Miriam Kaminishi
2023-03-13 13:03
  • Miriam Kaminishi
  • Miriam Kaminishi - 助理教授-澳门科技大学-个人资料




Academic Qualifications 2012 – 2014 Postdoctoral Scholar / National University of Singapore, Singapore 2008 – 2011 Ph.D. / International Studies, Waseda University, Japan 2004 – 2006 M.A. / Economics, Federal University of Santa Catarina, Brazil 2000 – 2003 B.Sc. / International Studies, Centro Universitario Curitiba, Brazil Teaching Experience 2015 - present School of Business, MUST, Macau2011 Department of Economics, International Relations Program, UFSC, Brazil 2004 – 2006 Department of Business Management, ESUCRI, Brazil


My research is related to Economic and Business History, Chinese entrepreneurship and market integration


KAMINISHI, M.; SMITH, A. Western Debates About Chinese Entrepreneurship in the Treaty Port Period, 1842–1911. Enterprise & Society. Published online on 06 August 2019. Doi:10.1017/eso.2019.31 SMITH, A.; KAMINISHI, M. Confucian Entrepreneurship: Towards a Genealogy of a Conceptual Tool. Journal of Management Studies. Published online on 16 January 2019. DOI: 10.1111/joms.12439 KAMINISHI, M. The Seasonal Demand for Multiple Monies in Manchuria: Re-examining Zhang Zuolin’s government’s economic policy during the 1920s. Financial History Review. Volume 20, Issue 03, December 2013, pp 335-359. KAMINISHI, M. Monetary Diversity in Manchuria at the Beginning of 20th Century: What is the Relationship among Multiple Monies? Journal of Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies. May. 2011. n. 21. KAMINISHI, M. The Effect of Seasonal Variation on the Demand for Money: An Analysis Based on the Experience in Manchuria between 1916 and 1928. Journal of Graduate School of Asia-Pacific Studies. November, 2010. n. 20. Conference Papers (the latest 5 years) Association for Asian Studies (AAS). Denver, US – March 2019. Paper (Panel 318): Facing the Challenges of the Market: The Effects of Political Rivalries on the 1920s Manchurian Soybean Market Circulation of Organic Matter in Modem Manchuria Steppe, Forest, Agricultural Land and Urban Sphere Workshop. Osaka, Japan – December 2018. Paper: Facing the challenges of the market: The effects of political rivalries on the 1920s Manchurian soybean market China Marketing International Conference 2018. Shanghai, China – July 2018 Paper: The Challenges for Luxury Brands and the Chinese Middle Class: Avoiding the Pitfalls of Popularization. Paper co-authored with Qiuru Xu, Macau University of Science and Technology. Business History Conference - BHC 2016. Portland, US – March 2016 Paper: A Postcolonial Reading of Western Discourses about Chinese Entrepreneurship in the Treaty Port Period. Paper co-authored with Andrew D. Smith, Liverpool University. XXVII World Economic History Congress, Kyoto, Japan – August 2015 Paper (Panel S10065): Economic information functioned as a destabilizing factor in the multiple currency system in Manchuria. Paper (Panel S20088): The Market Structure and the Commercialization of the Agricultural Commodity: The Chinese business network in Manchuria

