2023-03-13 12:57



专利与技术转移共计: 1111. Man-Chung Wong, Chi-Seng Lam, Lei Wang, "A hybrid grid connected power generation inverter system with power quality compensation", Chinese Patent for Invention, Application No. 201710980413.4, , Oct. 2017. 10. Lei Wang, Man-Chung Wong, Chi-Seng Lam, "Design of a thyristor controlled LC compensator", US Utility Patent, Application, No. 15/614,672, , Jun. 2017. 9. Man-Chung Wong, Chi-Seng Lam, Lei Wang, "A Hybrid STATCOM with wide compensation range and low dc-link voltage", US Utility Patent, Application, No. 15/425,270, , Feb. 2017 8. Man-Chung Wong, Chi-Seng Lam, Ning-Yi Dai, "Capacitive-coupling STATCOM and its control", Chinese Patent for Invention, Granted No. 200710196710.6, May. 01, 2011 7. Ning-Yi Dai, Man-Chung Wong, Ying-Duo Han, "Generalized PWM methods and PW modulator for multi-level three-phase four-wire voltage source converter", Chinese Patent, Publication number:No. 200710102959.6, May. 01, 2012 6. Man-Chung Wong, Ning-Yi Dai, Keng-Weng Lao, Chi-Kong Wong, "Single-phase power quality conditioner for power supply system in electrified Railway", Chinese Patent, Publication number:No. 201210051065.X, Feb, 2012 5. Man-Chung Wong, Ning-Yi Dai, Wen-Chen Zhang, Chi-Kong Wong, "A single-phase grid-connected inverter with power quality conditioning capability", Chinese Patent, Application number:No. 2012120400404770, Nov, 2012 4. Man-Chung Wong, Ning-Yi Dai, Keng-Weng Lao, Chi-Kong Wong, "Railway power conditioner for co-phase traction supply system", US Patent, Application Number:13/709,236, , Dec, 2012 3. Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, Wai-Hei Choi, Ying-Duo Han, "Adaptive dc-link voltage controlled LC coupling hybrid active power filters for reactive power compensation", US Patent, Application Number: 13/591,266, Granted Number: 9,122,296, Sept. 2015 2. Man-Chung Wong, Chi-Seng Lam, Wai-Hei Choi, "Control strategy of adaptive dc-link voltage controlled LC-VSI device for reactive power compensation", Chinese Patent for Invention, , Granted, No. 201210051133.2, May 2014. 1. Man-Chung Wong, Chi-Seng Lam, Yan-Zheng Yang, Wai-Hei Choi, Ning-Yi Dai, Ya-jie Wu, Chi-Kong Wong, Sai Weng Sin, U-Fat Chio, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, "Mixed signal controller", US patent, Granted, No. 9,692,232, Jun 2017


期刊和杂志共计: 4040. Wai-Kit Sou, Wai-Hei Choi, Chi-Wa Chao, Chi-Seng Lam, Cheng Gong, Chi-Kong Wong, Man-Chung Wong, "A deadbeat current controller of LC-hybrid active power filter for power quality improvement", IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics (JESTPE),, Jul-2020. 39. Zeng Xiang, Ying Pang, Lei Wang, Chi-Kong Wong, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "Design, control and comparative analysis of a LCLC coupling hybrid active power filter", IET Power Electronics (PEL), May-2020. 38. Wen-Ming Zheng, Wen-Liang Zheng, Chi-Wa U, Chi-Seng Lam, Yan Lu, Sai Weng Sin, Man-Chung Wong, R. P. Martins, "Analysis, Design and Control of an Integrated Three-Level Buck Converter under DCM Operation", Journal of Circuits, Systems and Computers, Mar-2020. 37. Wen-Ming Zheng, Wen-Liang Zheng, Chi-Wa U, Chi-Seng Lam, Yan Lu, Sai Weng Sin, Man-Chung Wong, R. P. Martins, "Analysis, design and control of an integrated three-level buck converter under DCM operation", Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers, Jan-2020. 36. Tao Ye, Ning-Yi Dai, Keng-Weng Lao, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "Low DC voltage PV generation system with power factor correction and harmonic suppression capability in a distribution network", IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution, Mar-2019. 35. Yu-Jun Mao, Chi-Seng Lam, Sai Weng Sin, Man-Chung Wong, R. P. Martins, "Review and Selection Strategy for High-Accuracy Modeling of PWM Converters in DCM", Hindawi Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Oct-2018. 