2023-03-13 13:02
  • 梁丽娴
  • 梁丽娴 - 副教授-澳门科技大学-个人资料




学历2006.07 香港中文大学∕博士学位2003.08 香港中文大学∕硕士学位 2001.08 香港中文大学∕学士学位教学经验 2015.9-Present 澳门科技大学澳门药物及健康应用研究院 ∕ 副教授湖北省太和医院 ∕ 访问教授2017.10-Present 广州医科大学附属第一医院 ∕ 兼职教授 2017.11-Present 项目顾问 ∕ 强生制药公司


生物化学;现代生物技术;药理实验方法学;中药学研究进展;临床药理学;专 业英语

专利: 1.A novel treatment of Gefitinib-resistant non-small-cell lung cancer using sanguinarine.LeungEL, FanXX, Liu L. (US patent provisional filed; Australia patent awardedfor8years-2014100435) 2.The new application of an alkaloid derived from a Chinese herbal for treatment of cancer by inhibiting cholesterol synthesis and fatty acid oxidation. Leung EL, Fan XX, Liu L, Wu JL. (US patent provisional filed; Australia patent awarded for 8 years-2014100831) 3.Methods for Novel Drug Discovery, Treatment and Selective Targeting for Gefitinib-Resistant Non-Small-Cell Lung Cancer Harboring T790M Mutation. Leung EL,LiuL andFanXX(US patentawarded-US9439898B2;Australiapatentawarded for8years-2014100614) 4.The application of (Z) 3,4,5,4’-tetramethoxystilbene (TMS) in Gefitinib-resistant non-small-cell lung cancer cells. Leung EL, Fan XX, Liu L and Jiang ZB (US patent-awarded-9597299;Australiapatentawardedfor8years-2015100187) 5.Oncogene ROS1 kinase inhibitor. Yao XJ, Leung EL, Luo LX, Zhou YL and Liu L. (US patentawarded-9526722B1;Australiapatentawardedfor8years-2015100840) 6. Identification of new AMPK activator for treatment of lung cancer. Leung EL, YaoXJ, Wong VKW, Liu L and Chen X (US patent awarded-US 9364469 B1; Australia patentawardedfor8years-2015101612) 7.Identification of New Chemical Structure as AMPK Activator for Treatment at EGFRL858R/T790M DoubleMutationNon-SmallCellLungCancer.(Methodtotreatlung cancer)LiuL,LeungEL,YaoXJ,WongVKWandChenCi(USpatentawarded-Patent No.9,855,250B1) 8. Identification of new role of mitoxantrone as a direct ROS1 oncogenic kinase inhibitor. Yao XJ, Leung EL, Luo LX, Hsiao WL and Liu L (US patent awarded for 8 years-US9522125B1;Australiapatentawardedfor8years-2015101712) 9. C498-0065, a novel ROS1 inhibitor, demonstrates potent inhibition activity against ROS1 fusion oncokinase. Yao XJ, Leung EL, Luo LX and Liu L (US patent awarded-9782400B2;Australiapatentawardedfor8years-2015101598) 10. PDEd inhibitor for the treatment of cancer. Yao XJ, Leung EL, Luo LX and Liu L (US patent awarded US 2017/0135979A1; Australia patent awarded for 8 year-2015101666) 11. ALK kinase inhibitor and its use. Yao XJ, Leung EL, Luo LX and Liang L (US patent filed;Australiapatentawardedfor8year-2016101467) 12. Hydroxynaphthoquinone compounds (shikonin) for treating of non-small cell lung cancer. Liu L, Leung EL, Li X, Fan XX (US patent awarded 15/186,795; Australia patentawardedfor8year-2016100891) 13. Methods for treating lung cancer (PKM2 activator). Liu L, Leung EL, Yao XJ and Li RZ (US patent awarded-9744145, Australia patent awarded for 8 year2017100105) 14. Methods of identifying a gene associated with a disease or pathological condition of the disease. Liu L, Leung EL, Yao XJ, Li Y and Pan HD.