2023-03-13 12:54
  • 范进伟
  • 范进伟 - 助理教授-澳门大学-个人资料




ACADEMIC QUALIFICATIONSDoctor of Philosophy (Scholarship Candidate) in Intelligent Tutoring Systems, Glasgow Caledonian University, 1998 Master of Science in Information Technology Systems, University of Strathclyde, 1992 Bachelor of Science, University of Keele, 1990TEACHING AREAInformation Technology in EducationWeb Based LearningCURRENT COURSESEDUC381 INTEGRATING IT INTO TEACHING AND LEARNINGEDPC605 Information Technology in EducationPREVIOUS COURSESMultimedia and Instructional Design (Master Level)Multimedia Courseware Development (Master and UndergraduateLevel)Learning Technology (Postgraduate and Undergraduate Level)Supervised Teaching Practice (Postgraduate level)Educational Technologyi) Postgraduate level (In service Primary Teachers)ii) Undergraduate level (Pre service Secondary/Primary/Pre-Primary Teachers) iii) Bacharlatto (In service Pre-Primary Teachers)Use of Computers in Secondary Education (Undergraduate level)Use of Computers in Mathematics Teaching (Undergraduate level)Information Technology in Education (Undergraduate level)Computer Applications (Undergraduate level)Computer Science I (Undergraduate level)Computer Science II (Undergraduate level)Networking Technology in Schools (Undergraduate level)Social and Ethical Issues in Technology Education (Undergraduate level)Multimedia Courseware Development (Undergraduate level) Engineering Mathematics (Undergraduate Level)Computer Packages for Mathematics and Statistics (Undergraduate Level)Computer Literacy (Certificate of Education level In service Pre-Primary Teachers)Foundation of IT in Education (Certificate of Education level)


CURRENT RESEARCHInformation Technology in EducationIntelligent Tutorial SystemsWeb Based Learning SystemsCollaborative Learning SystemsPolicy AnalysisLeadership and Organization


BooksFan Chun Wai and Zhang L.M. (2004). Research on IT in education and IT facilities in Macao schools. University of Macau, Macau, China.Fan Chun Wai and Zhang L.M. (2004). Research on the applications of information technology in education in Macao Schools. University of Macau, Macau, China.Fan Chun Wai. (1999) Courseware Evaluation, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Longman Press Fan Chun Wai, Yip Wai Ming, Suen Yan, Lo Hoi Ka (1999) Operating a microcomputer, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Longman Press Fan Chun Wai, Yip Wai Ming, Suen Yan, Lo Hoi Ka (1999) Educational software, Hong Kong Institute of Education, Longman Press Book Chapter陈晓珊、范进伟 (2009):〈澳门"电子政府"政策之分析〉,《双城记Ⅲ-港澳政治、经济及社会发展的回顾与前瞻》,余振、邝锦钧、余永逸(编),澳门:澳门社会科学学会,页240-250, 11/2009。JournalsFan Chun Wai (In Press) The readiness of schools of Macau to integrate IT in education and the extent of actual IT integration. International Journal of Education and Development using ICT范进伟 (2010). 学习管理系统在澳门的使用情况. Hong Kong Association for Computer Teacher 2010 Yearbook范进伟 (2008). 澳门信息科技教育的发展. Hong Kong Association for Computer Teachers 2008 Year BookFan Chun Wai, Dai, Iris (2007). A study on the effect of using CAI for students in different academic achievements in learning the concept of Circle based on the results of pre and post tests. New Horizons in Education, Issue 55, Longman Press.Fan Chun Wai (2007). The Development of ICT Education in Macao, US_China Education Review.Fan Chun Wai (2006). Economic and political factors that lead to the budget deficit in Hong Kong from 1998 to 2003. Chinese Journal of Population Resources and Environment, Volume 4, No. 4, Higher Education PressFan Chun Wai (2006). Economical analysis on noise pollution produced by the construction industry in Hong Kong. Environmental Policy and Law, Volume 36, Number 2 / 2006, ISO PressConference PapersFan Chun Wai (2007). The development of Public Domain Content in Macao. E-Case 2007 Hong KongFan Chun Wai (2007). An Investigation of the operational change involved in implementaing information technology . A case in Macao. E-Learn 2007, Portugal. July 6-8, 2007Fan Chun Wai (2006, April). Exploring the impact of recent social, economic and political changes on computer teachers – a focus on Macau, International Symposium on Quality Education. April 3-6. Geelong, Australia: Deakin University. Zhang Liming, Fan Chun Wai (2005). A study on ICT literacy of primary and secondary schools in Macao. In A. J. Mills & P. Tancred (Eds.), World Conference on Educational Multimedia, Hypermedia and Telecommunications (EDMEDIA). Montreal: Canada.Fan Chun Wai (2005). Can ICT facilities foster ICT education? A case from Macao. Proceedings of the 2005 International Conference on Education and Information Technology (The utilization educational information and instructional resources), Taiwan. (Keynote Speaker) Chong Kin, Fan Chun Wai (2005) 计算机化入学试系统在中学之应用与成效--以澳门浸信中学为例. The 1st Guangdong – Hong Kong – Macau Conference on Information Technology in EducationFan Chun Wai (2004). 信息科技融入教学教师面临之挑战与改变-澳门的经验. Proceedings of the Conference of 2004 Information and Communication Technology in Education, Zhuhai, China. (Keynote Speaker)Fan Chun Wai (2004). The research on the applications of information and communication technology in primary and secondary schools of Macau. Journal of Teachers, 7, pp. 57-62. Li Siu Pang, Titus, Fan Chun Wai, Sit Pou Seong, Chan Kan Kan (2001), The perception and readiness of primary and secondary teachers in teaching new technology to youth in Macao, 5th International Symposium on Asian Youth Studies: Proceeding edited by Education and Youth Affairs Department.CD Roms范进伟(编制)(2006)。教育辅助软件,英文,数学,常识【光盘】。澳门大学:教育学院信息及通讯科技教育研究中心。范进伟(编制)(2006)。2003国际复康日-均等机会,全面参与之“开”怀行动【光盘】。澳门大学:教育学院信息及通讯科技教育研究中心。范进伟(编制)(2006)。学生信息科技教学软件选-多媒体学生作品,数学三角几何【光盘】。澳门大学:教育学院信息及通讯科技教育研究中心。EditorsFan Chun Wai (Ed.). (2004). The 1st Guangdong – Hong Kong – Macau Conference on Information Technology in Education Conference Proceedings. Macau: University of Macau.Fan Chun Wai (Ed.). 2004 Chinese Information and Communication Technology in Education Conference Proceedings. Chinese University of Hong KongResearch ReportsCheong Weng Hin; Fan Chun Wai; Dong Ming Chui (2007) Measures Taken to Implement the Recommendation Concerning the Promotion and Use of Multilingualism and Universal Access to CyberspaceFan Chun Wai (2004)《学校信息科技使用程度指标研究Ⅰ-学校基础设施配备、教师使用信息科技及教师培训》Fan Chun Wai (2004)《学校信息科技使用程度指标研究Ⅱ-中小学学生使用信息科技能力水平、信息科技融入教学之推广和实施及中小学校信息科技基本设施配备规格》