34. Wen-Liang Zheng, Chi-Seng Lam, Sai Weng Sin, Franco Maloberti, Man-Chung Wong, R. P. Martins, "A 220-MHz bondwire-based fully-integrated KY converter with fast transient response under DCM operation", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems I - Regular Papers (TCAS-I), Aug-2018. 33. Lei Wang, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "Analysis, control, and design of a hybrid grid-connected inverter for renewable energy generation with power quality conditioning", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (TPEL), Aug-2018. 32. Ya-jie Wu, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, Sai Weng Sin, R. P. Martins, "A reconfigurable and extendable digital architecture for mixed signal power electronics controller", IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems II - Express Briefs (TCAS-II), Jul-2018. 31. Lei Wang, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "Hybrid structure of static var compensator and hybrid active power filter (SVC//HAPF) for medium voltage heavy loads compensation", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (TIE), Jun-2018. 30. Lei Wang, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "Multi-functional hybrid structure of svc and capacitive grid connected inverter (SVC//CGCI) for active power injection and non-active power compensation", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics (TIE), May-2018. 29. Lei Wang, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "Minimizing inverter capacity design and comparative performance evaluation of SVC-coupling hybrid active power filters", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics (TPEL), Apr-2018. 28. Keng-Weng Lao, Man-Chung Wong, Ning-Yi Dai, Chi-Seng Lam, Lei Wang, Chi-Kong Wong, "Analysis in the effects of operation voltage range in flexible dc control on railway HPQC compensation capability in high-speed co-phase railway power", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Feb-2018. 27. Lei Wang, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "Selective compensation of distortion, unbalanced and reactive power of a thyristor controlled LC-coupling hybrid active power filter (TCLC-HAPF)", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Dec-2017. 26. Chi-Seng Lam, Lei Wang, Sut-Ian Ho, Man-Chung Wong, "Adaptive thyristor controlled LC – hybrid active power filter for reactive power and current harmonics compensation with switching loss reduction", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Oct-2017. 25. Keng-Weng Lao, Man-Chung Wong, Ning-Yi Dai, Chi-Seng Lam, "Analysis in the effect of Co-phase Traction Railway HPQC Coupled Impedance on its Compensation Capability and Impedance-Mapping Design Technique based on Required Compensation Capability for Reduction in Operation Voltage", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Apr-2017. 24. Lei Wang, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "Modeling and parameter design of thyristor controlled LC-coupled hybrid active power filter (TCLC-HAPF) for unbalanced compensation", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Mar-2017. 23. Lei Wang, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "Unbalanced control strategy for a thyristor controlled LC-coupling hybrid active power filter in three-phase three-wire systems", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Feb-2017. 22. Yi-Wei Tan, Chi-Seng Lam, Sai Weng Sin, Man-Chung Wong, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, "DCM operation analysis of 3-level boost converters", ”, IET Electronics Letters, Feb-2017. 21. Lei Wang, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "Design of a thyristor controlled LC compensator for wind farm dynamic reactive power compensation in smart grid", IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid, Jan-2017. 20. Tao Ye, Ning-Yi Dai, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, Josep M. Guerrero, "Analysis, design and implementation of a quasi-proportional-resonant controller for multi-functional capacitive-coupling grid-connected inverter", IEEE Transactions on Industry Application, Oct-2016. 