C. Hhang, S. J. Chen, & C. M. Lu. 2008. A multilevel approach on the relationship between HRM practices and employee job performance: A study on small-scale hairdressing organizations. Paper presented at the BAI-2008 International Conference on Business and Information at JW Marriott Hotel Seoul, South Korea, July 07-09, 2008.

