2023-03-13 11:15
  • 郑刘根
  • 郑刘根 - 博士副教授-安徽大学-个人资料




学习经历1993.09-1997.07 安徽理工大学地质系水文地质与工程地质专业,获工学学士学位。2003.08-2008.07 中国科学技术大学环境科学与工程专业,研究方向为环境地球化学,获工学博士学位。2005.11-2006.05 香港大学学习。工作简历1997.07-2003.07 安徽理工大学地质系任教2008.07-2011.06 中国科学技术大学从事博士后研究2011.07月以来,安徽大学资源与环境工程学院任教,先后任地质科学与工程系主任,现任资源与环境工程学院院长助理,担任环境科学与工程学术学位、环境工程专业学位硕士研究生导师。 承担项目:主持完成项目:1.“十二五”国家科技支撑计划子课题(2012BAC10B02-06)2.安徽省自然科学面上基金(1208085ME66)3.安徽省教育厅重点基金(KJ2012A02)4.中国科学院院长基金(200910086)5.中国博士后特别基金(201003320)6.中国博士后科学基金(20080440771)7.有机地球化学国家重点实验室开放基金(OGL-200701)8.淮南矿业(集团)有限责任公司委托项目9.煤矿生态环境保护国家工程实验室委托项目目前在研科研项目:1.国家自然科学面上基金(41373108)2.安徽省国土资源厅科技项目3.国家重大社科招标项目子课题4.淮北矿业(集团)有限责任公司委托项目5.煤矿生态环境保护国家工程实验室委托项目目前在研教研项目:1.2013年安徽省高等教育振兴计划专业改造与新专业建设项目:地质学(2013zytz009);2.2014年安徽大学本科质教育质量提升计划项目:地质学特色专业建设(xjtszy1402);3.安徽大学振兴计划专业建设子项目:《普通地质学》精品资源共享课程;4.2014年安徽大学“百门精品素质教育课程”建设项目:《走近地球》SZJYKC2014007;5.2012年安徽大学大学生科研训练计划项目:煤及煤矸石中汞的淋溶析出机理研究(KYXL2012050);6.2015年安徽大学本科教育质量提升计划项目:地质学基础实习实践教程(ZLT2015025);7.2015年安徽大学大学生创新创业训练计划项目:淮北矿区土壤重金属污染及微生物生态特征研究(201510357174)。 专 著:《泉大资源枯竭矿区生态环境修复工程与实践》,郑刘根等著,2016,北京师范大学出版集团 安徽大学出版社。科研奖励:1.中国煤炭工业学会科学技术三等奖(2010-362-R05).荣 誉:1.2005年05月获得中国科学院“院长优秀奖”2.2006年09月获得第23届国际有机岩石年会(TSOP)杰出论文奖励(the Outstanding Paper Award)3.2009年12月获得“安徽省首届优秀博士论文”




1.Zheng Liugen, Liu Guijian, Chou Chen-Lin, 2007. The distribution, occurrence and environmental effects of mercury in Chinese coals. Science of the Total environment, 384(1-3):374-383. (SCI和EI收录)2.Zheng Liugen, Liu Guijian, Qi Cuicui, Zhang Ying, Wong Minghong, 2008. The use of sequential extraction to determine the distribution and modes of occurrence of mercury in Permian Huaibei Coal, Anhui, Province, China. International Journal of Coal Geology,73(2):139-155. (SCI和EI收录)3.Zheng Liugen, Liu Guijian, Chou Chen-Lin, 2008. Abundance and modes of occurrence of mercury in some low-sulfur coals from China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 73(1):19-26. (SCI和EI收录)4.Zheng Liugen, Liu Guijian, Chou Chen-Lin, Qi Cuicui, Zhang Ying, 2007. Geochemistry of Rare Earth elements in Permian coals from the Huaibei Coalfield, Anhui Province, China. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 31(2):167-176. (SCI和EI收录)5.Zheng Liugen, Liu Guijian, Wang Lei, Chou Chen-Lin, 2008. Composition and quality of coals in the Huaibei Coalfield, Anhui, China. Journal of Geochemical Exploration, 97: 59-68. (SCI和EI收录)6.Zheng Liugen, Liu Guijian, Kang Yu, Yang Renkang, 2010. Some potential hazardous trace elements contamination and their ecological risk in sediments of western Chaohu Lake, China,Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 2010,166(1-4):379-386. (SCI和EI收录)7.Zheng Liugen, Tang Quan, Fan Jiaming, Huang Xiaoyu, 2015. Distribution and health risk assessment of mercury in urban street dust from coal energy dominant Huainan City, China.Environmental Science and Pollution Research,2015,22(12):9316-9322.