19. Lei Wang, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "A Hybrid STATCOM with wide compensation range and low dc-link voltage", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Jun-2016. 18. Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, Ning-Yi Dai, Wai-Hei Choi, Xiao-Xi Cui, Chi-Yung Chung, "Switching loss reduction technique in active power filters without auxiliary circuits", IET Power Electronics, Mar-2016. 17. Keng-Weng Lao, Man-Chung Wong, Ning-Yi Dai, Chi-Kong Wong, Chi-Seng Lam, "Analysis of dc link operation voltage of a hybrid railway power quality conditioner and its pq compensation capability in high speed co-phase traction power supply", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Feb-2016. 16. Wen-Liang Zheng, Chi-Seng Lam, Wen-Ming Zheng, Sai Weng Sin, Ning-Yi Dai, Man-Chung Wong, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, "DCM operation analysis of KY converter", IET Electronics Letters, Nov-2015. 15. Lei Wang, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, Ning-Yi Dai, Keng-Weng Lao, Chi-Kong Wong, "Non-Linear adaptive hysteresis band pwm control for hybrid active power filters in reducing switching loss", IET Power Electronics, Nov-2015. 14. Man-Chung Wong, Yan-Zheng Yang, Chi-Seng Lam, Wai-Hei Choi, Ning-Yi Dai, Ya-jie Wu, Chi-Kong Wong, Sai Weng Sin, U-Fat Chio, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, "Self-reconfiguration property of a mixed signal controller for improving power quality compensator during light loading", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Oct-2015. 13. Ning-Yi Dai, Wen Chen Zhang, Man-Chung Wong, Josep M. Guerrero, Chi-Seng Lam, "Analysis, control and experimental verification of a single-phase capacitive-coupling grid connected inverter", IET Power Electronics, May-2015. 12. Keng-Weng Lao, Man-Chung Wong, Ning-Yi Dai, Chi-Kong Wong, Chi-Seng Lam, "A systematic approach to hybrid railway power conditioner design with harmonic compensation for high-speed railway", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Feb-2015. 11. Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, Wai-Hei Choi, Xiao-Xi Cui, Hong-Ming Mei, Jian-Zheng Liu, "Design and Performance of an adaptive low dc voltage controlled LC-hybrid active power filter with a neutral inductor in three-phase four-wire power systems", IEEE Transactions on Industrial Electronics, Jun-2014. 10. Ning-Yi Dai, Man-Chung Wong, Keng-Weng Lao, Chi-Kong Wong, "Modelling and control of a railway power conditioner in co-phase traction power system under partial compensation", IET Power Electronics, May-2014. 9. Wai-Hei Choi, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, Ying-Duo Han, "Analysis of DC-link Voltage Controls in Three-Phase Four-Wire Hybrid Active Power Filters", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, May-2013. 8. Keng-Weng Lao, Ning-Yi Dai, Wei-Gang Liu, Man-Chung Wong, "Hybrid power quality compensator with minimum dc operation voltage design for high-speed traction power systems", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Apr-2013. 7. Xiao-Xi Cui, Chi-Seng Lam, Wei-Han Yu, Wai-Hei Choi, Man-Chung Wong, "三相四线混合有源电力滤波器有源部分最小容量分析", 电力系统自动化, Feb-2013. 6. Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, Ying-Duo Han, "Hysteresis current control of hybrid active power filters", IET Power Electronics, Nov-2012. 5. Xi Zhang, Chi-Kong Wong, Man-Chung Wong, Ning-Yi Dai, "Power system voltage collapse alarm system using fuzzy logic", Journal of Power System Technology, Sep-2012. 4. Chi-Seng Lam, Xiao-Xi Cui, , Man-Chung Wong, Ying-Duo Han, "Minimum inverter capacity design for LC-hybrid active power filters in three-phase four-wire distribution systems", IET Power Electronics, Aug-2012. 3. Ning-Yi Dai, Keng-Weng Lao, Man-Chung Wong, Chi-Kong Wong, "Hybrid power quality conditioner for co-phase power supply system in electrified railway", IET Power Electronics, Aug-2012. 2. Chi-Seng Lam, Wai-Hei Choi, Man-Chung Wong, Ying-Duo Han, "Adaptive dc-link voltage controlled hybrid active power filters for reactive power compensation", IEEE Transactions on Power Electronics, Apr-2012. 