(US Patent No. 15/647,414 fieldon12July2017;Australiapatentawardedfor8year-2017100960) 15. Bufadienolidefortreatmentofnon-smallcelllungcancer.LiuL,LeungEL,YaoXJ,Li RZandFanXX.(USpatentfield,Australiaawardedfor8years-2017100644) 16. Methodfortreatingcancer(BPTFsmallmolecule).LeungEL,XiaoXJ,LiuL,XuJH,Li Y and Wang QQ (US patent field, Australia patent awarded for 8 years-2018100077) 17. Methodoftreatingcancer(PRMT5).YaoXJ,LeungEL,LiuL,WangQQ,XuJH&LiY. (USpatentfiled,Australiapatentawardedfor8years-2018100078) 18. Method of treating cancer (KRAS SOS inhibitor 1). Yao XJ, Leung EL, Liu L, Fan XX, XieC.(USpatentawarded15/84046). 19. Methodof treating lung cancer (KRAS SOS inhibitor 2). Yao XJ,LeungEL, Liu L, Fan XX,XieC.(USpatentawarded15/84047) 20. Combinational treatment of Ras-positive diseases with PDE delta inhibitor and direct autophagy inhibitor. Liang Liu, Ward DC, Leung EL, Yao XJ, Wong VKW, Luo LX.(USpatentawardedUS9861623B1)研究项目2018-2021 调整肠道微生态增强 PD1 抗体治疗非小细胞肺癌效果的新策略2018 中药靶向 T 淋巴细胞调节肿瘤代谢重塑抗肿瘤免疫的分子机制2016-2019 活性氧类与蛋白酶氧化还原对非小细胞型肺癌的调控与药物干预 2015-2016 NextSeqTM500NextgenerationDNAsequencer 2015-2016 NextSeqTM500NextgenerationDNAsequencerworkstation 2014-2015 肺腺癌耐药代谢生物标志物鉴定与基于网络调节药物的发现 2013-2015 Investigation on the novel candidate anti-cancer drug from Chinese herbalmedicinebymodulatingmetabolicprofilesofcancercells


期刊文章: SCI 期刊论文:(*Corespondingauthor)1.Luo SD*, Xu JH*, Jiang ZB*, Liu L, Wu QB#, Leung EL# & Leung P#. Artificial intelligence-based collaborative filtering method with ensemble learning for personalized lung cancer medicine without genetic sequencing. Pharmacol Res. 2020(accepted) 2.HuangJM*,JiangZB*,WangYW*,FanXJ,Cai J,YaoXJ,LiuL, HuangJ,He JX,Xie C, Wu QB#, Cao YB# & Leung EL#. Modulation of gut microbiota to overcome resistance to immune checkpoint blockade in cancer immunotherapy. Current OpinioninPharmacology.2020(accepted). 3. HuangFF,LiY,LeungEL,LiuXH,LiuKF,WangQ,LanYQ,LiXL,YuHB,CuL,LuoH, Luo LX*. A review of therapeutic agents and Chinese herbal medicines against SARS-COV-2(COVID-19).PharmacolRes.2020(accepted) 4. XieYJ#,GaoWN#,WuQB,YaoXJ,JiangZB,WangYW,WangWJ,LiW,HussainS, Liu L*, Leung EL* & Fan XX*. Chelidonine Selectively Inhibits the Growth ofGefitinib-resistant Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Cells through the EGFR-AMPK Pathway.PharmacolRes.2020(accepted). 5,Zheng Y, Xiong C, Liu Y, Qian X, Tang Y, Liu L, Leung EL* and Wang MF*. Epidemiological and clinical characteristics analysis of COVID-19 in the surrounding areas of Wuhan, Hubei province in 2020. Pharmacol Res. 2020 Apr 30;157:104821.doi:10.1016/j.phrs.2020.104821.[Epubaheadofprint]6.You H, Zhang YZ, Lai HL, Li D, Lu YQ, Li RZ, Khan I, Hsiao WL, Duan FG, Fan XX, Yao XJ, Cao YB, Wu QB*, Leung EL* and Wang MF*. Prognostic significance of tumor poliovirus receptor and CTLA4 expression in patients with surgically resected non-small-cell lung cancer. J Cancer Res Clin Oncol. 