2023-03-13 12:05
  • 谢兴华
  • 谢兴华 - 副教授硕士生导师-安徽理工大学-个人资料




(1963—),男,致公党党员,湖南衡阳人,博士,硕士生导师,三级教授。1986年7月在安徽理工大学民用爆破器材与技术专业毕业留校任教, 获学士学位。1990年9月至1993年4月在安徽理工大学攻读矿山建设工程硕士研究生,获硕士学位。1996年被评聘为副教授,分别担任爆炸技术教研室副主任、主任。2000年7月至2000年12月被科技部选派代表中国政府在日本国际资源大学开展“资源可持续发展”国际研修,在19国研修员中被评为最佳研修员。2001年被评聘为教授。2004年2月至2007年3月在大连理工大学力学系攻读博士学位。科技部国际合作专家,出访日本、德国、捷克(炸药安全合作)、泰国、白俄罗斯、巴基斯坦、缅甸和蒙古国(伊洛河铁矿爆破咨询)等;担任3rd International Conference on Smart Materials and Nanotechnology in Engineering分会主席。安徽省高校首批学科带头人培养对象,科技部国际合作专家、中国工程爆破协会爆炸加工行业委员会委员和行业专家、国家综合评标专家和安徽省质量技术监督局专家。淮南市第十四届政协委员。获奖情况1.2010年“改革和加强实践教学培养创新新型弹药工程与爆炸技术专业人才”获安徽省教学成果一等奖,安徽理工大学教学成果特等奖2.2012年“武器类专业的工程整合”获安徽理工大学教学成果一等奖3.2014年获安徽省工程爆破协会“突出贡献奖”4.2015年“地军两用创新人才培养模式试验区”获安徽省教学成果特等奖5.1996年获中国兵工学会火工情报网通报奖励。申报成功“应用化学”硕士授权点6.1998年获中国兵工学会火工烟火年会优秀论文二等奖。安徽理工大学优秀教师7.2000年在日本获最佳研修员称号证书。安徽省优秀学科带头人培养对象8.2001年起草“应用化学”重点学科验收材料获安徽省优秀级重点学科验收




X.H. Xie, K. Xu, H.S. Zhou. Emulsion explosives containing catalytic metal ion. Advanced Materials Research, 2015, 1082:22-25.X.H. Xie, L. Wang, H.S. Zhou. Enlightment of“May 20”Explosion Accident. Advanced Materials Research, 2015, 1082:391-394.X.H. Xie, C. Y. Dai, H.S. Zhou. "321" incident iron ions characteristics and catalytic mechanism of thinking. Advanced Materials Research, 2015, 1082:395-398.X.H. Xie, K. Xu, H.S. Zhou. Deflagration to detonation transition of explosives without the effects of shock waves. Advanced Materials Research, 2015, 1082: 399-402.S.L. Yan, X.H. Xie, H.S. Zhou. Deflagration of emulsion explosive. Advanced Materials Research, 2015, 1082:18-21.H.S. Zhou, X.H. Xie, K. Xu. Thermal Decomposition Conditions of Emulsion Matrix in the Emulsifier. Advanced Materials Research, 2015, 1082: 387-390.H.S. Zhou, X.H. Xie, K. Xu. Stability test of emulsion matrix in the emulsifier. Advanced Materials Research, 2015, 1082: 26-29.Huisheng Zhou, Xinghua Xie. Combustion Synthesis for Nanometer Spinel Lithium Composite. Integrated Ferroelectrics, 2013,147(1):1-7 SCI 199YX,EI 20134917045475Xie, XH; Yan, XR. Composite Oxides Powders. SPIE-INT SOC OPTICAL ENGINEERING, 1000 20TH ST, PO BOX 10, BELLINGHAM, WA 98227-0010 USA,2012 SCIXie, XH; Ye Z. Measuring of nanometer oxide powders. Advanced Materials Research Vols. 503-504:1416-1419, 2012 EIXie, XH; Yan, XR; Zhou, HS ; Di, YX ; Zhu, J ; Yan, SL . Effluent for Pollutants from Dinitrodiazophenol Manufacturing. INTEGRATED FERROELECTRICS Volume: 127 Pages: 34-38, 2011. (SCI847YB) WOS:000297010500007X.H. Xie, S.Y. Liu,J. Xie,H.S. Zhou and S.L.Yan. Active Cathode of Lithium Battery for Electric Vehicle. In Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics. Lancaster: DEStech Publications, Inc.: 100-103, 2011 EIX.H. Xie, X.R. Yan, J. Xie, S.Y. Liu. Lithium oxides from Emulsion Explosive. In Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics. Lancaster: DEStech Publications, Inc.: 108-111, 2011 EIH.S. Zhou, J. Xie, X.H. Xie and S.L.Yan. Detonation of Water-Gel Explosive. In Advances in Heterogeneous Material Mechanics. Lancaster: DEStech Publications, Inc.: 104-107, 2011 EIXie Xinghua, Di yunxin, Yan Xianrong, Yang Minhui, Zhu Jing, Yan Shilong. Powders Cooperated with Explosives. In Asia-Pacific Symposium on Blasting Techniques. Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press: 136-139, 2011.7 ISBN 978-7-5024-5682-5Xie Xinghua, Yan Xianrong. Rapid blasting excavation. In Asia-Pacific Symposium on Blasting Techniques. Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press: 247-249, 2011.7Xie Xinghua, Di yunxin, Yan Shilong. Explosive synthesis and usage for nanometer oxides. In Proceedings of the 125th China Engineering Science and Technology Forum. Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press: 236-242, 2011.8 ISBN 978-7-5024-5753-2Xie Xinghua, Di yunxin, Yan Shilong. Detonation parameters on the detonation synthesis of nano-size powder. In Proceedings of the 125th China Engineering Science and Technology Forum. Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press: 243-247, 2011.8Xie Xinghua, Di yunxin, Yan Shilong. Explosive synthesis for lithium iron phosphate. In Proceedings of the 125th China Engineering Science and Technology Forum. Beijing: Metallurgical Industry Press: 248-255, 2011.8X.H. Xie. Explosive synthesis for lithium battery materials. London:Rock Fragmentation by Blasting-Sanchidrián. 2010 Taylor & Francis Group: 821-825