1. Io-Keong Lok, Ning-Yi Dai, Man-Chung Wong, "A three-level soft-switching active power filter with dc self-balancing capability", International Review of Electrical Engineering - IREE, Dec-2011. 会议报告和简报共计: 4141. Yifan Li, Man-Chung Wong, Yudian Zheng, Feng Wan, Pui In Mak, Sio Hang Pun, Mang I Vai, "EEG-based Emotion Recognition Under Convolutional Neural Network with Differential Entropy Feature Maps", 2019 IEEE International Conference on Computational Intelligence and Virtual Environments for Measurement Systems and Applications (CIVEMSA), , Jun-2019. 40. Lei Wang, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "The analysis of DC-link voltage, compensation range, cost, reliability and power loss for shunt (hybrid) active power filters", The 10th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2018), pp. 640 - 645, Oct-2018. 39. Lei Wang, Ying Pang, Chi-Seng Lam, Jianyang Deng, Man-Chung Wong, "Design and analysis of single-phase adaptive passive part coupling hybrid active power filter (HAPF)", The 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2018), pp. 3615-3620, Oct-2018. 38. Lei Wang, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "Comparisons of different hybrid inverters for power quality compensation with/without active power injection", The 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2018), pp.1085-1090, Oct-2018. 37. Jianyang Deng, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, Lei Wang, Sai Weng Sin, R. P. Martins, "A Power Quality Indexes Measurement System Platform with Remote Alarm Notification", 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2018), , Oct-2018. 36. Lei Wang, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "Selective power management control for hybrid active power filter", The 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2018), , Oct-2018. 35. Chi-Wa Chao, Wai-Hei Choi, Chi-Seng Lam, Chi-Kong Wong, Ning-Yi Dai, Man-Chung Wong, "Voltage mode controller design and experimental verification of a three-phase capacitive-coupling grid connected inverter in PV system", The 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2018), pp. 4404 - 4408, Oct-2018. 34. Wai-Hei Choi, Chi-Seng Lam, Chi-Wa Chao, Man-Chung Wong, "DC-link voltage reduction design method for three-phase four-wire LC-hybrid active powers under reactive and unbalanced current compensation", The 44th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2018), pp. 3603 - 3608, Oct-2018. 33. Yi-Wei Tan, Chi-Seng Lam, Sai Weng Sin, Man-Chung Wong, R. P. Martins, "Design and control of an Integrated 3-level boost converter under DCM operation", 2018 International Symposium on Circuits and Systems (ISCAS), pp. 1-5, May-2018. 32. Chi-Kong Wong, Man-Chung Wong, Hai Jie Wen, Chi-Seng Lam, Wai-Hei Choi, "A 97.0% maximum efficiency, fast response, low voltage ripple KY boost converter for photovoltaic application", 2018 IEEE 1st International Conference on Industrial Electronics for Sustainable Energy Systems (IESES), Hamilton, New Zealand, Feb-2018. 31. Chi-Wa U, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Kay Law, Sai Weng Sin, Man-Chung Wong, Si-Seng Wong, R. P. Martins, "CCM Operation Analysis and Parameter Design of Negative Output Elementary Luo Converter for Ripple Suppression", The 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2017), Beijing, China,, No. 01, 2017, pp. 4867 - 4871., Oct-2017. 30. Lei Wang, Keng-Weng Lao, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "Delta-connected static var compensator (svc) based hybrid active power filter (SVC-HAPF) and its control method", The 43rd Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society (IECON 2017), pp. 6384 - 6388, Oct-2017. 29. Xia Du, Chi-Seng Lam, Sai Weng Sin, Man-Kay Law, Franco Maloberti, Man-Chung Wong, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, "A digital pwm controlled ky step-up converter based on frequency domain ΣΔ ADC", The 26th IEEE International Symposium on Industrial Electronics (ISIE 2017), pp.561-564, Jun-2017. 