学历香港浸会大学 哲学博士比利时安特卫普大学 工商管理硕士南京师范大学 文学士教学经验 2004 年 -- 2013 年 澳门科技大学 / 商学院 / 讲师、助理教授、副教授2013 年 7 月起 教授
1.Co-working (2017 online). Employee–organization exchange and employee creativity: a motivationalperspective.InternationalJournalofHumanResourceManagement. 2. Co-working(2017online). A self-regulation model ofZhong Yong thinking and employee adaptive performance.ManagementandOrganizationReview. (推荐阅读)3.Co-working (2018). Innovating through building absorptive capacity. Creativity and Innovation Management. 4. Co-working (2018). AS and job-oriented constructive deviance in the hotel industry: Test of a nonlinear mediation and moderated curvilinear model. International Journal of Contemporary HospitalityManagement.近期会议文章 5.Co-working (2017). AS differentiation and team performance: Exploring main and contingent effects.AcademyofManagementMeeting.Atlanta,USA. 6. Co-working(2018).Underjournal review. IACMR Meeting,Wuhan, CHINA.