(SCI收录)8.Zheng Liugen, Liu Guijian, Qi Cuicui, 2007. Relationship between Hg and sulfur in coal from Huaibei coalfield, China. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 71: A1167-A1167. (SCI收录)9.Zheng Liugen, Liu Guijian, Chou Chen-Lin, 2008. Occurrence of rare earth elements in Huaibei coals, Anhui Province. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 72: A1096-A1096. (SCI收录)10.Zheng Liugen, Liu Guijian, Chen Yiwei, Qi Cuicui, Zhang Ying, 2006. The occurrence and environmental effect of mercury in Chinese coals. Abstracts of the 23th Annual Meeting of the Society for Organic Petrology, 2006, volume 23, Beijing, China, September 15-22. (ISTP收录) 11.Liu Guijian, Zheng Liugen, Nurdan S. Duzgoren-Aydin, Gao Lianfen, Liu Junhua, Peng Zicheng, 2007. Toxic Trace Elements As, F and Se in Chinese indoor Coals combustion and Their Health Implications, Review of Environmental Contaminated and Toxicology, Vol.189: 89-106. (SCI收录)12.Liu Guijian, Zheng Liugen, Zhang Ying, Qi Cuicui, Chen Yiwei, Peng Zicheng, 2007. Distribution and mode of occurrence of As, Hg, and Se and Sulfur in coal seam 3 of the Shanxi Formation, Yanzhou Coalfield, China. International Journal of Coal Geology, 71(1-2):371-385. (SCI和EI收录)13.Liu Guijian, Zheng Liugen, Qi Cuicui, Zhang Ying, 2007. Environmental geochemistry and health of fluorine in Chinese coals. Environmental Geology, 52:1307-1314. (SCI和EI收录)14.Liu Guijian, Zheng Liugen, Wu Enjiang, Peng Zicheng, 2006. Depositional and Chemical Characterization of coal from Yayu coalfield. Energy Exploration & Exploitation, 24(6):417-438. (SCI和EI收录)15.Liu Guijian, Zheng Liugen, Gao Lianfen, Zhang Haoyuan, Peng Zicheng, 2005. The characterization of coal quality from the Jining coalfield. Energy, 30(10): 1903-1914. (SCI和EI收录)16.Liu Guijian, Zheng Liugen, Peng Zicheng, 2004. Distribution of hazardous trace elements during coal beneficiation, Geochimical et Cosmochimica Acta, 68 (11): A522-A522. (SCI收录)17.Liu Guijian, Gao Lianfen, Zheng Liugen, Zhang Haoyuan, Peng Zicheng, 2004. Leaching behavior of fly ashes from power plants. Acta Geological Sinica, 78(3):720-723.18.Liu Guijian, Gao Lianfen, Zheng Liugen, 2005. Geochemistry of sulfur in Chinese coal. Goldschmidt et Cosmochimica Acta, 69(10): 847. (SCI收录)19.Liu Guijian, Qi Cuicui, Zheng Liugen, Zhang Ying, 2007. Fluorine in Chinese coal and its health impact. Geochimical et Cosmochimica Acta, 71(15), A589. (SCI收录)20.Sun Ruoyu, Liu Guijian, Zheng Liugen, Chou, C. L., 2010. Characteristics of coal quality and their relationship with coal-forming environment: a case study from Zhuji coal mine, Huainan coalfield, Anhui, China. Energy 35, 423-435 (DOI: 10.1016/j.energy.2009.10.009). (SCI和EI收录)21.Sun Ruoyu, Liu Guijian, Zheng Liugen, Chou, C. L., 2009. Sedimentology and Geochemistry of coals from Zhuji coal mine, Huainan coalfield, Anhui, China. International Journal of