2023-03-07 15:49
  • 聂海涛
  • 聂海涛 - 博士后-安徽师范大学-个人资料








1、代表性论文(20篇以内,*号为通讯作者):· Nie, H. T.; Guo, Y. X.; Yao, X. L.; et al. Acute nutrient treatment causes alterations in intra-follicular antioxidation and AKT signaling. Reproduction, 2017 155(1): 37~49.· Nie H T, Wang Z Y, Zhang G M, et al. Amino acids profile within peripheral blood and follicular fluid based on high-performance liquid chromatography methods may explain differences in folliculogenesis between short-term under/over-fed treatments during luteal phase of Hu sheep[J]. Reproduction in Domestic Animals, 2018.· Nie H, Wang Z, You J, et al. Comparison of in vitro digestibility and chemical composition among four crop straws treated by Pleurotus ostreatus.[J]. Asian Australasian Journal of Animal Sciences, 2018.· Zhang, H#; Nie, H T(共同一作)#; Wang, Q; et al. Trace element concentrations and distributions in the main body tissues and the net requirements for maintenance and growth of Dorper Hu lambs.Journal of Animal Science 2015, 93(5):2471-2481· H.T.Nie; Z.Y.Wang; S. Lan; et al. Effect of residual feed intake phenotype-nutritional treatment interaction on growth performance, plasma metabolic variables and somatotropic axis genes expression of growing ewes, Animal Production Science, 2016. 56(10): 1593~1604.· Nie, H T; Wan, Y J#; You, J H; Wang, Z Y; Lan, S; Fan, Y X; Wang, F, Effect of Age on Energy Requirement for Maintenance and Growth of Dorper and Hu Crossbred F1 Ewes Weighing 20 to 50 kg. Asian-Australas Journal of Animal Science, 2015.8, 28 (8): 1140~1149.· Nie, Hai Tao; Zhang, Hao; You, Ji Hao; Wang, Feng*. 《Determination of energy and protein requirement for maintenance and growth and evaluation for the effects of gender upon nutrient requirement in Dorper x Hu Crossbred Lambs》, 2015/6, 47(5), 841-853,《Tropical Animal Health and Production》· 聂海涛,刘浩,郭艺璇,等。《黄体期不同营养水平对湖羊卵泡发育及相关葡萄糖代谢途径的影响》,2018,在版,《畜牧兽医学报》;一类核心期刊· 聂海涛; 游济豪; 王昌龙; 等。 《育肥中后期杜泊羊湖羊杂交F_1代公羊能量需要量参数》, 2012.10.16, (20): 4269~4278《中国农业科学》, 一类核心期刊· 聂海涛; 肖慎华; 兰山; 等。《4~6月龄杜湖羊杂交F_1代母羔净蛋白质需要量》, 2014.12, (01): 93~102,《动物营养学报》,一类核心期刊· 聂海涛,施彬彬,王子玉,等。《杜泊羊和湖羊杂交F_1代公羊能量及蛋白质的需要量》,2012,(02): 344-350,《江苏农业学报》,二类核心期刊· 聂海涛,王子玉,应诗家,等。《采食量水平对杜湖F_1代羊肉品质的影响》,2012,(01): 179-181,《江苏农业科学》,二类核心期刊.2、专著:· 王锋主编,张艳丽、万永杰和聂海涛副主编,中国农业科学技术出版社《羊业科学研究进展(2015)》,(2015年)· 黄明睿、王锋主编,张艳丽、聂海涛、樊懿萱和贡玉清副主编,《肉用山羊养殖与疾病防治新技术》(2015),中国农业科学技术出版社(2015年)· 刁其玉,张乃峰主编,聂海涛等参编,《南方地区经济作物副产物饲料化利用技术》,中国农业科学技术出版社 (2017年)