2020 Jun;146(6):1441-1450.doi:10.1007/s00432-020-03189-8.Epub2020Apr4. 7. Fan XX, Xu MZ, Leung EL, Cai J, Yuen Z* and Liu L*. ROS-responsive Berberine polymeric micelles effectively suppressed the inflammation of rheumatoid arthritis by targeting mitochondria. Nano-Micro Letters. 2020 Mar 20 (accepted) 8. Song Q, Zhang J, Wu QB, Li GP* & Leung EL*. Kanglaite injection plus Fluorouracil-based chemotherapy on the reduction of adverse effects and improvement of clinical effectiveness in patients with advanced malignant tumors of the digestive tract: A meta-analysis of 20 RCTs following the PRISMA guidelines. Medicine. 2020 Apr;99(17):e19480. doi: 10.1097/MD.00000000000194809. Mok SW, Wong VK, Lo HH, de Seabra Rodrigues Dias IR, Leung EL, Law BY, Liu L. Natural products-based polypharmacological modulation of the peripheral immune system for the treatment of neuropsychiatric disorders. Pharmacology & Therapeutics. 2020 Jan 21:107480. doi: 10.1016/j.pharmthera.2020.107480. [Epubaheadofprint]10.Wang ZH, Wu WB, Guan XC, Guo S, Li CW, Niu RX, Gao J, Jiang M, Bai LP, Leung EL, HouYY,JiangZH & Bai G. Multiomic analysis revealed 20(s)-protopanaxatriol promotes the binding of P53 and DNA to regulate the antitumor network. Acta PharmaceuticaSinicaB.2020(accepted). 11.Xi Chen, Leung EL andJiangChen.GORAB promotes embryonic lungmaturation through antagonizing AKT phosphorylation, versican expression and mesenchymalcellmigration.TheFASEBJournal.2020(accepted)12.Xu C, Yao XJ, Li T, Wang J, Sue XB, Leung EL* and Wu QB*. Pretreatment neutrophil-to-lymphocyte ratio is a predictive biomarker for EGFR TKI-treated patients with advanced EGFR-mutant Non-small cell lung cancer. Translational CancerResearch.2019(accepted). 13.Leung EL* & Wu QB*. A commentary on “Insomania and risk of mortality form all-cause, cardiovascular disease, and cancer: Systematic review and meta-analysis of prospective cohort studies. Sleep Medicine Reviews. 2019 (accepted). 14.Yan LE, Zhang HY, Wada M, Fang L, Feng J, Zhang WL, Chen Q, Cao YZ, Pinz KG, ChenKH,PetrovJC,ChenX,LeungEL,FanXX,SenzelL, JiangX,MaYP.Targeting two antigens associated with B-all with CD19-CD123 compound CART cell therapy.StemCellReviewsandReports.2019(accepted). 15.Chen HW, Yao XJ, Li T, Lam CWK, Zhang RN, Zhang HX, Wang J, Zhang W, Leung EL* & Wu QB*. Compound Kushen injection combined with platinum-based chemotherapy for stage III/V non-small cell lung cancer: A meta-analysis of 37 RCTs following the PRISMA guidelines. Medicine (Baltimore). 2019 Dec;98(52):e18552.doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000018552. 16.LeungEL*&QBWu*.Acommentaryon“Associationofdietary fiberandyogurt consumption with lung cancer risk: a pooled analysis. JAMA Oncology (IF 22.416).2020Mar19.doi:10.1001/jamaoncol.2020.0261.