吕 婵
2023-03-07 16:17
  • 吕 婵
  • 吕 婵 - 助理教授-澳门科技大学-个人资料




学历2010 - 2014 澳门大学 博士学位2008 - 2010 澳门大学 硕士学位2003 - 2008 澳门大学 学士学位 2005 - 2006 交换 / 比利时鲁汶大学 教学经验 现职 澳门科技大学 / 商学院 / 助理教授 2013 -2014 澳门科技大学 / 商学院 / 讲师 2011 - 2012 澳门大学 / 工商管理学院 / 兼职讲师


财务会计 管理会计 公司治理

研究项目 2015. 11 - 2016. 11 多元化经营与企业绩效的元分析研究 2015. 09 - 2016. 08 澳门公司家族控制与经营关系研究 2014. 09 - 2015. 08 澳门企业反审计能力及治理对策研究 2011 - 2012 澳门车辆购买及税费使用研究2011 - 2013 Corporate governance and efficient earnings management: an international study


期刊文章(部分): Yu Zhang, Xianming Wu, Hao Zhang and Chan Lyu (2018) “Cross-Border M&A and the Acquirers’ Innovation Performance: An Empirical Study in China”, Sustainability, Vol.10, jissue 6, pp.1796. DOI: 10.3390/su10061796 (SSCI, SCI) Zhang, Hao; Sun, Xinbo; Lyu, Chan (2018), “Exploratory Orientation, Business Model Innovation and New Venture Growth”, Sustainability, Vol.10, issue 1, pp.56. (SSCI, SCI) Lyu, Chan, Desmond C.Y. Yuen, X. Zhang (2017), “Ownership Concentration and Earnings Attributes: A Comparison between West Europe and East Asia”, Asia Pacific Journal of Accounting & Economics, Vol.24, issue 1-2, pp. 23-42. (SSCI) YI Jing, LU Dong, LYU Chan, QU Xihua (2016), “The effect of the community trust on the resident's intention to take part in the community elderly care service: From the individual behavior perspectives”, Journal of Chongqing University (Social Science Edition), Vol. 22, No.4, pp.186-193. (PKU) Chan Lyu, Desmond C.Y. Yuen, X. Zhang, Nini Zhang (2014) “The Impact of IFRS Adoption and Real Activities Manipulation: Evidence from China”, Journal of Applied Management Accounting Research, Vol.12 Issue2, pp.17-39. (ABDC) Chan Lyu (2014), “A Framework on Tourist Behavior Research in Macau”, Journal of Liaoning University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), May (PKU, RCCSE) Chan Lyu (2014), “A Comparative Study on the Gaming Industry between Macau (China) and Korea”, Journal of Liaoning University (Philosophy and Social Science Edition), October, pp.34. (PKU, RCCSE) Philip Law, Desmond C.Y. Yuen, Chan Lyu (2013), “The Impact of Guanxi on Auditor Independence: Perceptions of Auditors and CFOs in Hong Kong”, Corporate Ownership and Control, Vol. 10. pp. 685-699. Desmond C.Y. Yuen, Philip Law, Chan Lu, Jenny Guan (2013), “Dysfunctional Auditing Behaviour: Empirical Evidence on Auditors’ Behaviour in Macau”, International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, Vol. 21, iss. 3. pp.209-226. (ABDC) Desmond C.Y. Yuen, Morris Liu, Steve Xu, Chan Lu (2009), “A Case Study of Voluntary Disclosure by Chinese Enterprises”, Asian Journal of Finance & Accounting. Vol. 1, no. 2 (ABDC) 会议论文: Lyu, Chan, Zhang Chao. “Executive Compensation and Earnings Management – An Empirical Study of Manufacturing Industry”. ICEDEM 2017: Proceedings of the 2017 International Conference on Economic Development and Education Management. Dalian, P.R. China. Dec 16-17, 2017. Xin Wang, Libo Feng, Hui Zhang, Chan Lyu, Li Wang, Yue You. Human Resource Information Management Model based on Blockchain Technology. Proceedings of 11th IEEE International Symposium on Service-Oriented System Engineering (SOSE), 168-173, Apr. 2017. You Yue; Yue, Yaomeng; Chan Lyu; Wang Li; Zhong Yao; Tian Jiawei. “Correlation Analysis of Multi-Source Product Quality Information.” ICIM'2016: Proceedings of The 13th International Conference on Industrial Management. Hiroshima, Japan. SEP 21-23, 2016. Chan Lu, Desmond C.Y. Yuen, Steven Zhang, “Ownership Concentration and Earnings Quality” Academy of International Business (AIB) Southeast Asia Regional Conference organized by Hong Kong Institute of Business Studies, Lingnan University, in Taipei, Taiwan. December 2011. Chan Lu, Steven Zhang, Desmond C.Y. Yuen, “Ownership Structure and Earnings Attributes: A Comparison between West Europe and East Asia”. 2nd International Conference of Accounting, Business, Leadership and Information Management (ICABLIM2010) organized by International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, in New Orleans, Louisiana, the United States. May 2010. Best Paper Award Lu, Chan and Desmond C.Y. Yuen, “Dysfunctional Auditing Behavior: a research on auditor behavior in Macau”. 1st International Conference of Accounting, Business, Leadership and Information Management (ICABLIM2009) organized by International Journal of Accounting and Information Management, in Beijing, China, August 2009. Lu, Chan and Desmond C.Y. Yuen, “Auditor Behavior”. 1st World Accounting Frontiers Series Conference organized by University of Macau, in Macau, July 2009.