Coal Geology. (DOI: 10.1016/j.coal.2009.12.001). (SCI和EI收录)22.Liu Guijian, Stanislav V. Vassilev, Gao Lianfen, Zheng Liugen, Peng Zicheng, 2005. Mineral and chemical composition and some trace element contents in coals and ashes from Huaibei coalfield, China. Energy Conversion and Management, 46(13-14): 2001-2009. (SCI和EI收录)23.Liu Guijian, Zhang Haoyuan, Gao Lianfen, Zheng Liugen, Peng Zicheng, 2004. Petrological and mineralogical characterizations and chemical composition of coal ashes from power plants in Yanzhou mining district, China. Fuel Processing Technology, 85(15): 1635-1646. (SCI和EI收录)24.Qi Cuicui, Liu Guijian, Chou Chen-Lin, Zheng Liugen, 2008. Environmental geochemistry of antimony in Chinese coals. Science of The Total Environment, 389(2-3): 225-234. (SCI收录)25.Liu Guijian, Zhang Ying, Qi Cuicui, Zheng Liugen, Chen Yiwei, Peng Zicheng, 2007. Comparative on Causes and Accumulation of Selenium in the Tree-rings Ambient High-selenium Coal Combustion Area from Yutangba, Hubei, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 133(1-3), 99-103. (SCI收录)26.Wang Lei, Ju Yiwen, Liu Guijian, Chou Chen-lin, Zheng Liugen, Qi Cuicui, 2009. Selenium in Chinese coals: distribution, occurrence and health impact. Environmental Earth Sciences, DOI: 10.1007/s12665-009-0298-8. (SCI和EI收录)27.Liu Guijian, Niu Zhiyuan, Van Niekerk Daniel, Xue Jian, Zheng Liugen, 2007. Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAHs) from Coal Combustion: Emissions, Analysis and Toxicology. Review of Environmental Contaminate and Toxicology, 192, 1-28. (SCI收录)28.Xue Jian, Liu Guijian, Niu Zhiyuan, Chou Chen-Lin, Zheng Liugen, Zhang Haoyuan, 2007. Factors that influence the extraction of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons from coals. Energy & Fuels,21(2), 881-890. (SCI收录)29.郑刘根, 刘桂建, 齐翠翠, 张莹, 陈怡伟, 2007. 淮北煤田煤中汞的赋存状态. 地球科学, 32(2): 279-284. (EI收录)30.郑刘根, 刘桂建, 张浩原等., 2006. 淮北煤田二叠纪煤中稀土元素地球化学研究. 高校地质学报, 12(1): 41-52.31.郑刘根, 刘桂建, 齐翠翠, 陈怡伟, 张莹, 2007. 中国煤中汞的环境地球化学研究. 中国科学技术大学学报, 37(8):953-963.32.郑刘根, 刘桂建, 张浩原等, 2006. 淮北煤田二叠纪煤中伴生元素的亲和性研究. 岩石矿物学杂志, 25(3): 243-248.33.郑刘根, 刘桂建, Chou Chen-lin, 高连芬, 彭子成, 2006. 中国煤中砷的含量分布, 赋存状态, 富集及环境意义. 地球学报, 27(4): 355-366.34.郑刘根, 刘桂建, 薛翦. 两淮煤田煤矸石的环境影响及综合利用途径研究. 安徽建筑工业学院学报, 2005,13:1-4.35.郑刘根, 陈园平, 刘桂建, 2013. 815℃灰化前后淮北煤中矿物质变化特征. 岩石矿物学杂志, 31(1):106-112.36.郑刘根, 李超, 姜春露, 陈永春, 2014. 淮南新庄孜矿采煤沉陷复垦区重金属分布及生态风险评价. 水土保持学报, 28(4):1-5.37.郑刘根, 刘响响, 程桦, 陈永春, 2016. 非稳沉采煤沉陷区沉积物-水体界面的氮、磷分集及迁移转化特征. 湖泊科学, 28(1):86-93.38.丁帅帅, 郑刘根, 程桦, 2015. 电感耦合等离子体发射光谱-逐级化学提取法研究低硫煤矸石中微量元素的赋存状态及其环境效应. 岩矿测试, 34(6):629-63539.刘响响, 郑刘根, 程桦, 姜春露, 2014. 淮南采煤沉陷水体中氮磷的分布特征及环境意义. 中国科学技术大学学报, 44(11):926-932.(通讯作者)40.范佳民, 郑刘根, 姜春露, 程桦, 2014. 淮南市城区地表灰尘重金属分布特征及生态风险评价. 生态环境学报, 23(10):1643-1649. (通讯作者)41.黄晓雨, 郑刘根, 程桦, 姜春露, 2015. 卧龙湖煤矿岩浆蚀变煤层中汞的分布与赋存特征. 高校地质学报, 21(2):280-287. (通讯作者)42.陈辉, 郑刘根, 姜春露, 2015. 淮南顾桥采煤沉陷区土壤镉的赋存特征及其生物有效性. 中国科学技术大学学报, 45(5):388-396. (通讯作者)