[Epubaheadofprint] 17.Leung EL* & QB Wu*. Letter to the editors: The evidence strength of a meta-analysis of aspirin for primary prevention of cancer. Journal of CancerResearchandClinicalOncology.2019Oct31.doi:10.1007/s00432-019-03069-w. [Epubaheadofprint] 18.Li JX, Huang JM, Jiang ZB, Li RZ, Sun A, Leung EL* & Yan PY*. Current clinical progressofPD-1/PD-L1immunotherapyandpotentialcombinationtreatmentin non-smallcelllungcancer.IntegrativeCancerTherapeutics.2019(accepted) 19.DuanFG#,WangMF#,CaoYB,LiD,LiRZ,FanXX,KhanI,LaiHL,ZhangYZ,Hsiao WL, Yao XJ, WU QB, Liu L*, Tang YJ* & Leung EL*. MicroRNA-421 confers paclitaxelresistancebybindingtotheKEAP13’UTRandpredictspoorsurvivalin non-small cell lung cancer. Cell Death and Disease. 2019 Oct 28;10(11):821. doi: 10.1038/s41419-019-2031-1.20.Wang YW, Tang CP, Yao S, Lai HL, Li RZ, Xu JH, Wang QQ, Fan XX, Wu QB, Leung EL*,YeY*&YaoXJ*.DiscoveryofanovelproteinkinaseCactivatorfromCroton tiglium for inhibition of non-small cell lung cancer. Phytomedicine. 2019 Sep 27;65:153100.doi:10.1016/j.phymed.2019.153100.[Epubaheadofprint] 21.Chen HW, Yao XJ, Li T, Xu C, Wang J, Sui XB, Leung EL* & Wu QB*. Long-term aspirin use for cancer primary prevention: A protocol for updated systematic reviewandsubgroupmeta-analysis ofrandomizedclinical trials. Medicine.2019 Sep;98(39):e17382.doi:10.1097/MD.0000000000017382.22.RenT#,FanXX#, Wang MF#, Duan FG, Wei CL, Li RZ, Jiang ZB, Wang YW,YaoXJ, Chen MW*, Tang YJ*, Leung EL*. Oncogenic role of MiR-20b is mediated by a positive feedback loop of Wnt/beta;-catenin pathway in non-small cell lung cancer. International Journal of Oncology. 2020 Feb;56(2):470-479. doi: 10.3892/ijo.2019.4940.Epub2019Dec13.23.Chen HW#, Yao XJ#, Liu ZT, Li T, Xu C, Wang J, Sui XB, Leung EL* & Wu QB*. Efficacy and safety of Shenqi Fuzheng injection combined with platinum-based chemotherapy for stage III/IV non-small cell lung cancer: A protocol for systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials. Medicine. 2019 Sep;98(39):e17350. doi: 10.1097/MD.0000000000017350.Zhang YZ, Han CY, Duan FG, Fan XX, Yao XJ, Parks RJ, Tang YJ, Wang MF, Liu L, Tsang BK* & Leung EL*. p53 sensitizes chemoresistant non-small cell lung cancer via elevation of reactive oxygen species and suppression of EGFR/PI3K/AKT signaling. Cancer Cell Int. 2019 Jul 19;19:188. doi: 10.1186/s12935-019-0910-2. eCollection2019. 24.PanH,GuoR,JuY,WangQ,ZhuJ,XieY,ZhengY,LiT,LiuZ,LuL,LiF,TongB,Xiao L, Xu X, Leung EL, Li R, Yang H, Wang J, Zhou H, Jia H, Liu L. A single bacterium restores the microbiome dysbiosis to protect bones from destruction in a rat model of rheumatoid arthritis. Microbiome. 2019 Jul 17;7(1):107. doi: 10.1186/s40168-019-0719-1. 25.Jin N, Bi AW, Lan XJ, Xu J, Wang XM, Liu YL, Wang T, Tang S, Zeng HL, Chen ZQ, Tan MJ, Ai J, Xie H, Zhang T, Liu DD, Huang RM, Song Y,Leung EL, Yao XJ, Ding J, Geng MY, Lin SH*, and Huang M*. Identification of metabolic vulnerabilities of receptor tyrosine kinases-driven cancer. Nature Communication. 2019 Jun 20;10(1):2701.doi:10.1038/s41467-019-10427-2. 