裴孝伯,男,1970年2月出生,中共党员,安徽怀宁人,汉族,博士,副教授,硕士生导师。现任安徽农业大学园艺学院副院长、学院党委委员、中共安徽农业大学第五届党代表。担任《安徽大学学报》、《安徽农业大学学报》审稿专家。入选中国农业工程学会设施园艺专业委员会委员,安徽省农产品质量安全专家库专家。担任安徽省农业工程学会常务理事,安徽省园艺学会会员、第九届副理事长,安徽省设施农业装备行业协会副会长。 主讲课程:承担本科生《设施园艺学》、《设施农业工程学》、《设施农业工程预算》等专业主干课程的教学。 :承担研究生《蔬菜设施与环境调控》、《高级蔬菜栽培学》、《无土栽培专题》等课程的教学。
科研情况:持参加科技项目20余项,其中,主持完成省部级项目 3项、在研2项;参加国家和省部级以上项目 10多项。 2002年入选安徽省高校“十五”首批优秀人才培养计划。2003年以来,获教育部科技成果1项和安徽省科技成果4项。发表科研论文 30余篇,出版《有机蔬菜无土栽培技术大全》、《温室大棚种菜技术正误精解》、《名优蔬菜反季节高效栽培技术》、《绿色蔬菜配方施肥技术》、《蔬菜育苗关键技术》和《蔬菜嫁接关键技术》等专著6部。
论文论著:Main Journal Articles in 20041. Character of aerospace tomato and pepper in glasshouse. Acta Agriculture Nucleatae Sinica, 2004,18(4)2. Absorption and distribution of Boric of cucumber in greenhouse, Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2004,20(4)3. Leaf area calculation and its relationship with plant height for cucumber in greenhouse, Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2005,21(8)4. Light condition in modern multi-span greenhouse, Journal of Anhui Agricultural University, 2005,32(2)5. Effect of constant low intensity light on plant growth and photosynthesis rate of cucumber, Journal of Anhui Agricultural University, 2005,32(3)6. Establish of database for environment in greenhouse, Agricultural Network Information, 2005. Light and temperature in tunnel in Hefei district and tolerant index of low temperature and poor light selection for tomato, Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2009,25(4)8. Effect of salt stress by sodium sulfate on yield and quality of tomato, Chinese Agricultural Science Bulletin, 2009,25(4)9. Effect of low concentration of NaHSO3 on photosynthesis of cucumber in greenhouse, Acta Laser Biology Sinica, 2009,18(3)10. Effect of grafting on vitamin C content, soluble carbon-hydrates and protein of cucumber. Anhui Agricultural Science, 2009,37(2)11. Effect of Na2CO3 treatment on salt tolerant of grafted seedling and self-rooted seedlings. Acta Laser Biology Sinica, 2010,19(5)12. Effect of potasium treatment on Cold Resistance of Luffa Seedlings. Journal of Tropical Crop, 2010,31(4)13. Effect of different rootstock on fruit sugar and vitamin C content in watermelon, Journal of Northwest, 2012,21(1)14. Effects of Exogenous Spermidine on salt tolerance of Cucumber Seedlings, Journal of Tropical Crop, 201315.Al-induced proteomics changes in tomato plants over-expressing a glyoxalase I gene. HORTICULTURE RESEARCH. 2020(7) Main Academic Monographs and Textbooks Since 2000 PEI Xiaobo(participant, Textbook), Guidebook for Horticultural Practice. Beijing: China Agriculture Press,2008.01PEI Xiaobo, Handbook for organic vegetables culture through soilless culture. Beijing: Chemical industry press, Beijing,2010.1PEI Xiaobo, Precise Elaboration on vegetable culture in tunnel and greenhouse. Beijing: Chemical industry press, Beijing,2010.7PEI Xiaobo, Higher Profit Culture Techniques for some Famous and special vegetables in China. Beijing: Chemical industry press, Beijing,2011.1PEI Xiaobo, Balanced and Precise fertilization technology for “green” vegetables. Beijing: Chemical industry press, Beijing,2011.1PEI Xiaobo, Key technology for vegetable seedlings, Beijing: Chemistry Industry Press, 2011.7PEI Xiaobo, Key technology on grafting for vegetable crops, Beijing: Chemistry Industry Press, 2011.10XB ZHU,PEI Xiaobo, WANG YH(Translator) Jean-Martin Fortier(Author), The market gardener: a successful grower’s handbook for small-scale organic farming, Beijing: Chemistry Industry Press, 2020.08