Academic QualificationsPh.D. in Law, University of MacauMaster of Law, University of MacauBachelor of Law, University of MacauTeaching AreaGeneral Theory of Civil LawObligation Law
General Theory of Civil Law, Obligation LawLegal History, Roman Law, Legal translation
Book Chapters:唐晓晴、吴奇琦等合著,《民法一般论题与澳门民法典总则》,上册,北京:社会科学文献出版社、澳门:澳门基金会出版,2015第167至192页(法律关系)、第198至227页(权利义务)、第228至250页(人、物与财产)、第271至276页(法律事实与情谊行为)Tong Io Cheng, Ng Kei Kei et al., General Discourses of Civil Law and the General Part of the Macau Civil Code, Vol. I, Beijing: Social Sciences Academic Press and Macau: Fundação Macau, 2015pp. 167-192 (Legal Relations), 198-227 (Rights and Obligations), 228-250 (Persons, Things and Patrimony), 271-276 (Legal Facts and Gefälligkeiten)Works of Translation:葡)曼努埃尔德•安德拉德着,吴奇琦译,《法律关系总论》,第二卷,北京:法律出版社,2018,共513页Manuel de Andrade, Teoria Geral da Relação Jurídica, Vol. II, translated by Ng Kei Kei from Portuguese, Beijing: Law Press China, 2018, 513 pages(葡)曼努埃尔•德•安德拉德着,吴奇琦译,《法律关系总论》,第一卷,北京:法律出版社,2015,共305页Manuel de Andrade, Teoria Geral da Relação Jurídica, Vol. I, translated by Ng Kei Kei from Portuguese, Beijing: Law Press China, 2015, 305 pagesArticles:吴奇琦,《澳门民法典中文版意思表示瑕疵制度若干译语商榷:论erro-vício(瑕疵错误)、invalidado(非有效)、simulação fraudulenta(诈害虚伪)、falta de consciência de declaração(欠缺表示意识)、vontade da acção(行动意思)、culpa grosseira(重大过失)、elemento(元素) 的汉译错讹, 兼评诸条文其他翻译问题》,载于《澳门立法与司法见解评论》,第一期,2015,第2页至第28页Ng Kei Kei, On the Chinese Translations of the regime “Vices of Declaration of Will” (Vícios da Declaração de Vontade) in Macau Civil Code: The Wrong Translations of erro-vício(瑕疵错误), invalidado(非有效), simulação fraudulenta(诈害虚伪), falta de consciência de declaração(欠缺表示意识), vontade da acção(行动意思), culpa grosseira(重大过失)and elemento(元素), and other translation problems, in Revista de Legislação e de Jurisprudência de Macau, Associação de estudos de Legislação e de Jurisprudência de Macau, n. 1, 2015, pp. 2-28吴奇琦:《法律行为三元素(要素、常素、偶素)理论的诞生发展史》,载《交大法学》2020年第2期,第32至61页(CSSCI)Ng Kei Kei, The Origin and Development of the Trichotomy of Essentialia, Naturalia and Accidentialia Negotii, in SJTU Law Review, 2020 (2), pp. 32-61 (CSSCI)吴奇琦:《现代法上主体客体理论的发展、困境与出路:哲学的新路,法学的迷路?》,载《澳门法学》2020年第1期Ng Kei Kei, The Development, Difficulties and Solution of the “Subject-Object Dualism” in Modern Law: Law lost its way while Philosophy had a new way?, in Macau Law Review, 2020 (1)吴奇琦,《结婚是合同吗?──从罗马法、教会法到近代世俗法》,载于《「罗马法系与澳门:连接欧洲大陆、中国、拉美的固有法和共同法的平台」研讨会论文集》,澳门大学,2013,第59至105页Ng Kei Kei, Is Marriage a Contract? in Roman Law, Canon Law and Modern Secular Law, in O Sistema Jurídico Romanístico e Macau: Plataforma entre Direito Próprio e Direito Comum entre China, Europa Continental e América Latina, University of Macau, 2013, pp. 59-105吴奇琦,《论诉权与实体权利的合一与分流──从罗马法的Actio开始直至近代的路径追问》,载于《北方法学》2013年第1期,第11至20页(CSSCI)Ng Kei Kei, On the Integration and Separation between Right of Action and Substantive Right – An Investigation into the Development Route till Modern Times from Roman Actio, in Bei Fang Fa Xue (Northern Legal Science), no 1, 2013, pp. 11-20 (CSSCI)Conferences Proceedings:「二零一四年两岸四地民法论坛──第12届民法典学术研讨会:21世纪民法新思维」,由台湾东吴大学法学院与大陆中国民法学研究会、中国人民大学民商事法律科学研究中心合办,2014年9月16日及17日,台湾东吴大学发表论文:吴奇琦,《法律行为「要素、常素、偶素」理论:诞生发展史与方法论缺失》,并载于研讨会论文集(2014. 9. 16,场地B)“the Cross-Strait Four-Regions Civil Law Forum 2014- the 12th Cross-Strait Conference on Civil Code: Innovative Thinking in Civil Law in the 21th Century”, co-organized by Faculty of Law of Taiwan Soochow University, Chinese Civil Law Academic Association, Center for the Study of Civil Law and Commercial Law of Renmin University of China, 16-17/9/2014, Taiwan Soochow Universitypaper delivered: Ng Kei Kei, The Trichotomy of Essentialia, Naturalia and Accidentialia Negotii: Origin, Development and Methodological Shortcomings, included in collection of essays (2014. 9. 16, Venue B)「罗马法系与澳门:连接欧洲大陆、中国、拉美的固有法和共同法的平台」研讨会,由澳门大学(高级法律研究所)、澳门基金会、湖南大学及意大利国家科研委员会下属「罗马法框架下中国法典编纂与法学家培养观测站」合办,2013年11月6日至7日,澳门大学发表论文:吴奇琦,《结婚是合同吗?──从罗马法、教会法到近代世俗法》,并载于研讨会论文集(第59至105页)“O Sistema Jurídico Romanístico e Macau: Plataforma entre Direito Próprio e Direito Comum entre China, Europa Continental e América Latina” , co-organized by Universidade de Macau (Instituto de Estudos Jurídicos Avançados), Fundação Macau, Universidade de Hunan, Observatório sobre a Codificação e a Formação de Juristas na China no Âmbito do Direito Romano, 6-7/11/2013, Universidade de Macaupaper delivered: Ng Kei Kei, Is Marriage a Contract? in Roman Law, Canon Law and Modern Secular Law, included in the collection of essays (pp. 59-105)