26.ZhangJ,YangC,WeiD,LiH,LeungEL,DengQ,LiuZ,FanXX,ZhangZ.Long-term efficacy of Chinese medicine Bushen Capsule on cognition and brain activity in patients with amnestic mild cognitive impairment. Pharmacol Res. 2019 Jun 17:104319.doi:10.1016/j.phrs.2019.104319.[Epubaheadofprint]27.Tian GH, Wu CH, Li J, Liang BL, Zhang FL, Fan XX, Li ZW, Wang YJ, Li ZH, Li D, Leung EL* & Chan JX*. Network pharmacology based investigation into the effect mechanism of modified Sijunzi decoction against the subtypes of chronic atrophic gastritis. Pharmacol Res 2019 Jun;144:158-166. doi: 10.1016/j.phrs.2019.04.012.Epub2019Apr13.28.Xu JH#, Wang QQ#, Leung EL#, Li Y, Fan XX, Wu QB*, Yao XJ* & Liu Liang*. Compound C620-0696, a new potent inhibitor targeting BPTF, the chromatin remodeling factor in non-small cell lung cancer. Frontiers of Medicine. 2019 May18.doi:10.1007/s11684-019-0694-8.[Epubaheadofprint].29.Wei CL, Zhang DZ, Cheng JL, Chen X, Fan XX, Yao XJ, Wang YW, Jiang ZB, Fu JZ* and Leung EL*. Cordycepin Inhibits Drug-resistance Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Progression by Activating AMPK Signaling Pathway. Pharmacol Res. 2019 Jun;144:79-89.doi:10.1016/j.phrs.2019.03.011.Epub2019Apr8. 30.Leung EL#, Luo LX#, Li Y, Liu ZQ, Li LL, Shi DF, Xie Y, Huang M, Lu LL, Duan FG, HuangJM,FanXX,YuanZW,DingJ,YaoXJ*,WardDC*&LiuL*.Identificationof a new inhibitor of KRAS-PDEδ interaction targeting KRAS mutant non-small cell lung cancer. 2019. Inter J Cancer 2019 Feb 20. doi: 10.1002/ijc.32222. [Epub aheadofprint](IF7.36) 31.LeungEL*&WuQB*.Concurrentuseofherbalproductswithprescriptiondrugs is a double-edged sword andevidence-basedmedicine contributes to reshaping the practice. Pharmacol Res. 2019 Jan 17. pii: S1043-6618(19)30088-X. doi: 10.1016/j.phrs.2019.01.033.[Epubaheadofprint]32.Pan HD, Xiao Y, Wang WY, Ren RT, Leung EL* & Liu L*. Traditional Chinese Medicine as a Treatment for Rheumatoid Arthritis-From Empirical Practice to Evidence-basedTherapy.2018.Engineering.(Accepted). 33.WangQQ,XuJH,WangYW,LiuL*,LeungEL*andYaoXJ*.Computationalstudy on the selective inhibition mechanism of MS402 to the first and second bromodomains ofBRD4. Protein:Structure,Function,andBioinformatics.2019 Jan;87(1):3-11.doi:10.1002/prot.25611.Epub2018Nov13. 34.LeungEL#,LuoLX#,LiuZQ,WongVKW,LuLL,XieY,ZhangN,QuYQ,FanXX,LiY, Huang M, Xiao DK, Huang J, Zhou YL, He JX, Ding J, Yao XJ, Ward DC, Liu L. Inhibition of KRAS-dependent lung cancer cell growth by deltarasin: blockage of autophagy increases its cytotoxicity. Cell Death Dis. 2018 Feb 13;9(2):216. doi: 10.1038/s41419-017-0065-9.(#co-firstauthor)35.Su X, Li T, Liu Z, Huang Q, Liao K, Ren R, Lu L, Qi X, Wang M, Chen J, Zhou H, Leung EL, Pan HD, Liu J, Wang H, Huang L, Liu L. Licochalcone A activates Keap1-Nrf2 signaling to suppress arthritis via phosphorylation of p62 at serine 349.FreeRadicBiolMed2018;115:471-483.36.Liu XY, Yang KY, Wang MQ, Kwok JS, Zeng X, Yang Z, Xiao XJ, Lau CP, Li Y, Huang ZM, Ba JG, Yim AK, Ouyang CY, Ngai SM, Chan TF, Leung EL, Liu L, Liu ZG, Tsui SKW. High-quality assembly of Dermatophagoides pteronyssinus genome and transcriptome reveals a wide range of novel allergens. J Allergy Clin Immunol 2018;2(17):33013-33010. 