28. Lei Wang, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "Thyristor controlled LC filter and its control method", Symposium on Power Electronics and Electrical Drivers, SPEED, Changsha, China, Apr-2017. 27. Yuan Ren, Sai Weng Sin, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, "A high DR multi-channel stage-shared hybrid sigma-delta modulator for integrated power electronics controller front-end", IEEE Asian Solid-State Circuits Conference (A-SSCC), Toyama, Japan, Nov-2016. 26. Wen-Ming Zheng, Chi-Seng Lam, Sai Weng Sin, Yan Lu, Man-Chung Wong, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, "Capacitive floating level shifter: Modeling and design", IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON), Macau, China, pp. 1-6, Nov-2015. 25. Ka-Fai Chan, Chi-Seng Lam, Wen-Liang Zheng, Wen-Ming Zheng, Sai Weng Sin, Man-Chung Wong, "Generalized type III controller design interface for dc-dc converters", The IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON 2015), Macau, China, pp. 1 – 6, Nov-2015. 24. Lei Wang, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "Hardware and software design of a thyristor controlled LC-coupling hybrid active power filter", The IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON 2015), Macau, China, pp. 1 – 4., Nov-2015. 23. Sut-Ian Ho, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "Comparison among PPF, APF, HAPF and a combined system of a shunt HAPF and a shunt thyristor controlled LC", The IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON 2015), Macau, China, pp. 1 – 6., Nov-2015. 22. Sut-Ian Ho, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "A woman in engineering - increasing Macao students’ interest in science and technology", The IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON 2015),, Macau, China, pp. 1 – 4, Nov-2015. 21. YangWen Wang, Man-Chung Wong, Chi-Seng Lam, "Historical review of hybrid active power filter for power quality improvement", The IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON 2015), Macau, China, pp. 1 – 6., Nov-2015. 20. Jingjing Sheng, Ning-Yi Dai, Man-Chung Wong, Chi-Seng Lam, Keng-Weng Lao, "Droop-boost control for single-phase hybrid power filter", The IEEE Region 10 Conference (TENCON 2015), Macau, China, pp. 1 – 6, Nov-2015. 19. Tao Ye, Ning-Yi Dai, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, Josep M. Guerrero, "Analysis, design and implementation of a quasi-proportional-resonant controller for multi-functional capacitive-coupling grid-connected inverter", 2015 IEEE Energy Conversion Congress and Exposition, Montreal, Canada, pp. 2506 – 2513, Sep-2015. 18. Lei Wang, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "An adaptive hysteresis band pwm control for hybrid active power filters in fixed frequency", The 6th IEEE PES Asia-Pacific Power and Engineering Conference (APPEEC 2014), Hong Kong, China, pp. 1-5, Dec-2014. 17. Yan-Xue Li, Man-Chung Wong, Weng-Fai Ip, Peng-Cheng Zhao, Chi-Kong Wong, Jie Cheng, Zi-Yang You, "Modeling of novel single flow zinc-nickel battery for energy storage system", 2014 IEEE 9th Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), Hangzhou, China, pp. 1621 - 1626, Jun-2014. 16. Chi-Seng Lam, Chi-Yung Chung, Man-Chung Wong, "Review of current quality compensators for high power unidirectional electric vehicle battery charger", The IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference 2013 (IFEEC 2013), Tainan, Taiwan, pp 259-264, Nov-2013. 15. Keng-Weng Lao, Man-Chung Wong, Ning-Yi Dai, Chi-Kong Wong, "Design of LCL filter for harmonic suppression in co-phase railway power quality conditioner", The IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference 2013 (IFEEC 2013), pp 794-799, Nov-2013. 14. Bin Zhang, Io-Keong Lok, Ning-Yi Dai, Man-Chung Wong, Chi-Kong Wong, "Three-level hybrid active power filter with quasi-resonant dc-link technique in three-phase four-wire system", The IEEE International Future Energy Electronics Conference 2013 (IFEEC 2013), pp 52-57, Nov-2013. 