Benjamin Kidder HODGES
2023-03-13 12:50
  • Benjamin Kidder HODGES
  • Benjamin Kidder HODGES - 助理教授-澳门大学-个人资料




Academic QualificationsPh.D.(Americo Paredes Center for Cultural Studies, University of Texas at Austin, United States.)M.A. (Americo Paredes Center for Cultural Studies, University of Texas at Austin, United States.)B.A. (New College of Florida, United States.)Courses taught at UMCommunication Skills and Leadership – General education course taught through online video lectures [Completion of this course will be required of all students enrolled at UM starting in the 2018-19 academic year.]Workshop Video I (COMM4007, COMB454) – Senior level capstone courseWorkshop Video II (COMB455) – Senior level capstone courseTheories of Mass Communication (COMM7701) – Masters CourseCreative Thesis (COMM798) – Masters thesis advisingAcademic Thesis (COMM799) – Academic thesis advisingDigital Graphics (COMB350)– Undergraduate courseDigital Media (COMM715) – Masters CourseVideo Production COMB250 – Undergraduate courseAdvanced Video Production (COMB362) – Undergraduate courseMultimedia Design (COMB351, ICNM013) – Undergraduate and Graduate coursePhotography (COMB251) – undergraduate courseCommunication Technologies III: Audio-Visual (COMM303) – Undergraduate courseDigital Graphic Design and Production (BJPC303) – Undergraduate CourseWorkshop (COMM402) – Senior level capstone courseThesis (ICNM999) – Masters thesis advising


Anthropology, Visual Culture, New Media and Technology, Film, Conceptual Art and Photography

Current ResearchHistory of 3d animation and Computer Graphics, Software/Open Source CulturesBalkan and American Pop Culture