37.FanXX#,LeungEL#,XieY,LiuZQ,ZhengYF,YaoXJ,LuLL,WuJL,HeJX,YuanZW, Fu JJ, Wei CL, Huang J, Xiao DK, Luo LX, Jiang ZB, Zhou YL, Kam RK, Liu L. Suppression of Lipogenesis via Reactive Oxygen Species-AMPK Signaling for Treating Malignant and Proliferative Diseases. Antioxid Redox Signal 2018;28 (5):339-357.(Selectedascoverstory) 38.Dai X, Li GP, Yang XQ, Wang XY, Wu J, Leung EL*. Effects of Lyn kinase on EGFR signalingpathwayinlungadenocarcinoma.ChinaOncology2018,28(01):9-16. 39.Zong XX, Yan G Y, Wu JL, Leung EL, Zhou H, Li N, Liu L. New C 19 -diterpenoid alkaloids from the parent roots of Aconitum carmichaelii. Tetrahedron Lett 2017;58(16):1622-1626. 40.ZhouH,LiuJX,LuoJF,ChengCS,LeungEL,LiY,SuXH,LiuZQ,ChenTB,DuanFG, DongY,ZuoYH,LiC,LioCK, LiT,LuoP,XieY,YaoXJ,WangPX,LiuL.Suppressing mPGES-1 expression by sinomenine ameliorates inflammation and arthritis. BiochemPharmacol2017;142:133-144. 41.YangN,LeungEL,LiuCB,LiL,EguetherT,YaoXJ,JonesE,NorrisD,LiuA,ClarkR, Roop DR, Pazour GJ, Shroyer KR, Chen J. INTU is essential for oncogenic Hh signaling through regulating primary cilia formation in basal cell carcinoma. Oncogene2017;36(35):4997-5005. 42.Xie C, Li LL, Fan XX, Li Y, Wei CL, Liu L*, Leung EL*, Yao XJ*. Identification of a New Potent Inhibitor Targeting KRAS in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer Cells. FrontPharmacol2017;8:823. 43.Wong VKW, Zeng W, Chen J, Yao XJ, Leung EL, Wang QQ, Chiu P, Ko BCB, Law BYK. Tetrandrine, an Activator of Autophagy, Induces Autophagic Cell Death via PKC-alpha Inhibition and mTOR-Dependent Mechanisms. Front Pharmacol 2017;8:351. 44.Wang QQ, Li Y, Xu JH, Wang YW, Leung EL*, Liu L*, Yao XJ*. Selective inhibition mechanism of RVX-208 to the second bromodomain of bromo and extraterminal proteins: insight from microsecond molecular dynamics simulations.SciRep2017;7(1):8857. 45.Pinz K, Yakaboski E, Jares A, Liu H, Firor A, Chen K, Wada M, Salman H, Tse W, Hagag N, Lan FS, Leung EL, Jiang S, Ma YP. Targeting T-cell malignancies using anti-CD4CARNK-92cells.Oncotarget2017;8(68):112783-112796. 46.PetrovJ,WadaM,PinzK,YanL,ChenK,ChenX,LiuH,ShuaiX,LeungEL,Salman H, Hagag H, Liu F, Jiang X , Ma YP. Compound CAR T-cells as a double-pronged approach for treating acute myeloid leukemia. Leukemia 2018 Feb 25. doi: 10.1038/s41375-018-0075-3.[Epubaheadofprint] 47.Luo LX, Li Y, Niu YZ, Fan XX, Xu JH, Liu L*, Leung EL*, Yao XJ*. Identification of a potent kinase inhibitor targeting ALK fusion proteins in non-small cell lung cancer.MedChemComm2017 48.LuoLX,LiY,LiuZQ, FanXX,DuanFG,LiRZ, YaoXJ*,EL*Leung, LiuL*. Honokiol InducesApoptosis,G1Arrest,andAutophagyinKRASMutantLungCancerCells. FrontPharmacol2017;8:199. 