EducationMA: University of MacauPhD: Hokkaido UniversityCourses Regularly TaughtJAPN4009 Macau, China and other SocietiesJAPN4032 Japanese Society and Culture IJAPN4033 Japanese Society and Culture IIJAPN4024 Special Topics on Social Sciences I
Smuggling and Goods Transportation in Pearl River Delta between Asia-Pacific War;Macau Merchants in Sino-Japanese War; Puppet Government and Governor-General inSino-Japanese War; Economic War in Southern China between Asia-Pacific War Period
From today’s Japanese constitution revision and Sino-Japanese relationship to look at Macau’sJapanese-learning students’ attitude (consciousness) towards Japan(「マカオで日本语を学んでいる学生の対日意识-现在の改宪及び日中関系を中心として-」),『冲縄法政研究』,2007-9, pp.245-252(Okinawa, Japan)Study of the relationship between government and the Chamber of Commerce in the 1930’s fromGuang Zhou Chamber of Commerce activities and the issue of banknote(「30 年代商人组织と政府间関系に関する一考察-商整会期広州市商会の活动及び商库証発行を中心に」),『Hokudai -shigaku』, No.54, 2014, pp.26-49(Hokkaido, Japan)A Study of the Power Struggle inside Kuomindang in 1930s: The Changing Relationship betweenHu Han-Min and Chiang Kai-Shek (「30 年代における国民党党内における権力闘争-胡汉民「往来函电稿」に见る宁粤対立の终焉-」), 『文学研究论集』, No.15, 2015(Hokkaido, Japan)Guang Dong Commerce Control Office and Sailboat Trading(「広东商统総会と帆船贸易」),『现代中国研究』,2016(Tokyo, Japan)(under review)