2023-03-13 11:27
  • 聂光军
  • 聂光军 - 副教授-安徽工程大学-个人资料




所受教育2009年9月–2012年7月 中国科学技术大学,博士2001年9月–2004年6月 浙江大学, 硕士1997年9月–2001年7 月 安徽科技学院, 学士职称职位2011年7月-至今 安徽工程大学 副教授2006年10月-2011年6月 安徽工程大学 讲师2004年7月1日-2006年9月安徽工程科技学院 助教




1、G.J. Nie, Chen Z, Zheng ZM*, Jin W, Gong GH, Wang L, Yue WJ. Enhancement of transesterification-catalyzing capability of bio-imprinted tannase in organic solvents by cryogenic protection and immobilization. J Mol Catal B: Enzymatic, 2013, 94:1-6.2、 G.J. Nie, X.R. Yang, H. Liu, L. Wang, G.H. Gong, W. Jin, Z.M. Zheng *. N+ Ion beam implantation of tannase-producing Aspergillus niger and optimization of its process parameters under submerged fermentation. Ann Microbiol, 2013,63 :279-287.3、G.J. Nie, Z.M. Zheng *, G.H. Gong, G.H. Zhao, Y. Liu, J.Y. Song, J. Dai. Characterization of Bioimprinted Tannase and its Kinetic and Thermodynamics properties in synthesis of Propyl gallate by Transesterification in Anhydrous medium. Appl Biochem Biotech, 2012, 167:2305-2317.4、G.J. Nie, Z.M. Zheng *, W. Jin, G.H. Gong, L. Wang. Development of a tannase biocatalyst based on bio-imprinting for the production of propyl gallate by transesterification in organic media. J Mol Catal B: Enzymatic, 2012, 78:32-37.5、G.J. Nie, W. J.Yue. Screening of chitinase production strain and effect of its metabolite on magnesium ammonium phosphate crystals fractal. J Pure Appl Microbio, 2, 319-324. 20086、G.J. Nie, H. Liu, Z. Chen, P. Wang, G.H. Zhao, Z.M. Zheng *. Synthesis of propyl gallate from tannic acid catalyzed by tannase from Aspergillus oryzae: Process optimization of transesterification in anhydrous media. J Mol Catal B: Enzymatic, 2012, 82: 102-108.7、 G.J. Nie, Z.M. Zheng*, W.J. Yue*, Y. Liu, H. Liu, P. Wang, G.H. Zhao, W.R. Cai, Z.L. Xue. One-pot bio-synthesis of propyl gallate by a novel whole-cell biocatalyst. Process Biochem, 49:277-282, 20138、W.J. Yue*, G.Q. Zhang, S.M. Wang, W.S. Sun, M.Y. Lan, G.J. Nie*. Influence of crystal phase for CuInS2 on device performance of polymer–CuInS2/oxide nanoarrays solar cells. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing. doi: 10.1016/j.mssp.2014.02.032, 2014. (Corresponding author)9、W.J. Yue*, M.Y. Lan, G.Q. Zhang, S.M. Wang, W.S. Sun, G.J. Nie*. Size-dependent polymer/CuInS2 solar cells with tunable synthesis of CuInS2 quantum dots. Materials Science in Semiconductor Processing, 24:117-125,2014. (Corresponding author)10、W.J. Yue*, G.J. Nie*. Tunable Device Parameters of Polymer/CuInS2 Solar Cells Depending on CuInS2 Quantum Dot Size. J Nanosci Nanotechnol, 14: 1-8. 2014 (Corresponding author)11、W.J. Yue, M.T. Wang*, G.J. Nie*. Ternary MEH-PPV-CuInS2/ZnO solar cells with tunable CuInS2 content. Sol Energy,114:43-53, 2013 (Corresponding author)12、Y. Liu, Z.L. Xue, Z.M. Zheng*, G.H. Gong, P. Wang , G.J. Nie. He-Ne laser irradiation of folate-producing Candida utilis and optimization of culture conditions under submerged fermentation. Ann Microbiol, 2013, 63:1-7.13、W.J. Yue *, C.M. Ding, G.J. Nie, H.C. Rong. Influence of different templates on crystal growth of calcium oxalate. Asian J Chem, 2007, 19 :2015-2022.14、W.J. Yue *, G.J. Nie. Influence of Different Biomolecules on Crystal Growth of Calcium Oxalate in Microemulsion. Asian J Chem, 2009, 21: 6295-6300.15、W.J. Yue *, G.J. Nie, Z.X. Chen, Y.B. Li, Q.Q. Xu. Influence of Different Kinds of Polysaccharides on Crystal Growth of Calcium Oxalate in Microemulsion. Asian J Chem, 2011, 23 :319-322.