49.Luo LX, Fan XX, Li Y, Peng X, Ji YC, Hsiao WW, Liu L*, Leung EL*, XJ* Yao. Identification of mitoxantrone as a new inhibitor of ROS1 fusion protein in non-smallcelllungcancercells.MedChemCommun2017;8(3):621-624. 50.Lu LL, Lv SD, Ji L, Chen B, Liu S, Lei C, Liu X, Qi X, Wang Y, Leung EL, Wang H, Zhang L, Yu X, Liu ZQ, Wei Q. Histone methyltransferase KMT2D sustains prostate carcinogenesis and metastasis via epigenetically activating LIFR and KLF4.Oncogene201751.Li Y#, Leung EL#, Pan HD, Yao XJ, Huang QC, Wu M, Xu T, Wang YW, Cai J, Li RZ, W Liu, Liu L. Identification of potential genetic causal variants for rheumatoid arthritisbywhole-exomesequencing.Oncotarget2017;8(67):111119-111129. 52.Li XG, Tang S, Wang QQ, Leung EL, Jin HY, Huang YZ, Liu J, Geng MY, Huang M, Yuan ST, Yao XJ, Ding J. Identification of Epigallocatechin-3- Gallate as an InhibitorofPhosphoglycerateMutase1.FrontPharmacol2017;8:325.53.Li X, Fan XX, Jiang ZB, Loo WTY, Yao XJ, Leung EL*, Chow LWC*, Liu L*. Shikonin inhibits gefitinib-resistant non-small cell lung cancer by inhibiting TrxR and activating the EGFR proteasomal degradation pathway. Pharmacol Res 2017;115:45-55. 54.Leung EL*, E Clementi, Wong FW. Advanced technologies charting a new path fortraditionalChinesemedicinedrugdiscovery.PharmRes2017;117:65-66. 55.LawBY ,Gordillo-MartínezF, Qu YQ, Zhang N, XuSW,Saul Coghi P,MokSW,Guo JR, Zhang W, Leung EL, Fan XX, Wu AG, Chan WK, Yao XJ, Wang JR, Liu L, Wong VK. Thalidezine, a novel AMPK activator, eliminates apoptosis-resistant cancer cells through energy-mediated autophagic cell death. Oncotarget 2017;8 (18):30077-30091. 56.Chen X, Xie C, Fan XX, Jiang ZB, Wong VKB, Xu JH, Yao XJ*, Liu L*, Leung EL*. Novel direct AMPK activator suppresses non-small cell lung cancer through inhibitionoflipidmetabolism.Oncotarget2017;8(56):96089-96102. 57.Chen K, Wada M, Pinz K, Liu H, Shuai X, Chen X, Yan LL, Petrov J, Salman H, Senzel L, Leung EL, Jiang X, Ma YP. A compound chimeric antigen receptor strategyfortargetingmultiplemyeloma.Leukemia2018Feb;32(2):402-412.doi: 10.1038/leu.2017.302.Epub2017Sep27.58.Chen K, Wada M, Pinz K, Liu H, Lin KW, Jares A, Firor A, Shuai X, Salman H, Golightly M, Lan FS, Senzel L, Leung EL, X Jiang, Ma YP. Preclinical targeting of aggressive T-cell malignancies using anti-CD5 chimeric antigen receptor. Leukemia2017;31(10):2151-2160. 59.Zhang YZ#, Chen X#, Fan XX, He JX, Huang J, Xiao DK, Zhou YL, Zheng SY, Xu JH, Yao XJ, Liu L*, Leung EL*. Compound Library Screening Identified Cardiac Glycoside Digitoxin as an Effective Growth Inhibitor of Gefitinib-Resistant Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer via Downregulation of alpha-Tubulin and Inhibition ofMicrotubuleFormation.Molecules2016;21(3):374.60.YuJ, Zhang Y,LeungLH, Liu L, Yang F, Yao XJ. Efficacy and safety of angiogenesis inhibitors in advanced gastric cancer: a systematic review and meta-analysis. 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