13. Ning-Yi Dai, Keng-Weng Lao, Man-Chung Wong, "A hybrid railway power conditioner for traction power supply system", The 2013 28th Annual IEEE Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), pp 1326-1331, Mar-2013. 12. Xiao-Xi Cui, Wai-Hei Choi, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "Hardware realization of a 10kVA hybrid active power filter", The 13th IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL 2012), Kyoto, Japan, pp 1-6, Jun-2012. 11. Wai-Hei Choi, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "Current compensation and dc-link voltage control for current quality compensator", The 13th IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL 2012), Kyoto, Japan, pp 1-6, Jun-2012. 10. Chi-Seng Lam, Xiao-Xi Cui, Man-Chung Wong, Ying-Duo Han, "Minimum dc-link voltage design of three-phase four-wire active power filters", The 13th IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL 2012), Kyoto, Japan, pp 1-5, Jun-2012. 9. Keng-Weng Lao, Ning-Yi Dai, Wei-Gang Liu, Man-Chung Wong, Chi-Kong Wong, "Modeling and control of railway static power conditioner compensation based on power quality standards", The 13th IEEE Workshop on Control and Modeling for Power Electronics (COMPEL 2012), pp 1-6, Jun-2012. 8. Wen-Chen Zhang, Ning-Yi Dai, Man-Chung Wong, Chi Man Wong, "Capacitive-coupled grid-connected inverter with active power injection ability", ", The 7th International Power Electronics and Motion Control Conference (IPEMC), pp 1639 - 1645, Jun-2012. 7. Wen Xin, Ning-Yi Dai, Man-Chung Wong, Chi-Kong Wong, "Hybrid cascaded multilevel converter for medium-voltage large-capacity applications", 2011 Annual IEEE India Conference (INDICON), India, pp. 1-6, Dec-2011. 6. Bo Sun, U-Fat Chio, Chi-Seng Lam, Ning-Yi Dai, Man-Chung Wong, Chi-Kong Wong, Sai Weng Sin, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, "A FPGA-Based Power Electronics Controller for Hybrid Active Power Filters", IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Micro-electronics & Electronics (PrimeAsia), Macao, China, pp. 25-28, Oct-2011. 5. Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, Ying-Duo Han, "Investigation of LC-hybrid active power filters in resonances prevention and compensation capabilities", IEEE Asia Pacific Conference on Postgraduate Research in Micro-electronics & Electronics (PrimeAsia), Macao, China, pp. 21 – 24, Oct-2011. 4. Bo Sun, Ning-Yi Dai, U-Fat Chio, Man-Chung Wong, Chi-Kong Wong, Sai Weng Sin, Seng-Pan U, R. P. Martins, "FPGA-based Decoupled Double Synchronous Reference Frame PLL for Active Power Filters", 2011 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA), pp. 2145 – 2150, Jun-2011. 3. Ning-Yi Dai, Man-Chung Wong, "Design considerations of coupling inductance for active power filters", The 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA2011), pp. 1370 – 1375, Jun-2011. 2. Xiao-Xi Cui, Chi-Seng Lam, Ning-Yi Dai, Wai-Hei Choi, Man-Chung Wong, "Study on DC voltage control of hybrid active power filters", The 6th IEEE Conference on Industrial Electronics and Applications (ICIEA2011), Beijing, China, pp. 856 – 861, Jun-2011. 1. Wai-Hei Choi, Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "An adaptive source current THD oriented fuzzy logic controller in hybrid power filter", Applied Power Electronics Conference and Exposition (APEC), 2011 Twenty-Sixth Annual IEEE, Ft. Worth Texas, USA, pp. 1557 - 1563, Mar-2011. 书籍及书籍章节共计: 33. Lei Wang, Man-Chung Wong, Chi-Seng Lam, "Adaptive Hybrid Active Power Filters, Series of Power Systems", Springer, Jan-2019, 978-981-10-8826-1 2. Man-Chung Wong, Ning-Yi Dai, Chi-Seng Lam, "Parallel Power Electronics Filters in Three-Phase Four-Wire Systems - Principle, Control and Design", Springer, Jun-2016, eBook ISBN: 978-981-10-1530-4 1. Chi-Seng Lam, Man-Chung Wong, "Design and Control of Hybrid Active Power Filters", Series of Springer Briefs in Electrical and Computer Engineering, Springer, Nov-2013, ISBN 978-3-642-41323-0