B. Hodges (2018) “Kick the Dead Rabbit: Tuxedos, Movies, and Cosmopolitan Urban Imaginaries in Macao” in Wider Screen special issue: City imaginings and urban everyday life ISSN 1795-6161B. Hodges (2017) “Tourism and a Virtual Bulgaria” in Tourist Utopias: Offshore Islands, Enclave Spaces, and Mobile Imaginaries Editor Simpson, T. Amsterdam University Press.B. Hodges (2012) Book review of “Ecologies of Comparison: An Ethnography of Endangerment in Hong Kong” by Tim Choi, published in The Journal of Anthropological ResearchB. Hodges (2002) Memories of Invisibility, in Text, Practice, Performance Austin, TXTalks and PresentationsOctober 23, 2019 presented a talk “Bulgaria – A History and Future in film” at Moon Chun Memorial College as part of their MCMC EU Lecture Series and MCMC Fellows’ SalonJanuary-April 2018 “Theories of Communication” wrote and produced a six part video course for the University of Macau’s General Education course Communication Skills and Leadership. [Completion of this course will be required of all students enrolled at UM starting in the 2018-19 academic year.]November 2017 Kick the Dead Rabbit: Tuxedos, Movies, and Cosmopolitan Urban Imaginaries in Macao Department of Communication Research Seminar Series, University of Macau.September 2015 Monumental Gestures: New Bodies and Publics in Sofia, Bulgaria, Department of Communication Research Seminar Series, University of Macau.June 2010 International Communication Association ICA Conference Virtually Urban: Modeling the City and the Public in “The Ecologies of the City: Urban Matters of Communication” Singapore.July 2009 The 16th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences User Generated Ethnography: Learning from the Visual Culture of Open Source Communities in “Towards An Epistemology Of Media In Ethnographic Film” Kunming, China. presented on the role of community in 3d animationNovember 2008 American Anthropological Association Impossible Futures: Reflections on the Visual Culture of Bulgarian Pop(Folk) in “Engaging Images: Inscription, Negotiation, and Re-Contextualization in Visual Productions” San Francisco, U.S.A. presented on Bulgarian Pop CultureOctober 2007 European Broadcaster’s Union Open Source Software for professionals Geneva, SwitzerlandJune 2006 Vision Conference “Blender in Real-Time: Open source game design” Veliko Turnovo, BulgariaFebruary 2006 Southwest Popular Culture and American Culture Association “The Living Room: Reality, Television, and the Post-Socialist Home” Albuquerque, New Mexico.October 2005 Americo Paredes Center for Cultural Studies Colloquium“Walking Around with a Gun in Your Hand: Gaming in Post-Socialist Bulgaria”Austin, Texas.August 2003 South East Europe Conference “Imaging the Balkans” Pamporovo, Bulgaria.2003 Berlin Fulbright Conference “Balkan Futures: Development Discourse in Pre-E.U. Bulgaria” presented research on Bulgarian popular media Berlin, Germany.2002 Association for Cultural Studies Crossroads Conference “Tricks of the Trade” presented Masters Thesis on the Computer Graphics industry Tampere, Finland.February 2002 Slavic Languages Graduate Conference “Letter to America: Diasporic Narratives from Bulgaria’s Brain Drain’ presented paper on diasporic youth in Bulgaria“American in Sofia” Center for Russian, Eastern European, and Eurasian Studies Newsletter vol. 28 (2001) 32-41Independence Day” Egoist vol. 35 (2001) 67-83 published an article on everyday life in Sofia, Bulgaria2001 Out of Bounds Conference on Race, Gender, and Ethnicity “Memories of Invisibility: an archeology of digital imagery” Austin, TexasMay 2001 American Ethnological Society and the Canadian Academy of Sciences Conference “Shopping in Real-time: On-line Shopping and New Consumer Publics,” presented research on encryption and on-line shopping Montreal, Canada.October 1998 Conference on Visual Anthropology “Mounting Time”presented ethnographic film on the art of taxidermy Philadelphia, PN.Creative Work and WorkshopsNovember 2019 “AFA Autumn Salon” exhibited two oil paintings as part of this 10th anniversary juried show of Macao Artists Orient Foundation, Macao, China, SARMarch 2019 “The Shape of Feelings” exhibited an oil painting as part of the 8th edition of the Script Road Macao Literary FestivalAugust 2018 “Gridding Seac Pai Wan” photo exhibition in “Open Future” Creative Macau 15th anniversary group show Macao, China, SARJuly 2018 “Still Life” photographic print in the Student and Faculty Show Guangzhou Academy of Fine Arts Guangzhou China.November 2017 “Light of other Nights” led light sculpture from reclaimed materials AFA Autumn Salon 2017 Macau, China SAR2016 “Year of the Monkey” sculpture design for Venetian Macao sponsored Chinese New Year themed art exhibition2014 “Sound and Image Challenge” Creative Macau, Jury member for Animation.2014 “Horse in Motion” sculpture design for Venetian Macao sponsored Chinese New Year themed art exhibition2012 “Topologies” solo exhibition in Creative Macau, Macau, China SAR2011, “distraction“ short film exhibited as part of the “To Each Their Own University” project Macao, China SAR.2011 “the color of the room“ short film part of the Infinity project by 澳门创作人协会 Associaç̧ã̃o dos Criadores de Macau Macao, China SAR.2010 “Not there” 3d animation workshop Creative Macau, introduction to compositing 3d and photographic material2009 “This is my City” interdisciplinary mixed media 3d compositing project for urban planning Old Ladies’ House Art Space Macau, China SAR2006 Photography Exhibition, “Virtual Renovations: The Case of Dundokov 56” Art for the Last Time Sofia, Bulgaria.August 2006 3d animation workshop “Upgrade! Sofia” Sofia, Bulgaria.Spring 2006 Director of Photography, “Letter” short film Official SXSW (South by Southwest) Film Festival Selection Austin, Texas.June 2005 – September 2005 Director/Cinematographer “Small Futures: Envisioning Nanotechnology” 19 minute documentary short produced in association with Science and Technology Studies Program at the University of Texas Austin, Austin, Texas.April 2004, Februrary 2002, September 2002 Video Art Installations, Austin Museum of Digital Art (AMODA), Austin, Texas.January 2002 Principal Actor, “Yada, Yada,” Official Sundance Short Film Selection Park City, UtahSeptember 2001 Director/Cinematographer “The Little Death” official selection Cinematexas Festival of Film and Video Austin, Texas.September 2001 Photography Exhibition, “Imaging the Balkans” Photographic Exhibit sponsored by the College of Liberal Arts Austin, Texas.

